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Design and implementation of a bandpass delta-sigma modulator for radio receivers/
Mostafa Ahmed Nashaat Mahmoud ,
Mahmoud, Mostafa Ahmed Nashaat.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
viii, 70P.:
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The fast advance in digital electronics encoUraged designers to make much of the receiver processing tasks to be carried-out digitally. In the IF-Sampling receiver topology, the signal is converted to the digital world while it is still in the Intermediate Frequency (IF) range leading to a flexible receiver that can operate in multi-mode. This receiver topology needs high performance Band-Pass (BP) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
‎The Delta-Sigma Modulation (~M) combines the oversampling technique with the noise shaping one. By oversampling, the signal is sampled many times higher than its Nyquist rate increasing the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Employing noise shaping, implemented by negative feedback, the noise is extremely attenuated in the band of interest leading to a further increase in SNR.
‎Many design parameters have to be chosen for the ~ Modulator in order to achieve the required system specifications; namely Dynamic Range (DR) and SNR. In our work, we have targeted the Global System for Mobile (GSM) system and we have designed a 4th order, then an 8th order BP ~M to achieve the required specifications.
‎Concerning the circuit realization technique, the Switched-Capacitor (SC) technique has been employed due to its many advantages, then O.181lm CMOS process parameters was used for the fully hardware implementation.
‎The design has been carried-out in a hierarchical manner. Starting with the main building block ; the resonator, we have used the Double-Delay (DD) Double-Sampling (DS) Pseudo-2-Path (P2P) technique for its SC realization. Ideal component models have been used first for modeling the circuit components such as the Operational Amplifier and the comparator, then, they have been hardware implemented.