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The use of intraperitoneal mersiline mesh in the management of large ventral hernias =
Alex uni F.O.Medicine ,
Hassanin, Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa.
تاريخ النشر
2000 .
عدد الصفحات
P 110.:
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 70


Incisional hernia is a diffuse extrusion of peritoneum and abdominal contents through the weak scar of an operation or accidental wound:. The Incidence of incisional hernia following abdominal surgery ranges from about I to 11
Anatomy of the abdominal watt:
The anterior abdominal. wall is formed of two recti and pyramidalis muscles. which are placed on both sides of the middle line and three musculo-aponeurotic strata anterolaterally; namely the external oblique, Internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscle
Rectos Sheath
The aponeurosis of the internal oblique splits to enclose the recti muscles. It b’uses with the external oblique aponeurosis in front of the recti muscles and with that of the transversus abdomins behind to form its sheath- halfway between the umblicus and symphysis pubis this arrangement ceases; as all the three; aponeuroses pass in front of’ the muscle. There is thus a concave free lower margin ( semi circular fold of Douglas)• leaving the rectus in its lower pad devoid of its posterior sheath.. This may explain the frequent occurrence of infraumblical incisional hernia after lower abdominal operations’.