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Evaluating hydrocarbon potentials in the Matruh basin, north westarn desert, Egypt, through integrated 3D seismic and log data /
Waleed Mohamed Osman Helal,
Helal, Waleed Mohamed Osman.
Applied geophysics. Geology.
تاريخ النشر
2007 .
عدد الصفحات
199 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 234

from 234


Burial history, subsidence and maturity distributions showed increase of maturity to the SE. Structure contour, sand/shale ratios, Isopach maps showed Kharita and Bahariya dip to SE and sands increase in the eastern portions while thickness to the west. They are mature enough to generate hydrocarbons that migrate to NW. AGC, f-x deconvolution, slant-stack, envelope scaling and production of new coherency seismic data were fulfilled. Wells were tied to seismic data, faults were tracked. Trend analysis showed prevalence of NW trend. Time structure maps showed the presence of two anticlines. Isochron, Dip, Azimuth, Curvature and finally amplitude maps were produced.
Application Fields of the Thesis:
Oil and natural gas exploration and knowledge of their generation circumstances as well as the possibilities of their entrapment.