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Drying operations in spouted bed/
Hossam El-Din Mohamed M.Zeitout,
Zeitout,Hossam El-Din Mohamed M.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حسام الدين محمد زيتون
مشرف / محمد عبد الوهاب زكريا العبد
مشرف / محمد صفوت المهدي عبده
مشرف / عايده القيار
Drying operations.
تاريخ النشر
1979 .
عدد الصفحات
97 P.:
الهندسة (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الهندسة - الهندسه الكيميائيه
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Spouted beid has bE!en used for drying of solids. Clever seeds ,~,
were taken as thE) wetted solids to be: driedbeicaus6 of its average diAmeter and surface area are easily determinE’)d, and thE! seeds are nnt subjected to attrition during spouting. The drying was carried out in a plexi-glass column 2.4 ineh diameter and 2.0 ft. height conm::cted - a t its base ””” b~’ a metallic cone of 450 angle. Hot air W8.iS used for drying where it was introduced through a nozzle a t thE~ bottom of the conA and slightly protruding in the’ cone. Two nozzles of different diameters were u8~d. The conditions of experiments where the initial bed depth (weight of seeds) was varied from 300 to 5. 0 1nc~h, thEl temperature of inlet a 11’ vari.ed from 86°F to 176°F, vo1.umetrlc rate of air vari.ed from 176 to 4•24 ft3/hr, and the diam-
eter of nozzle through which drying air was introduced, a 0.0787 inch and 0.1575 nozZ’le diameter were used.
ThE~ rate of drying of seeds was calculated at different inlet air temperaturES, air floyl rate, initial bed depth and nozzle diameter. The rate of drying was found to increase with increasin.g inlet air temperature and air flow rate and decre&I’ with inoreasing initial
bed depth and noz’1ile dia meter.
~hE’ mass transfer ooeff 10 ient kcs in ftlhl’ and heat transfer ooeffioient h in BTU/hx’• tt:2• 011””, ware thf!Jn oaloula ted from th~J gElnfJral aqUE.;t1ons r
The coefficient of mass transfer and heat transfer were found increase thl:3 inlet air temperatuI’e and air velocity, but ra te of increas ing the inlet air tempers; over lOy-°Fo
Re:rn.olds number was calculated for different flow rates and
different tempera. tures • ShElr~TOod number was calculated using’ thf3 calcula tea. mass transfer coefficient. The re la tion between R-eynold number and Shl:3I’wood number for mass transfer was obtained US1ng the,~, general form equation :
’(’h - A” lle)’ (.”:)9 ... ) n
’-Chn cons cants ofthn aqua tion A , x and n were founc1 0.0166:7,
o.nclL19 res pace 1vely for He ~ ~OO and Sc = 0.58.
NU~\leJ,t number was oaloulatod. uEl1n,g the oaloulated heat fer ooet:f’1oion’h and th’l relation bCltween Reynoldl number and Nuss61t numher tClr hflO b tran”fer we,s obtained utl1ngthfl gentlral equation.
Nu • n” naY (~~;) m
’:rho oonstants of tho equation J3 , ’1, m were tc,undO.001669, 1.264 and•
1.. 30;rosrJE\O’t:lvely for no ~~OCl and Pr = 0.7 •