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الأوضاع السياسية فى اليونان (1945-1952) /
شريف محمد أحمد عبد الجواد،
عبد الجواد، شريف محمد أحمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شريف محمد أحمد عبد الجواد
مشرف / محمد خيرى طلعت
مشرف / نبيل السيد الطوخى
أحوال سياسية- اليونان. اليونان.
تاريخ النشر
2006 .
عدد الصفحات
288 ص. :
تاريخ وفلسفة العلوم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الآداب - التاريخ
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 308

from 308


لقد خرجت من هذه الدراسة التي عشت معها فترة البحث بعدة نتائج، حيث ألقت الوثائق والمصادر المتنوعة الضوء على أحداث هامة في تاريخ البلقان المعاصر، والتي شكلت دولة اليونان المعاصرة بتوجهاتها السياسية والاقتصادية والعسكرية، وذلك بعد أن عاشت اليونان فترة عصيبة من بدايات الحرب العالمية الثانية عام 1939 وحتى انضمامها لحلف شمال الأطلنطي عام 1952 لتحدد مستقبل اليونان، وفي نهاية هذه الدراسة يمكن القول بأنها خرجت بمجموعة من النتائج الخاصة والعامة، والتي تمثلت فيما يلي:
أولاً: النتائج الخاصة:
1- الصمود اليوناني جيشًا وشعبًا في مواجهة العدوان الإيطالي، فقد حققت اليونان مفاجأة لدول المحور والحلفاء على السواء عندما قامت هذه الدولة الصغيرة الحجم والعتاد العسكري بهزيمة الطليان، وأحدثت شرخًا في جدار المحور مما أدى إلى قيام الألمان بغزو اليونان، فتشكلت فرق المقاومة الشعبية الباسلة التي أجهدت الاحتلال الألماني، وبذلك أثبت الشعب اليوناني للمرة الثانية أنه قادر على المقاومة وحماية الوطن.
2- أن اليونان هي البلد الوحيد من دول البلقان التي خرجت من الحرب العالمية الثانية دون أن تسقط في القبضة الشيوعية، ويرجع ذلك للدعم البريطاني لليونانيين في مقاومة المد الشيوعي بثبات وتواصل، وذلك حتى لاتفقد بريطانيا نفوذها في المنطقة، وقد ظهر التدخل البريطاني بصورة مباشرة ضد الشيوعيين على أثر اندلاع الحرب الأهلية الأولى في اليونان.
3- إن عدم قدرة بريطانيا على تحمل التبعات الاقتصادية والعسكرية في اليونان مهد الطريق للولايات المتحدة كي تعلب دورها وبرضاها, وهذا يؤكد استراتيجية الغرب في التفوق ضد المعسكر الشيوعي بأي شكل وبأي وسيلة وان اختلفت الأدوار.
4- عندما انتهت الحرب العالمة الثانية دار صراع حول اليونان بين السوفيت والأمريكان لأهمية وخطورة الموقع الجغرافي لليونان في توسطها شمال البحر المتوسط وتحكمها في بحر ايجه ومضايق البسفور والدردانيل، إضافةً إلي أنها تمثل الموقع الخلفي للسيطرة على الدول العربية، وقد أثبت هذا الصراع عدم كفاءة الاتحاد السوفيتي في معاركه حول مناطق النفوذ، فقد اكتفى بإثارة الاضطرابات والحرب الأهلية داخل اليونان دون أن يقدم مساعدات حقيقية للشعب اليوناني، وكان على الطرف الآخر الأمريكان الذين فتحوا جسرًا جويًا وبحريًا لتقديم المساعدات الاقتصادية والعسكرية العاجلة التي رجحت كفة الميزان لصالح الأمريكان والغرب، وقد أدى ذلك إلى التعاطف الشعبي اليوناني للمعسكر الغربي، وبذلك مثلت هزيمة الشيوعيين اليونانيين في كل من الحرب الأهلية الأولى والثانية ضربة موجهة من الغرب للاتحاد السوفيتي، وبذلك انعدمت فرص الوصول للبحر المتوسط من وجهة النظر السوفيتية، فقد أصبح من الصعب تحقيقه في ذلك الوقت الذي استطاعت فيه الولايات المتحدة إبعاد اليونان عن النفوذ الشيوعي.
5- كان هناك صراع خفي بين الإنجليز والأمريكان حول التواجد العسكري في اليونان وقبرص، وقد أدى التدهور الاقتصادي لبريطانيا العظمى إلى خضوع الإنجليز للسياسة الأمريكية، وكان ذلك بداية لانهيار الإمبراطورية البريطانية العظمى، وتسليمها قيادة أوربا ومنطقة البحر المتوسط إلى القيادة الأمريكية، وبذلك تمكنت الولايات المتحدة من فرض الهيمنة على دول البحر المتوسط، وبذلك يتضح أن الدبلوماسية الأمريكية نجحت في هزيمة الدبلوماسية السوفيتية.
ثانيًا: النتائج العامة:
1- إن مساعدة الشعوب ادعاء كاذب يدعيه المعسكر الغربي والمعسكر الشرقي على السواء, فكل منهما يسعى لبسط نفوذه وتأكيد هيمنته بالقوة تارة وبالاتفاق تارة أخرى, ولو على حساب من يدعى مساعدته، وتمثل ذلك في اتفاق تقسيم مناطق النفوذ في البلقان بين الاتحاد السوفييتي وبريطانيا في اكتوبر1944.
2- إن بعض الدول الكبرى التي تدعى ترسيخ مبادئ الديمقراطية في العالم لا يهمها إلا مصلحتها في المقام الأول، ولو كان على حساب هذه الديمقراطية التي تدعيها, فعندما أتت الانتخابات النيابية فى1950ـ1951فى اليونان- التي أجريت بقصد ترسيخ المبادئ الديمقراطية- بعناصر لم ترض عنها الويلات المتحدة قامت الأخيرة بالضغط على الحكومات اليونانية, وسعت لتغيير بعض الحكومات التي لا تسير في ركابها.
3- إن التدخل الأجنبي في أي بلد ما كفيل بعدم تحقيق الاستقرار, خاصة مع وجود قوى متصارعة في الداخل كل منها تسعى للحكم والسيطرة على البلاد، وقد تمثل ذلك في تأييد بريطانيا للحكومة اليونانية في نهاية عام 1944ضدد الشيوعيين, والذي أدى في النهاية إلى اندلاع الحرب الأهلية اليونانية الأولى.
4- إن بذور هيمنة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ورغبتها في الهيمنة على العالم وقيادته لم تكن وليدة اليوم, فقد ظهرت بوادرها في كثير من المناطق وخاصة في اليونان حينما أعلنت الولايات المتحدة مبدأ ترومان فى1947ومشروع مارشال الخاص بأروبا0
5- إن القوة التي تتمتع بها الدول الكبرى سواء القوة العسكرية أو الاقتصادية كفيلة بان تهيمن على الأمم الصغيرة وتجعلها تسير في ركابها، وتمثل ذلك حينما ضعفت بريطانيا واخذ نجم نفوذها في الأفول عن اليونان.
6- إن أي شعب ما يتحالف مع أى قوة قد تسانده مهما اختلف معها في الأيدلوجية من أجل القضاء على الاستعمار وتحرير بلاده, فقد وقف الشعب اليوناني مع حركات المقاومة الشيوعية ضد الاحتلال الألماني والبلغاري,ولم يهدأ لهم بال إلا بالتحرير.
7- إن الاستقلال السياسي لا يتحقق في أي بلد إلا أن يتبعه الاستقلال الاقتصادي مدعمًا بالقوة والمنعة.
This study is dealing with an important and critical period in the international policy. The world became divided after the second world war into two camps : the socialist camp leaded by the soviet union (U.S.S.R) and the capitalist camp leaded by the united states of American (U.S.A.) in 1945. In spite of agreement of the two parts to create an organization in order to keep the international peace and security. There was a grave conflict between the two parts to get some strategic sovereignty areas that serve their interests in the world by any available means. It was represented in the form of the American economic aids through Truman plan in 1947 for Greece and Turkey. And Marshall plans in Europe and the forth point in the Middle East. This aimed to impose the American sovereignty on the countries which got out injured and destroyed from the second world war.
The Soviet Union moved rapidly to fight the American in the Eastern Europe specially in the Balkan Area and in Turkey with the aim of controlling the sea ports in Besfour and Dardanelle in the Black sea in order to find a port in the Mediterranean for the military and naval competition .
Greece forms an important part from the Eastern Europe . It locates in the southern Eastern side of Europe continent. It stretches through the Balkan peninsula from the Euone sea until the Aegean sea .As a result of this geographic location, Greece became a strategic seat so that it attracts the imperialist countries. Greece is a contact point between the east and west. So Greece had a central influence in the development of political events in the Balkan Zone. Greece occupies a strategic importance for the middle east region because it locates in the Mediterranean sea. It relates to Egypt with political and economic relations from the past. so the researcher is going to put light on the political Greek history during an important period which is represented in the conflict of the great powers in order to control it. Through the conflict between the two great poles, soviet union and USA each of both of them was going to control the sovereignty zones all over the world. It appeared what was called the communist danger which affected Greece and Turkey clearly in order to join them into communist camp Greece was the only country in the Balkan which got out of the second world war without subjecting to sovietic control (Sovereignty) because great Britain worked hard in order to prevent the soviet to reach to the Mediterranean . So it made a agreement of Churchill – Stalin which includes the Sovereignty zones in the Balkan in October 9th 1944 .
Greece was about to fall in the hands of soviet in the beginning of the year 1947 as a result of suffering of the cute economic crisis that includes unemployment , monetary aggravation and the destruction of its important establishments because of the second world war. The Greek communist powers made use of this crisis to make troubles which leaded to civil war and the U.S.S.R made use of it to impose his control on Greece. Britain in that time couldn’t bear the costs in Greece because it became destroyed economically of the war. So Britain asked U.S.A. to interfere quickly to settle the situation for the sake of the western camp. So the U.S.A. took the place of Great Britain in order to bear the loads in Greece. This meant the end of the British Empire indeed so the door was opened for the U.S.A. to play the new world role specially in the Middle East after the traditional powers such as France and Britain lost their roles.
So we find that the conflict in the Balkan zone turned to armed conflict by the military Guerillas in the area when the soviet union created the armed communist bands in the Balkan area in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Albania on the boundaries of Greece in order to control and governing Athens and falling the dynastic Greek regimen and make troubles that leads to popular Greek revolution to dismiss the American authority and sovereignty. The soviet depended on these armed bands as it is considered a popular revolution, but the U.S.A. faced this by intervening and depending on internal political powers in Greece in the head of them appeared General Alexander Papagos who took the side of the Americans. The U.S.A. also entered Greece with its economic aids and pressed on the king and helped General Papagos as a leader of the military establishment in the Greek Army. The U.S.A. falsified the Greek elections which determined the destiny of Greece and it caused the fall of national and communist current (camp) in Greece .
So the soviet policy failed because the decision makers in Kremlin betted in the weak communists in Greece. The U.S.A. used the security council and the General Assembly in condemning the aggressive acts which were directed in forming a new front from the states subjecting to the American sovereignty in order to condemn these countries. When the Soviet tried to explode the Cypriot question the American policy could press on Britain subjected economically to the U.S.A. according to Marshall plan to support the American policy in Cyprus. The English yielded to the American orders and Makarios plan failed in dismissing the English army from Cyprus.
In the end this conflict ended in the American policy success in Greece and defeat of Soviet and the U.S.A. succeeded in joining Greece to the Nato in February 1952 in order to close Aegean sea in the face of Soviet. It could in the same time close the Black sea and Besfour strait and Dardanelle in the face of Soviet armed ships when Turkey joined to the pact (Nato ).
I chose for my research the years 1945 to 1952 and I determine this with historic period then the year 1945 represented the end of the second world war and the world direction to create the United Nations Organization and the research ended in 1952 when Greece joined to the Nato. So Greece entered in a new stage with joining to the Nato and this meant it turned to the western camp with the leadership of the U.S.A . The beginning and the end of the time distance forms a historic pattern which was described by the conflict between the great powers in order to control Greece because of its strategic importance. The researcher depended on two styles in this study :
1. The recall style (system): It means the recall of event which took place historically. The researcher depended too much on this style because of the difficulty of disjoining the historical events and its overlapping.
2. The descriptive and analytic style: It means to describe and analyze the historic phenomenon. I follow this style carefully lest it will be confusion among the events. So I give many side titles without repeating the events.
I really faced many difficulties such as for example:
1. The Arabic library suffers from the shortage of references talking about Greece in the time of study so I felt tired when I read about English references and sources which deal with this subject directly or indirectly . Most of them belong to Greek writers.
2. The rarity of references and sources that talk about this subject .If there are some of them, they are written in modern Greek language. It is also difficult to learn the Greek language in the time of study .
3. Inability of the researcher to translate several references and sources so I need to ask help from specialist translation offices.
4. The difficulty of getting some not printed Greek documents in spite of keeping in touch with the Greek cultural Adjunct and his offices in Cairo and Alexandria. I also kept in touch with the Greek archive and the professors of modern and contemporary History in Greece. I need to use some sources found in the Egyptian foreign affairs Ministry Archive and the American documents.
The researcher relied in his study on many writings including the sources which are represented in documents related to Greece in the time of research or study. I depended on the Greek foreign Affairs documents which were printed under title of the (conspiracy against Greece). The researcher also used the American department of state documents which are most important sources because they contain information and data not found or available in the other sources the researcher used the following groups of sources:
1. Foreign Relations of United States (1945 – 1951) .
2. Treaties and other international Agreements of The United state of America (1776 – 1949).
The British common council Record reflected the British point of view about Greece in addition of Egyptian foreign Affairs documents which contain precise information that make it easy for the researcher to understand the interaction in the political events and communication through the analysis and reach to the reality of events and trends of Greek political parts that were qualified with complication. The personal notes played a basic role in tracing and analyzing the events. The researcher took too much care in depending on them .He tried to reach the truth by analyzing the available information in these notes, the most important of them are notes of Reginald Leaper British Ambassador in Greece and notes of Harry Truman and Churchill’s notes and John Foster Dallas’s notes. The researcher used a lot of magazines and periodicals specially the foreign ones. The researcher found in it some information supported with maps and statistics not found in the other sources. The most important of them are :The New York Times, current history and foreign affairs. In addition to the Arabic magazines and periodicals which help in tracing the event and relating them among of them Al-Ahram newspaper and Egyptian Army magazine .
The researcher depended on several published researches of Greek writers in the foreign periodicals that deal with the real subject of the study and help in finding the political trends in Greece .Besides it contains precise and important information not available in the other sources. Among them are the following :
1- War and peace in the strategy of the communist party of Greece 1945-1949.
2- Greek democracy on trial .from Insurgency to civil war 1945 -1949.
The researcher depended on several foreign references that deal with Greece directly and indirectly and he had a look on them in the library of American university in Cairo. These references are so important that any researcher must depend on them .Among them are the following :
1. The struggle for Greece 1941-1949
2. Greece at the cross roads , the civil war and its legacy .
The researcher used many Arabic and translated references which discussed the event in Greece indirectly .He read about them in the library of Historical Society and the Egyptian Book House and the library of university of Cairo and Ein Shams university library in the Great Cairo library .Besides the cultural centers such as Greek American and British cultural centers, the researcher used the theses which discussed the events in Greece indirectly. This is important to help the researcher in his attempt to accomplish the subject of study.
This study contains besides the preface and conclusion five basic (main) chapters they are :
The introductory chapter :
”Political conditions in Greece 1939 – 1944”, I discussed the conditions and events that happened in Greece before the second world war and Greece situation from the war. Greece had to declare its joining to the Allies in Italy attacking it in October 1940. In spite of Greece success in preventing the Italian aggression not too much time had passed the German could save the Italians from the defeat in 1940 and they attacked Greece. I discussed the role of resistance movements to German, Italian and Bulgarian occupation and how Britain supports these movements in order to liberate Greece from occupation and this happened really in October 1949 and the German were dismissed .This results in the conflict between the resistance movements and the Greek Government supported by Britain .This leads at last to begin first civil war .
The First chapter:
”Internal Greek policy 1945-1946”, I discusses the role of British intervention in finishing the first civil war by holding Varkiza Agreement between the Greek government and the communists. This resulted in many ministerial crises that Greece faces as a consequence of instability of the political and economic situation in the country. I discussed the role of British support until holding the parliamentary elections in March 1946. The elections resulted in Royals victory and defeat of republicans because Greek people had sympathy to the dynastic regimen which was supported by Britain. This led at last to hurry up the referendum on the dynasty. It resulted in the return of king George II to Greece in September 1946 after five and half years of exile in Cairo and London.
The Second chapter:
”Internal communist movements in Greece and the neighbouring states situation from it 1946-1949”, I discussed in it the communist reaction on the Greek governments persecution to it .This led to the second civil war in 1946. As a result the Greek Government had to introduce her complaint to the united nations against the neighbouring countries .This resulted in that the security council has sent an investigation committee between Greece and her northern neighbours (Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Albania).But these countries didn’t confess this committee with the support of the soviet in that time the Greek communists asked the military assistance from the neighbouring countries in order to destroy the dynasty. The Greek communist party’s strategy has developed quickly against the Greek Government with the declaration of creating provisional government in northern Greece in December1947.As a result of this, the Greek government became in a critical situation. So it began to organize the military campaigns against the democratic army subjecting to the rebels in 1948 – 1949 . This led at last to the victory of Greek Government Forces on the local rebels.
The Third chapter :
”American intervention in Greece 1947 – 1949”, I discussed the political position after the return of King at the end of 1946. It followed some economic crises in the beginning of 1947. In that time the British role in Greece began to disappear and the American role replaced it with the declaration of Truman plan in March 1947 to protect Greece from falling in the hands of communism and as well as the declaration of Marshall plan in June 1947 and it was very useful for Greece such as the other countries of Europe. I talked about the American direction for the successive Greek governments from 1947 to 1949 and its assistance economically and militarily to them to help in defeating the Greek rebels. This happened, of course, in the end of 1949 .
The Fourth chapter:
”New Greece – society and Greek policy 1950- 1952”, I talked about the political conflict between the Greek parts after the end of the second civil war. This led to hold the parliamentary elections in March 1950. In those elections no part could get the ratio of votes that enables it to form the government. The country (Greece) faced ministerial changes in short periods .Greece quickly faced internal crises which had great influence on the political situation. As a result of the American intervention in the internal affairs of Greece, the elections took place quickly in September 1951. No Part could get the majority of votes in these elections like the elections. In that time the results of these elections were against the American desire as a result the American pressure went on Greece with the aim of finding friend Governments. In spite of that Greece quickly joined the Nato (Atlantic pact) in February 1952 with help of U.S.A. After that the parliamentary elections were held in November 1952, they fulfilled the American desire. Thus Greece entered a new epoch.