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Structural deformation of the Sufr El Dara accommodation zone, Western side of the Gulf of Suez Rift/
Mohamed Mohamed El-Said Mohamed Abdallah,
Abdallah,Mohamed Mohamed El-Said Mohamed
the Sufr El Dara accommodation zone Gulf of Suez
تاريخ النشر
2009 .
عدد الصفحات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 183

from 183


The study area represents the southwestern part of the Sufr El Dara accommodation zone in the south part of the Suez rift. This zone separates the southern (southwest dipping) half graben form the central (northeast dipping) half graben. This study was carried out to delineate the subsurface geological structures affecting the area. The present study is mainly based upon regional and residual magnetic map derived from a total intensity magnetic map, detailed examination of seismic reflection profiles and data obtained from 15 wells drilled in the study area. Structure contour, isochron and composite dip maps were constructed for the Miocene formations (Zeit Formation, South Gharib Formation, Belayim Formation and Kareem Formation). In addition, regional and residual magnetic maps for each 500 m downward depth interval were constructed.
The structural style in the study area is mainly controlled by faults and their related tilted blocks. The transfer zone in the north is controlled by NNE to NE oriented faults, whereas the southwest-tilted Gebel El Zeit block is governed by the Clysmic faults. The former faults extend from the Red Sea Mountains in the west to affect the zone area, where they were reactivated during the Late Cretaceous deformation and then during the Suez rifting phases. These faults have left-lateral normal-slip movement as indicating from the left-lateral offset of the magnetic anomalies. This left-lateral movement resulted in several reverse faults and folds that obliquely oriented to these faults. Some of these reverse faults form positive flower structures on the top surface of the transfer zone. The faults affecting the study area started their development during the Oligo-Miocene rifting phase and continued through the Miocene age, where the Miocene basin was formed on the trough of Esh El Mellaha block as the transfer zone received a relatively thin Miocene section. The fault displacements were estimated on the planes of three faults which show that:
Both of the northeast oriented faults bounding the southeastern limit of the zone and inside the zone had high displacement rates during the deposition of the Miocene rocks except during the deposition of the Belayim sediments. During the deposition of these sediments, Esh El Mellaha clysmic fault has the highest displacement rate.