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Effect of fertilizer levels on theresponse of egyptian clover cultivar meskawi to some maro and micronutients /
Eladawy, Hamed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Hamed Mohamed Eladawy
مشرف / E.H.M. Hefni
مناقش / F.M. Gaballah
مناقش / E.H.M. Hefni
Egyptian clover.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
122p. ;
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - محاصيل
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 133

from 133


wo field exper1ments were carried out to study the
response of Egyptian Qlover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.)
aul tivar Keskaw1 to some ma.ero-and ndc.-ronu’tr1ents and th~1r
applioation time. -~hese experimen~s were conduoted at the
faoulty at AgricUltural science :farm at Moshtohor, Kalubia
Governorate~ Egypt. during 1977/78 and 1978/79 season.
~hree phosphorus fertilizer ’rates occup1ed
the main plots, Zero, 16 a.nd 32 P2oSl{g/Fad. Which were
applled at soWing ’t:1meand 7 mioronutrient’trea.tments ocoupied
the sub-plots. The m1oronutrient treo.tments werel
Zero, 0.002 Boron, 0.004. Boron, 0.002 Zinc, O.OO~ Z1no,
0.002 Ferras and O.004”Ferrus. The seeds were Soaked in the
micronutrient solution about four hours before sowing time.
Bxper1JDen’t 2.” Tlu-ee phosphorus fertilizer ra tea otoumied
’the main plots, zero, X6 and 3~ P20SKg/Fad. The sUbo-9lots
were devoted to the ”jM of application as tollows.
I. Applioa.tion of 1;he whole phosphorus amount before so••.•
2. AppUoat1on of the whole phosphorus amount betore the
first irrigation •
Appl1cat1on of th8 whol~ phosphorus
second 1rriSa~iou.
amount before the
4. Application of hal! phosphorus aJDOtUlt before sowing and
the rest before the seoond cutting.
5. Application of half phosphoruB amount before sowing and
the res. Iefore the third outting.
6. Applioation of half phosphorus amOunt before the seoond
outting and the rest lIefore the thirs cutting.
The Meske.w1 (Giza I) variety was used. Seeds were broadoasted
in the rate of 25 Kg seeds/Fad. A split-plo~ design
with five repl1oations las used. The resutls were as tollo-
I. ~he plant height increased by phosphorus ~ertilizer up
to 16 P20SKg!Pad., the rate 32 P205Kg/lad. a aUght
increase in plant heigh~ as oompared with the oon’trol
2. !C’he~rea.tmen1;·of seeds by .8. Zn and Fe ~esuJ:~ed1.n the plant height. ~he trea.tment 0,002 Zn. gave
a ma.xjmumplant h1ght •
.>. ’rhe Tree.tment b1 (add1 tion the whole phosphorus &1DO\.U1t
before sowing) gave a IJBX1 mumplant height in the f1rst
cutt1Dg and the seoond cutting, aB well as the trea”,ment
b5/APplication of haU phosphorus amount before JI01dJ1g and
the res1 before the th£ri. out_1ng)ee:n a maximum plant height.
4. The treatment o.oo~Zn. with rate I6 2205Kg/Fad. gave
a ”maximum p1ant height as oompatison with the other treatmenta
5. The rate 32 P205Kg/ Fa.d. (a.pplication of haJ.f phoapho~
ruB amount before soWing and the rest before the third
outting ) gave a maximumplant height.
I. The phosphorus fertilizer rate up to 16 P20SKg/Fad.
resulted in inoreasing the leaves/plant ratio~
2. ~he treatments of mioronatrienta under study at ooncentrat10n
of 0.002 resulted in increasing the leaves/plant
ration 1n the 1 ~ 2 ~lUld :3 EA cuttJ.ogs. The treatments
of 0.002 Zn in the first outting, 0.002 Fe in the second
outting~ and 0.002 Fe in third cutting, 8aft 8 maximum
leaves/plant ratio.
J. ~he a.pplioa;b1on of 32 P2oSKg/Fad. onee before the second
1rr1gat1on, gave the highest lea.ves/plant ra;tio in the
first and second cutting.
4. ~he interaotion between 0.002 Fe and the rate of 3222°5
Kg/Fnd. as well as the treatment of’ 0.002 Zn with the
rate oi I6 P205K&1hd. gave the h.1ghes1ileaves/plant
5. Application of I6 P20SKg/Fad. Onoe before the seoond
irrigation, gave a maximum leaves/plant ratio.