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Studies on crown rot of peanuts /
Eldeeb, A. A.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / A.A. Eldeeb
مشرف / K.G.M.Ahmed
مشرف / H.S. Mohamed
مناقش / M.M. satwer
Peanuts. Peanuts Diseases and pests.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
195 p. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - نبات زراعي
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 207


Pe~nut (Arpchi~ ~J~c£oec L.) is on tmpcrtant cil and
leGume crop in A.R.E. end ether ccurrtr-Le a, Crevm ret
disecse is cne cf the mest impertc:ntdiseases which ottocks
the peanut plcnt cQusinG decrease in plant stand c~d tetel
yield. Severnl studies were carried cut under Inbcrctcry,
Greenhcuse, end field ccndi tiens tc investiC2te vorict’icn
within the CGusal pathcGen, incculum dens1tt. scurces
c1 resistonce, f:Jctcrs offectinG disecse re.o.ct1:n rnd
methcds c1 centrel. Results cculd be summ~r~ in the
1- All tested isclctes cf As,pe.r.&.iJ.lusniL~£ von Tieg.b:&;:I
c~used crcvnl ret with different deGrees. The hi[)1ust perc-·
ent~ce cf infecticn IT~n cbtcined when infestine 8\11 before , Poz-cerrt or.e s (’f infecticn increased by increasing
incculum denoity.
2- The ccti.~ty cf PG, ex end PME enzymes differed from
cne iscl~te tc cncther. However, the hiGhest 2citivity of
these enzymes wc’s in the fUll£::,;t,i.l’tlrcte of isclate Q (the
mest virulent isc1c:.te cnd the lewest octivity \’Yos the
fUnGol filtrate cf isC’lcte 5 (the least Virulent ).
3- All fungicides tes~ed, sli&htly cffect~d the PG ond
ex Qctivities in fupgcl f~ltr2te. Hcwever, Bctec end
Bcvistin were the mc~t effective fungicides, while the lecst
effective were Thircm, Crthccide 75 c~d Benlnte.
4. The C’,otivi ty of peroxid c se , pol.yphencL cxid aae , cnto.- 2nd ascorbic nc~d oxidcse enzymes in fungal filtrate
end mycelium nnto. of !.gil;er differed fer the different
iacle-tea. Activity of C-::ta.Icse and o.sccr-bdc ~l.cid ox-idose
enzymes were hiGher fer the mest pcthcLenio’ isclcte then
the ether isclctes. The r’ctivity cf Percxidnse end pclyph-
enol oxidnse woz-ehiGher in mycelium mnts.thDn·,in~ fungal
~ J
fil trcte cf t:le most pc:thccenic ise-lote.

j . f .
5- Infection with crcvnl ret incrensed the Qctiv1~y of oxidctive
enzymes : perexidnso, pclyphenol ox-idGse, cctc.lose
~nd QsocrbiO ccid cxidese. Pclyphencl oxidase ~ctiVity
decrec,sed in 0.11 vcrieties, uhercQs catolcse ”1ctivity deereODcd,
cnly, in tho lC2st susceptible ArGentine ~s tho
diso~~sQprC£~rQssed. Cn the ether hand , the c~.ctivityof
cctGIQse ellzyme increased in beth the mest susceptible
and the lecst susceptible vcrieties crcwn i~ s~il infested
6- The three LscLere s cf .:A.Bb~rtested (5,8 and 14), were
net flucrecin8 (not pr-cduc Lng nflatcxin).
7- There was positive ccrreloticn between pnthoGenicity
cf -A.-ni-g~er- isolates and oxalic acid prcducticn. Hcwever,
tho highly pathogenic isclcte (8) was the highest in toxin
(oxalic acid) prcducticn.
8- Cxc.lic acLd at C.1 % hod npprcximotely the some effec.t
GD the crude culture filtrate en percentoGe cf seed ger.mincticn,
leneth cf ro~ic21s, percentaGe of crcvm ret of.peanut
seedlings and wilt cf tcnatc transplants. In General, ~ncr-
88sinS the ccncentr2ticn c~ filtrate end toxin incrensed
pcrcent2.ce of C:rCYffi ret (f peunu t plonts and wil t cf tcmnto
. tr”usplonts, Gno decrevsed percentnge of seed GenninDtion
and lel1e;th cf r.::dicc,ls cf poanu t seedlin.c.,s.
9- Scil infcst~ticn w~ith A-.niGer incrensed cre\¥U ret dis- C0se 21W reduced the nwabers, dry weights, size cf pennut
11odules, lenGth c f hypccctyl and nitre gen C (””:::It ent end
decrec’s2d dry weiiJlt of rects and sheets.
1C- Soed incculc,ticn 17ith RhizcbiUII}lupine rcsultoJ in a
decreose ill crcun rot di80Qse ef pennut plcnts. While it
illcrocsed numbez-s, dry \reiGhts and size of ncdu.Loa, dr~r
;/ei!..;...~t cf reets and sheets, length cf hypocctyl ond nitrceen.
11- All fW1Gicides decreQsed percentoGe cf infecticn
when ccnpcz-ed with the ”ij,ntreutedccntrcl. Hm7ever,. Botec
Qnd BQvistin weYe the mest otfaetive funGicides. in this
respeot. Alse, they incre~sed dry weisht of reets 2nd sheets
and length cf hypccctYl, ~hile they (except Botec and Crthcctde
) reduced ~ ccntent, munbers, dry weight oud s1ss of
pe2uut ncdule$ Qt 4 & !kg seed.
12- Green mQnuring resulted in incre~sed densities cf tot01
funGi end .!.nit;cr. This incre2se ill numbers cf -’.;ct(.~.lfUJ.’1Gi
m10 A.niGer wrs cCl~rcL-:tcd Hith the Lnc r-e oao ill pez’cerrt-e
2GC (f cz-cwn ret in nc;turolly cr crtifici,:-lly i.ilfested ,sci1
Hcwevur-, delay in dote C1 pL-:ntill0, tc J( d c~rs, ::ofter -’Gurllins
the precedil1.£s cr-cp ._;c;:ler_’ll~r resulted in t: oic-1.uficc.nt
increosc in percent0Go cf infected pl~nts.
13- D2te cf pl<:ntin{~ else hcs ;:’ pr cf cund effect cn numbers
cf rhizcspherG Ii1icrcflcr:~ of per-nut pLrrrt s , HerLthy pl,’nts
dcvc:l; pad ill un-:-m.ondea sc i1 suppcrtod c,m.p~r_~tivcl~r
rtivc st;,(.c ci: 0rt:”uth. McrecvGr, imnedi -GCpI ’1.1”Ci11o:;f
pccnt’.tn,:.:f-cer ’curninc :)C’rley cnd lupine i:1 19:11.,.. resulted
il1~’ad incro_~Gc Ln r.hize sphere flcr~ 2t vc~:.;ot.t:i:ve .md
flcYJ(:~:i~i::l,,)St::-L/3S-Hc1:lcver, pl:~nts developed in Sf i1 rmend ed
14- The daley in d ..t..o cf p1r:mtinG, up tc Ie r.-nd 2C d-:.ys”.l~.; the preccdil1:~ crcp, resul ted in ~~prcncu.nced
increase in densi tieD .-:t the secdlin.c end veGet;~tive st,:-.[;es.
15- PercentoGes cf il1xecticn with crcwn ret differed 0t the
different stoecs cf p l arrt s Crcwth. The hiGh.est percent.~ce
of infecticn wcs ncted in pIenta c.i’ter)-: days in 0.11
vcrieties vmen scil weB infested with ~niGer. The most
susceptible W2S Gizc 1 fcllowed by local 251 variety,
\vh110 the le2st susceptible was ArGentine voriety.
16- Reducing sUGers uerc ccnercl1y hiGher in rfcta cf pl~nts
grcvm in nen-in:restcd sci1 then in infested sci! • .Amcu.nts of
reducinG sugers increcs0d uith plant G:t”ewth. The lowest
nmcUllts of reducinc suGcrs were obtained frcm the meat
susceptible, Loc al, 251 cmd Giz[’~1, when these
v~rieties were p12nted in scil infested vdth A.niger. -
17- Nen-reducing sUGars were lower in the least susceptible
Arc;eatine vGriety thC:l1 the ether vQ.rieties, at the begin1ng
of the GrcwinL period, ”/hen plcnted in infested scil but
incre.:’sed at the end.
18- Tet~;l SU6<TS were hi[;her in tho mest susceptible th~n
in the lees susceptible varieties vlhether pL.:nted in
19- Sucrcse incrccsod ct early stage in nen-infested Be j.l,
then decrcQsed ’crcduGlly till the end of the seesen,
whez-o as it increosed in infested scil till the end cr sessen.
It decrcusad ill the +.Yo mest susceptible v.:;rieties,
Ieeel 251 and Gizc 4 , in il1~fested scil, till” the end cf
seasen. Gluocsc ond GQl~ctcse increcsed when p12ntinG in
tlie non-infested scil fer the twc less susceptible v2ri~t1es
ArGen”tine and NO .JCJJ, durillG the e;rcVling aecac.n , In. oc.3trest,
frue tcse vms lC\7er fer these two less susceptible
vo..rieties nt enrly st~c;e in nc-n-infested sci1. Moncsa
W8S detected in very snell c~cuntB end WGS cosent ct the
lQter stcGes of plcnt ;?’c\7th espccic,lly in nr-n-infested acLL,
It V/GB net detected ct 211 stnees in the twc loC’st sus~eptible
varieties whether planted in infested cr uc:n-infosted
2C - Tetel Q~nc acids were equcl fer the 1ecst suseeptible
vcrieties cfter 3C d~ys wh~ther plcnted in sci1 infested
with .A .•!!it;e..!: cr nen-infested. Tyrcsine, Leucine £lnd iscleucine
wez-e hiGher in p Larrt s :frcm nen-infested s(’i1 fer the
twc’ie~st susceptible vcrieties.
21- At vegetctivc steGc, tct21 2minc Geids decrc2sed in
pLrrt a cf the twr: lcr-at susceptible vnrietics pLan’sed : in
scil ini’e sted VIi th .-p .n..i•::.-;.e-r end fer the ether v..--rieties
when pLrntad in ncn-infoated sci1. en the ether hand , 2t
flc\7crin.c stGc;e,tete>l 2Ininc a.cids fer the two IO<’lstsusceptible
Yorieties were similnr whether pl~nted in ll~ested
or nen-infested sci1. While it \J~-’S hiGher ct mcturi ty
st’-Ge in recta cf ell vcricties in infested scil.
22- Free cud tetel pheucls ~ere hiGher in pIenta .cf the
lecst susceptible varieties ccmpored ,dth the ~ther varieties
in soil in:fested \-Ii th .A¥l)Et~ cr ncn-infested Be 11.
Alse, amc~ts of orthcdihydrcxy phenels were much higher
fer the leost susceptiblo, Arcentine vDriety, ~s compared
with the ether varieties in scil infested with !.ni1L~~~
Mcrecver, it may correlated with reacticn tc crc\wn ret.
23-’ Varieties differed in their reccticn tc crc\Yn yet·
under green he-use and field ecnditicns. ArGentine vc..riety
wos the least susceptible, while Gizc J, Leenl 383,
Giz[l 1, Locnl 251 t!ndSpDncrcs8 ”,ere the meat susceptib-
Ie varieties tc erCtnl ret Gt 011 staGes, under GTecnbous
cnd field ecnditicnse
24- Sereenin.:;funGicides -in-,v_i trc showed tllnt fUllGicides .....
tested varied in their effect en fUl1G”l grc-wth. HC\7eVer,
~~vistin cud Bctec uerc the mest effective fiuncicides Ymich
£,ove ccmplete i1111.10tiic n cf fungus grcwth ct 5C ppm. t.n
the e~.l1trary, Vit ovcx and Vit:::vvx- Thirl”m ’were the le2st
effective funcicides.
25- ]Ungicide geed dressings under greenhouse and field
ccnditicns, geve sufficient centrel tc crcvm ret disecse.
All fungicides, under field ccnditicn, siGnific~lntl’y ineteased
survival plants ;~t;111 stnges and yield of peanut a,
Hcwever,Bctec 2nd B[”vistil1.~t 48 /kG seed were supericr in
this -respect, vmereos ~liram nnd Benlate uera the least
effective fungicides. Gonernlly, survival pl;-mts nnd yield
ct pecnut s increased by increasing the dcse of all
fungio id es •
.26- Nitrcgencus fertilizer decreased survival plenta at
the veget;::tivG, flowerinG and maturity stoces, while
pbosphatic and pctnssic. fertilizers increased it •
fertilizor did net effect yield of pecnuts vmile P and
fertilizers inorecsod it. The h.ighest percentr:~:e cr ’
survivo.1 plfl.nts and yield were obto.ined by nddill(; the
hi(1Lcst rates cf P cnrl E fertilizers and the lcwest rntos
cf N fertilizer.