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إقتصاديات إنتاج وتصنيع الكتان فى محافظة الغربية /
عيسى، إبراهيم السيد إبراهيم.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إبراهيم السيد إبراهيم عيسى
مشرف / محمود محمود بدر
مناقش / محمد السيد راجح
مناقش / محمود محمود بدر
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
204 ص. :
العلوم الزراعية والبيولوجية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - اقتصاد وارشاد زراعي
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 224


- 1 -
Flax is one of the most important fibre crops. This study
has shown that flax Intlo ar ee :1-1”1 Ghgbri8 Governorate constituted
7 .•66% of the total land area cqltiV8t~”:1 -vit h flax 1n Eg~-pt
during the study period (1979 - 19’71). ’I’toaL flax area has been
declining continously as a result 1f ~ecreAsing fBrm-£ote
prices, net r evenu e of 10th unit of land and capital investe’l.
Th:l.s study has measured the procludivety and econonic efficiency
of flax to help the agricultural policy for improving the flax
production in Egypt.
This s t udy contains j our c hap t 1O’1’S: t11e first chap t er
contains two sections, section one 1s dealing with pr~blerns,
obj ectives, the procedures arid J’pview 0 r 111erature. Section
two is cone erning with the pconol,Lir: Lmp or t anc e of flax p!’oduction
and the sampls of the study.
Second chapter explains flax production and f •.ctors which
determine the cultivated arca.
Third chapter c orrtaf.n u two aec t ions, Fir:::ot section discri bes
the economics of flax product:lJH1. Second ssc t Lon measures the
productive end ’!conornicef ficiel\c,”}’ in thA sample stud ied.
Fourth chapter explains the economics of flax fabrication
in Gharbia Governorate where many plAnts dealing with straw and
oil extracting arc Locat ed in Zifbl fHtJtr-tct. ~lo!;:t of tl’f~ plants
belong to private sector and tew f~ctories belong to public
There is siGnificant decn’~~:5_:~L t’l’Ct1(1 .j! l flax lUlld ar ee
during the period of the rttudj’ (1~~79 - 1’?31) in EQ’pt awl
Ghllrhia Governorate 4 .59~ ~mll 4.87C: respeeti’1elj’.
- 2 -
straw pr-oduc t i.ou 11(,18 shown 8 nC’::;atiV8 trend at a rate of
4.25% far the whole 11i1tl!ltry ”m,J at a rate of J.3% for Gharbla
1’h0 trend of seed pl’,.H]iU1ti.Otl is (lenreasing at ~ rate of
3.96% in l~gypt and at a rst e of 2.48%. for GhaJ’his Governorate.
Straw producl vi ty per f e-Id an show s Lnc r ea rat es of 21%
General trenJs ~ere )osjtivo for total production costs,
c a ah flow and net r ev enu e 1Jl.!l’ l~l~,]d,mat sicnifiant rate of ll?~~
11.62~;r und lJ.22~G for l::cypt \”,1111e these estimetions are 9.:n~s.
11.4J% and 1). 725~ for Gll81hi;] ~o ”J()ruorat e.
This 8 tudy examined pro ri t ubi lity of flax. wheat and berseem
in Gharbia d ur Lng 1’979 - 19S1. The Gtt~dy showed that wheat and
berseem aI’e more 1”1’ofi table trH-iti flax by n ca r Ly 143%.
deny flax r;rowcrs continue to cu l.t t vate flax in spite of
its low prafi tabili ty r or mun.:,’ reasons. Soms farmers obtain
money in advance before Cro~in~ SEason, some can seJl the crop
at one patch and others consider flax cultivation as a matter
of respicted tradition. Hevenue trend per invested pound showed
a non significant increase at a rate of ).83% and more than the
average in Gharbia Governorate durinc 1979 - 1991. Period.
Sample size of this st udy was I)] flax growers th~y were
chosen at random. The)” \”;c{( classified into three ho LdLng groups.
The first .sroup is less thBn one feddan.
The second t;roup is f r o.a one feddan to less than two teddens.
Third group is tvro frddans und more. The study showed that labour
force presHlts 26% of the to t aL production costs ot tlax cultiviatlon
per feddan.
- 3 -
Testing the costs ~lasttcity or seed and straw production
in the different holding groups of thp F’:;loples l~t’,HHer1, proves
t hnb Lncr ee s tng’ costs by 1% can indllnE:J st r aw production by
2.98% and can decrease seerl prod uo t Lon by 25~· only.
It is noticed that most profitublp hoLd ing eroup per [Pr’!118!1.
is the third one (2 f eddan a 91V1 more). It is estimated at 4.6%
more than the ~verage. This is due to decreasing production
costs than the other groups.
Results show that the pr’;)duction eff’lciellcy is realized by
the first holding e;roup. This is due to effective labor force.
Economic efficiency has been 0 ht siner! .f’l’ntn t he third hollHnr;
group. This is due to deC17 c9sin.G pr oduc t i on ,
In Ghorbia Governorate flax production are used for few
straw, oil, string, fabricated wood Dud srtocles. Studinc the
trend of fabricated costs for a ton 0 f t’le above mentioned
products in Tanta company for f Lax and 01.1 showed sigrificant
annual increases of these five products at a rate of 10.02%,
10.34%, 14.01, 12.08% and 12.14% respe~tive1y.
The general trend of revenue for every ton of these
products are 14.47%, 2.)6%; 14.57~, 11.96% and 11.79%’ 2er
year respectively.