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Evaluation of Central Auditory Functions in Primary School Children with Poor Academic Achievement /
Sayed, Samah Mohamed Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سماح محمد أحمد سيد
مشرف / محمد مصطفي سعد
مناقش / عبد المتين موسي عبد اللطيف
مناقش / عماد كامل عبد الحليم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
127 p. ;
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الطب - Ear, Nose and Throat
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A successful experience in school for quality education is considered by most parents and educators as a prerequisite to a productive life. Academic problems may result from different causes. Hoare et al. (1998) reported that PAA was common among various childhood disabilities. Sussman (1985) reported that causes of academic problems does not rest simply with the children’s disabilities but other environmental factors should be also considered.
This work addressed the hypothesis that PAA in primary school children could be, at least partly, due to CAPD. Accordingly, this study was designed as an attempt to measure the central auditory abilities in school underachievers.
This research was executed in the Audiology unit, ENT department Assiut university hospital. A study group of 50 primary school underachievers at 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, their age ranged from 9-12 years. They were selected from public primary school. The selection criteria was failure in one or more of school subjects in the final terms exams.
A control group Consisted of 25 normal hearing children ranged in age between 9-12 years in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades of primary school. They were selected from the relatives of children attending the Audiology and kids of friends and employees of the clinic. The Children of the control group should have:
a- No history of ear disease, trauma or intake of ototoxic drugs.
b- Within normal developmental history.
c- Within normal speech and language development.
d- No history of known neurological deficit.
e- No history of failure in school at any term or grade.
f- Within normal peripheral hearing.
g- Within normal IQ score.
The equipments used in this study were:
- Dual channel clinical audiometer (Madsen OB 822).
- Acoustic Immittance analyzer (Impedance audiometer AZ 26).
- Double room sound treated booth (IAC model 1602-A-CT).
- Two channel cassette tape recorder (Panasonic CD Stereo system SA- AK 240).
- Tapes of central test battery in Arabic for children developed by Tawfik and Shalaby (1995).
- Snellen’s chart.
- Methodology:
All children of study and control groups were subjected to the following:
1- Detailed history taking from parents.
2- Psychometric Evaluation: Using Wechsler Intelligence scale for children.
3- Basic Audiological Evaluation.
4- Visual Acuity Testing: Using Snellen’s chart. It was conducted by an ophthalmologist.
5- Complete Neurological Examination: It was conducted by a neurologist.
6- Central Auditory Evaluation (CAE):
Four psychophysical tests (LPF, SPIN, CST and DPT) were applied to Children who scored IQ >90 in Wechsler Intelligence test and those children with moderate peripheral hearing loss or worse in the better ear were not considered for central auditory evaluation.
7-Arabic Reading Test (Abou El-Ella et al., 2003):
Children who scored IQ less than 90 in Wechsler Intelligence performance Scale, those who had peripheral hearing loss in either ear and those who had neurological problems were not considered for Arabic Reading Test
 The results of this study revealed that the possible causes of PAA in the whole study group were 68%, 84% and 52% for auditory, combined auditory and non-auditory, non- auditory causes respectively.
 Children with CAPD revealed disabilities affecting mainly the DPT (94.1%) and CST (47.1%) and to a lesser extent SPIN (29.4%), while the LPF test was the least to be affected (8.8%).
 There was a statistically significant difference between central auditory test scores of the study and control groups (P < 0.05).
 Results of phonemic awareness subtest of Arabic Reading Test were positive for dyslexia in all children submitted for the test, but not significantly correlated with the results of CTB in those children.