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Biochemical studies on the effect of some pesticides in rats /
Elshenawey, Mohamed Eltabey Shalabey.
Biochemical. Pesticides.
تاريخ النشر
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189 p. :
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TION Groundnur or peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. Fabaceaes is one of the moot important leguminous crop allover the world a well a Egypt It is u ed for local consumpriou in feeding animal. poultry, oil production food indu tries lind exportation. The peanut eed pos e se II high nutritional and commercial value due 10 the presence of proteins, tarry acids, carbohydrate and fibers ill addition to vitamin. calcium find phospborou { amara, 1998). The seeds of most gronndnut cultivars contain about ~O% oil(Worthington nnd HamUlOl1 , 197)), and therefore the qualirj of the oil and groundnut products depend to II large extend on the oil fracnon, The oil content of groundnut differ in quantity the relative proportion of fatty acids, geographical location, sen ons and growing conditions (Holaday and Pearson, 1974; Yeung et (II. 1974; Brown et al., 1975). Groundmn seed contains 44 to 56% il and ~2 to ”’0% protein on <I dry ’red bs i and i <I rich ’QUICeof mineral’ (phosphorus. calcium. magnesium and pota sium) and vitamin (E, K ”rid B group) ( avageand Keenan, 1!)94). Groundnut protein is increa ingly becoming important a food find feed ources e pecially in developing countrie where protein from animal source are 11m within the means of the majority of the populace. The eed lta several uses a whole seed or proces eel to make peanut butter, oil. soups. tews and other product. Groundnut provide ousiderable Amount of mineral elem nts to upplement the dietary requirement of humans and farm animals Groundnut eed are reported to contain 9.:5 to 19.0% torn I carbohydrate as both soluble and insolubl carbohydrate (Crocker and Bluhm, 1957; Rao et 01.., 1965; Oke, 1967 sud Woodroof, 1983 . TIle hemical compo ’ilion of groundnut reds has been evaluated in relation to protein level (young and PDF created with pdf Factory Pro trial version