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study on mastitis of dairy buffaloes/
Amer, mohamed amer mahmoud mohamed.
infectious Diseases. buffaloes- infectious Diseases. buffaloes- mastitis.
تاريخ النشر
2010 .
عدد الصفحات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 144

from 144


SUMMARY: The current work was fundamentally carried out to reveal-up the prevalence rate of clinical and subclinical mastitis of dairy buffaloes that kept on a dairy farm and that bred as private cases in different localities of Assiut Governorate, Upper Egypt, and to clear-up the most predominant mastitis pathogens and their in vitro sensitivity patterns to difkrent members of antimicrobial compounds. Furthermore, some epidemiological data on prevalence of mastitis of buffaloes at different lactation seasons on a farm was also monitored. The obtained results of the present work can summarize on the following topics:
• — During one-year investigation, the prevalence rate (% affected) of clinical and subclinical mastitis of dairy buffaloes of the investigated farm (n = 290) was 5.52 % and 28.62 %, respectively, and in the examined dairy private cases (n = 190) the prevalence of mastitis was 11.05 % and 26.84 %, respectively.
• — Clinically, it was found that 7.71 % of the examined dairy buffaloes (n = 480) were clinically positive to mastitis in variable forms, acute and subacute/chronic forms. The later form (54.05 %) was more prevalent than the former (45.95 %), which was associated with severe systemic reactions in form of remarkable depression, pyrexia, tachycardia and polypnea in association with severe pain of the infected quarters with lameness of the neighboring legs. These severe reactions might relate to the predominant isolated mastitis pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus, which elaborates various powerful necrotizing
toxins inside the infected mammary tissues causing serious local and systemic illness.
. — from an epidemiological point of view, the following points were picked-up:
a) It was found that the majority of the infected quarters of the diseased buffaloes with clinical mastitis were suffering from fissures or local dermal lesions at their teats’ ends, which act as a powerful risk factor for occurrence of mastitis.
b) Statistical comparison between both groups of the examined buffaloes (farm and private) concluded that there was highly significant increase (P < 0.01) in the prevalence of clinical mastitis (11.05 %) of the private dairy buffaloes in comparison with animals on farm (5.52
%). The prevalence rate of subclinical mastitis in the examined private cases (26.84%) was mathematically lower than buffaloes on farm (28.62 %). However, such difference was statistically insignificance (P
> 0.05). The probable reasons of variance in the prevalence of clinical mastitis in both groups of the examined dairy buffaloes and the convergence in the prevalence rate of subclinical mastitis of them were discussed. However, insufficient knowledge on the importance of the sanitary measures before and during milking or precautions of postmilking teat dipping with a germicidal teat-dip appeared to be the first common risk factor of mastitis. On the other side, omission or delaying of a successful therapeutic entrance in treating of mastitis during the early stages of the disease appeared to be the second risk for mastitis, referring to the utmost importance of periodical testing.
toxins inside the infected mammary tissues causing serious local and systemic illness.
. — from an epidemiological point of view, the.