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response of some alfalfa genotypes to irrigation regime under sprinkler irrigation system /
Ahmed, diaa el-dean ahmed mohamed.
plant production.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
101 p. ;
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Two field experiments In two successive seasons (2008/2009 and 2009120 I 0)
were conducted at the Agricultural Research Station in Eastern Owainat Farm, New
Valley Governorate. This study focuses on the effect of three Qatar Nozzle Sprinkler
(QNS) irrigation (100, 200 and 300 mm) on three introduced alfalfa varieties (Jenaan,
Cuf 101 and WL528). The experimental unit area was 180 m2 (5 m width x 36 m
length). Seeds were sown at 2nd April in 2008 season. During the two respective seasons,
seven and nine cuts were taken duiring the two seasons, respectively. Results showed
that the tallest plant at the third cut was obtaind from Cuf 10 l. While, the highest dry
weight was obtained from Jcnaan variety over the two seasons. The tallest plants were
obtained from 100 mm QNS treatment at most of the studied cuts. The highest dry
matter (25.05%) was obtained from the interaction of 100mm QNS and CUFIOI
variety While, the highest WUE over the mean of nine cuts valuedl7.53Kgm,3 was
found with irrigation by 100mm QNS interacted with CUFI0l variety, The highest
forage crude protein content (18.76%) was obtained from the interaction of 100mm
QNS and Jenaan variety, At the second season, increasing water stress by decreasing
QNS from 300 to 100 mm decreased crude fiber content from 25.83 to 22.95 at the
means over the ih cuts. The highest nitrogen free Extract (49.12%) was obtained from
the interaction of 100mmQNS and Jenaan variety at means over theih cuts in 2008/2009
Concerning to this study, it can be recommended that irrigating alfalfa WL528
variety with 200 mm Qatar Nozzle Sprinkler was the best combination for the optium
forage fresh and dry yield under the condition of Eastern Owainat Farm, New Valley