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Studies on using certain safe materials against the lesser grain borer rhizopertha dominica (f.) /
Aly, Manar Youssef Amin.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
216 p. :
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - Plant protection
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The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of some plant dusts i.e. Black pepper seed dust (Piper nigrum L.) ; Cloves flowering buds (Syzegium aromaticum) ; Chili fruits dust (Capsicum frutescens) ; Cinnamon dust (Cinnamonum zeylanicum) ; Diatomaceous earth dust in comparison with katel-sous dust against Rhizopertha dominica (F.) at 30+1oC and 65+5% RH. Meanwhile, the efficacy of two or ganophosphorus insecticides namely malathion and piromiphos –methyl (Actellic) and one botanical insecticide (NeemAzal T/S 1% Azadirachtin) was evaluated against R. dominica at 30+ 1oC and 65 + 5% RH.
Besides, the efficacy of controlled atmospheres (CA) of various carbon dioxide concentrations (25, 50, 75 and 100%) against the various stages of R.dominica at 20 and 30 + 1 oC and 65 + 5% RH was investigated. Furthermore, the efficacy of CA of 99.9% N2 against the various stages of R. dominica was studied at the two above mentioned temperatures and relative humidity. Experiments were conducted at the laboratory of the plant protection department of the Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University.Carbon dioxide and Nitrogen gases were provided as pure gas in pressure cylinders which connected with pressure regulators.* Efficacy of plant dusts against Rhizopertha dominica : Wheat grains were treated with various concentrations (0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6% w/w) of different tested dusts in the laboratory at 30 + 1 oC and each replicate was infested with 30 adults (1-2 week old) of Rhizopertha dominica. Adult mortalities were recorded after 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 days. Besides the inhibition rates of the F1- progeny was estimated. The results revealed the following : -- Black pepper dust : Adult mortality was concentration and exposure period dependent. The adult mortality of Rhizopertha dominica was between 40- 99.9% after 14 days from treatment with the various concentrations of black pepper dust. Meanwhile, the inhibition rate of F1-progeny was in range from 33.11-82.2% for the different black pepper dust concentrations.The lethal concentrations of black pepper dust causing 95% Kill of Rhizopertha dominica adults were 10, 6, 5, 2.5% (w/w) after 3, 5, 7 and 14 days post-treatment, respectively.- Cloves flowering buds dust : The results revealed that adult mortality of Rhizopertha dominica was increased by increasing the concentration and exposure period.Adult mortality was between 16.6 - 91.1% after 14 days from the treatment of the different concentrations of cloves flowering buds dust.The reduction in F1-progeny was from 14.4 – 100% at the different concentrations.The estimated lethal concentrations causing 95% mortality of Rhizopertha dominica adults were 11.3 and 8.2% w/w after 7 and 14 days post-treatment, respectively.- Chili dust :-The results indicated that adult mortality of Rhizopertha dominica was from 40.3 – 99% at 14 days post-treatment for the different tested concentrations of chili dust. The corresponding reduction rates of F1-progeny were between 10.6 – 63.63%. At the same time, the obtained lethal concentrations for 95% adult kill were 28.1 and 4% w/w after 7 and 14 days, respectively.- Cinnamon dust : -The results revealed that adult mortality of Rhizopertha dominica was between14.4 – 39.9% after 14 days from the treatment of cinnamon dust concentrations.Reduction in F1-progeny was from 8.6 – 68%. This result showed clearly that the highest tested concentration (6%) of cinnamon dust resulted in lower mortality value even after 14 days post-treatment (less than 40.