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برنامج مقترح لتنمية ممارسة الشباب الجامعي للحقوق الاجتماعية من منظور طريقة خدمة الجماعة :
محمود، محمد محمد سليمان.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد محمد سليمان محمود
مشرف / نبيل ابراهيم احمد
مناقش / محمد خضر عبد المختار
مناقش / ماجدي عاطف محفوظ
خدمة الجماعة.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
332 ص. ؛
العلوم الاجتماعية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الخدمة الاجتماعية - خدمة الجماعه
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 353

from 353


First: the problem of the study
The social work profession s considered one of the professions in which the areas of practice are varied, it deals with all Categories used in different ways with Individuals, groups and communities to achieve Desired and meaningful change to them.
The method of group work is the one of those ways which Deals with various groups, including groups of University students, one of the most important factors of production In Egyptian society, who have the responsibility of development with their psychological and social capacities, these young people have rights And duties.
The rights of youth vary, whether political, civil , social, economic, cultural or other rights Guaranteed to them by the Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Covenants, but this category of Needs to such rights in addition to other rights important for him Including: the right to practice democracy and freedom of expression Opinion, the right to participate in decision making, the right to practice the leadership, the right to participate in solving problems By the group, the right to practice various activities Which are social rights exercised through the Groups.
In order to practice those rights, it should be of legitimate organizations within the university where the practice of these rights, Student groups, families, consisting in all faculties Through specific rules and procedures.
The method of group work is one of the ways in Dealing primarily with groups of families of students through various activities and programs.
The problem of the study can be determined as follows: ” Can the intervention program for the professional way of Group work lead to the development of the practice of youth University of Social Rights ”
Secondly: The Importance of the Study:
1- Young people are generally the most important human resources that affect to community building with their capabilities and possibilities which is required to investment and refinement for the advancement and development of society.
2- Students Represent at the university one of the important sectors of the society, they constitute an essential element in building a better future if they are directed well where makes positive trends and be sure there are the feelings of loyalty and belonging to the community.
3- Law project of the rights of youth and its emphasis on the importance of a variety of youth rights, including social rights.
4- Now, time is best to make the groups doing its roles to help the state in educating young people and the practice of social rights which is working to achieve the goals and aspirations of young people and thus the advancement of society.
5- Global, national and local increased attention of human rights as a mean towards a better future, a welfard community and thus based on a moral foundation.
6- The State’s interest in the recently moments, represented in the political leadership and executive bodies at different levels in providing the material and human support for student activities, including the Communities because of their importance in giving young people the academic some skills and different experiences which are affected the growth of society and especially after the revolution of January 25.
7- The Education Initiation of university youth in decision-making, problem solving, freedom of expression provided by the Catholic relief in cooperation with the Middle East and applied within the University of Assiut.
8- The student families are the most important student groups that can, through their various programs and activities, make some sort of effective development among young people in university social rights.
9- Having the researcher to many diverse courses in the field of social rights from the American University in Cairo and the passing of many different tests, which enable him to practice the work in the field of social rights.
Third: The Objectives of the Study:
This study seeks to achieve the main objective of the following:
” A program proposal for the development of the practice of university students to the social rights from the perspective of group work method ”
The main target group includes some sub-goals, namely:
- Developing the right of members in the practice of democracy and freedom of expression.
- Developing the right of members to participate in the decision-making.
- Developing the right of members to practice leadership.
- Development of practice the right of members to participate in solving their problems by the group.
- Developing the right of members to practice various activities.
Fourth: The hypotheses of the study:
The main hypothesis of the study can be formulated as follow:
” There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the practice of young university of social rights ”
And the hypothesis can be known by testing the following sub-hypotheses:
1- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of Members in the practice of democracy and freedom of expression.
2- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of members to participate in decision-making.
3- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of members to practice leadership.
4- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of members to participate in solving their problems by the group.
5- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of members to practice various activities.
Fifth: the concepts of the study:
1- The concept of the program in the group work.
2- The concept of social rights.
- The concept of the right of Members in the practice of democracy and freedom of expression.
- The concept of the right of members to participate in decision-making within the family the student.
- The concept of the right of members to practice leadership.
- The concept of the right of members to participate in solving their problems by the group.
- The concept of the right of members to practice various activities.
3- The concept of university youth.
4- The concept of student families.
Sixth: The type of study:
This study belongs to the experimental studies.
Seventh: The methodology used:
The researcher in this study depends on the experimental method.
Eights: methodological design of the study:
The researcher in this study depends on the design of (A- B- A- B), which includes four stages: baseline, first professional intervention, return to the baseline, and where professional intervention is stop, and finally the stage of re-intervention.
Ninth: Study tools:
The present study depends on the following tools:
A- Standard questionnaire for the practice of university youth to the social rights - prepared by the researcher.
B- Standard attitudinal questionnaire for the practice of university youth to the social rights - prepared by the researcher.
C- Note guide for the behavior of the student members of the families in the practice of social rights - are also prepared by the researcher.
D- Semi-standardized interviews with both of experts and specialized.
E- Analysis of content of periodic reports, which has been recorded by the researcher after completion of the meetings with the group during his work, the researcher used statistical treatments in the legalization of study tools and synthesizing the results.
Tenth: Field of Study:
1- Place Field: This study was conducted in the Department of Youth Welfare, Faculty of Social Work - University of Assiut.
2- Human Field : the domain is determined in a sample of human intentional strength (40) students, who are joined to the family, of friends for the Faculty of Social Work - Assiut University.
3- Duration Field : the time domain is determined by the period of professional intervention, which lasted six months, started from 27/10/2010 and ended 27/04/2011.
Eleventh: The results of the study:
The study proved the health of the main hypothesis, there are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervention in group work and the development of the practice of young university of social rights.
The study proved the health of sub-hypotheses which are:
1- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of Members in the practice of democracy and freedom of expression.
2- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of members to participate in decision-making.
3- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of members to practice leadership.
4- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development of the right of members to participate in solving their problems by the group.
5- There are significant differences between the program application of the professional intervene in group work and the development
of members to practice various activities.