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Water quality control modelling for agriculture drain /
Abdo, Ahmed Hussein Hussein.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد حسين حسين عبدة
مشرف / إبراهيم جار العلم راشد
مشرف / أحمد أحمد الصروي
مشرف / محمد محمد الحلواني
Water quality.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
94 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الهندسة - Department of Environmental engineering, management and technology
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Water is the essential element for life on earth, but fresh water sources like all natural resources are diminishing. Water pollution has not only deteriorated purity of water resources, but also has caused great economic loss and harm to human health. Irrigating agricultural crops with recycled wastewater has been practiced in arid and semi arid regions and is rapidly getting popular in the countries of the Middle East. In Palestine and Jordan, irrigation with wastewater of different qualities has been practiced for along time. Most traditional municipal wastewater treatment plants produce secondary treated recycled effluent with high amounts of Total Dissolved Solids, TDS, concentrations and other constituents that affect soil, crop and the environment. To avoid the negative affects proper irrigation management systems are required to avoid soil deterioration and reduction in yield.
The country pays great attention for adding new areas to the agricultural lands in order to increase production and to reduce dependence on external imports to fill the nutritious gab resulted from over population and to provide new job opportunities. So the matter requires searching for non traditional water resources as the traditional water resources in Egypt are limited. So it’s important to reuse the water resulted from agricultural drainage as one of untraditional resources of water added to our water resources.
The use of wastewater in agriculture is a centuries-old practice that is receiving renewed attention with the increasing scarcity of fresh water resources in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Driven by rapid urbanization and growing wastewater volumes, wastewater is widely used as a low-cost alternative to conventional irrigation water, it supports livelihoods and generates considerable value in urban and peri-urban agriculture despite the associated health and environmental risks. Though pervasive, this practice is largely unregulated in low-income countries, and the costs and benefits are poorly understood
This research aims to evaluate the concentration of heavy metal (Cu and Mn) and the organic matter by measuring three parameter which are biological oxygen demand (BOD), the chemical oxygen demand (COD), and Dissolved Oxygen (DO). from the measured data we can correlate an second order equation relates between concentration of organic matter, flow rate, and the distance from point source. Evaluation of changes of the organic load concentrations for Bahr Hadous, lower Serow irrigating drainage show that an increasing of BOD during September to December due to the lowering of flow rate of irrigation water through this period. COD and DO increased also during the same period and due to the same reason. The data correlated in an second order equation with law absolute error and we predict the feature changes of the organic load concentration in each season.