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Studies On Production And Quality Of Sugar Beet Under North Sinai Conditions /
Salim, Fawkia Mohamed Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Fawkia Mohamed Ahmed Salim
مشرف / Abd El-Fatah Belal
مشرف / Ragab Mohamed Hefny
مناقش / Abd El-Fatah Belal
Plant products.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
115 p. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - Plant Production
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 124

from 124


Two field experiments were conducted at the Experimental Farm of
Environmental Agricultural Sciences Faculty -El-Arish, North Sinai
Governorate, Suez Canal University, during two successive growing
seasons of 2007/2008 and 200812009 in order to study the effect of three
plant patterns intervals (50, 75 and 100 cm), three nitrogen fertilizer rates
(80, 120 and 160 kg N/fed.) and three boron fertilizer rates (0.00, 0.5 and 1
kg B/fed.) on growth criteria, juice quality and yield and its attributes of
sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). The important results could be summarized
as follow:
• Planting patterns had no significant effect on root, top and sugar
yields (ton/fed.).
• Nitrogen fertilizer was insignificantly affected on root, top and sugar
yield (ton/fed.), except root yield in the ’st season. 80kgN/fed
produced the highest root yield (33.989 ton/fed).
• Increasing the applied dose of boron to lkgB/fed attained a relative
increase in sugar yield (4.879-4.643 ton/fed.) in the two seasons.
• None of the various combinations of the studied factors attained
significant effect on yields of tops, roots and sugar.
• Interaction between planting patterns, nitrogen fertilizer and boron
application had significant effects on sucrose % and both of TSS %
and purity % in the first and second seasons respectively.
• The highest percentages of sucrose (18.99 %) and TSS % (21.69 %)
and purity % (88.54 %) were produced when sugar beet grown under
100 cm. row width and fertilized by 160 Kg. N/fed. and lkgB/fed.