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GUT Ischemia /
Ahmed, Osama Abdel Rahman.
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / اسامه عبدالرحمن احمد
مشرف / Mohamed Osman El Haieg
مشرف / Mohamed Osman El Haieg
مشرف / Nabilla Aly Hussain
Ischemia. General Medicine.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
57 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الزقازيق - كلية الطب البشرى - General Medicine
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The gut motor activity is a complex pattern which helping in mixing of food with digstive secreation. Then proplusion of this mixture. Cessation of proplusive activity usually due to obstruction is a common disterbance which occure under many circmstance. The gut is richly supplied with blood vesseles. The celiac axis, the superior mesentric artery, the inferior mesentric artery forming richly anastomosing net works. For sings and symptoms of ischemia to appear in any part of the gut 2/3 of the blood supply should be obstructed or occluded (Miller and Thompson 1981).
A- Anatomy of the vasculer supply of the gut
The intra abdominal portions of the digstive
tract are supplied by three majors unparied arterial trunks arising from the ventral aspect of the abdominal
aorta. Celiac axis, superior mesentric artery and inferior mesentric artery. The anatomy o-f these vesseles and their anastomosis inter—relation ship determine the consequance of acute or chronic vasculer disease (Haward. M. Spiro 1980).
This large vessele originate at a level between
twelfth thoracie and first lumber vertebra. Then gives rise to three major branches
*Splenic artery
* Left gastric artery
* Hepatic artery
All three branches contrebute the blood supply of the stomach. The splenic artery supply the greater curveture via short gastric, left gastro—epiploic branches. The gastric artery supplies the lesser curveture of the stomach. The hepatic artery gives rise to gastro-duden artery. This vessel also divided in to right gastro—epiplo_ ic and supperior panceriatico dudenal arteries. Because of this rich inter conection net work about both the lesser and greater curveture of the stomach, ischemic infarction of the stomach in the abscence of more generalised mes— entric ischemia is most unusual. But rare cases has been reported (Robert K. Okner 1978).
rhis vessel originates behind the pancrease at a level of first lumber rertebra. It gives rise to three major branches.
* Middle colic artery
* Right colic artery
* Ilio colic artery