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Histological and histochemical studies on the seasonal changes of male accessory genital glands of the buffalo /
Emara, Saad Abd EL-Fatah Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سعد عبد الفتاح محمد عماره
مشرف / يوسف محمد شاهين
مناقش / محمد عمر الشايب
مناقش / محمد عطيه محمد متولي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
213 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الطب البيطري - هيستولوجيا حيوان
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The results presented in this investigation elucidate the histological structures and some histochemical studies of the accessory genital glands of the buffalo-bull during the different seasons all over the year. The accessory genital glands of 84 adult buffalo-bull were collected from Cairo abattoir over a period extending from March 1991 to Ferbruary, 1992. The results were statistically analysed to reveal the effect of season on these glands. Ampulla ductus deferentis :•The ampulla ductus deferens was increased in its diameter during summer than the other seasons.•The interstitial connective tissue of propria submucosa was decreased in summer.•The diameter of secretory units was significantly increased in spring (97.10 microns) and summer (84.80 microns) than in autumn (79.46 microns) and winter (67.58 microns).•Some secretory units during spring, summer and autumn contained acidophilic secretory material. In the winter season, the secretory units contained very few secretory material.•The height of secretory cells was significantly increased in summer (23.84 microns) than in spring (19.40 microns) and autumn (20.65 microns) and was decreased in winter (14.50 microns).•The neutral mucopolysaccharides appeared as PAS positive substance in the secretory cells and in the lumina of secretory units during all seasons but was fewer in winter.•The ampullary glands appeared to be devoid of both acid mucopolysaccharides as well as glycogen.90 Glandula vesicularis :▪The interlobular and intralobular connective tissue were slightly decreased in summer than spring.•The diameter of secretory units was significantly increased in summer (77.52 microns) and spring (70.03 microns) and significantly decreased in winter (62.51 microns) and autumn (55.22 microns).•The secretory units during the different seasons all over the year, were contained acidophilic secretory substance.•The height of secretory cells was significantly increased in summer (19.49 microns) and decreased in spring (16.06 microns) and autumn (14.63 microns) while it reached to its lowest value in winter (13.47 microns).The neutral mucopolysaccharides appeared as PAS positive reaction in the cytoplasm of secretory cells as well as in the lumina of secretory units. The reactivity to PAS was similar in the different seasons.•The acid mucopolysaccharide as well as glycogen did not demonstrated during the different seasons all over the year. Prostata :a) The corpus prostatae :•The diameter of secretory units was significantly increased in spring (43.90 microns) and summer (41.61 microns) than in winter (40.58 microns) and significantly decreased in the autumn (36.06 microns).•Some secretory units were contained acidophilic secretory material which decreased in autumn and winter.The height of secretory cells was significantly increased in summer (18.09 microns) and spring (16.46 microns) than in winter (14.32 microns) and significantly decreased in autumn (13.15 microns).91•The neutral mucopolysaccharides appeared as PAS-positive reaction in the cytoplasm of secretory cells and in lumina of secretory units. The reactivity to PAS was similar in the different seasons.•Neither acid mucopolysaccharides nor glycogen were observed in the tissue of the pars externa.b) The pars disseminata prostatae :•The interstitial connective tissue was decreased in summer and increased in winter.•The diameter of secretory units was significantly increased in summer (39.85 microns) and spring (38.63 microns) than in winter (35.30 microns). A significant decrease in diameter of secretory units was noted in autumn (30.97 microns).•Acidophilic secretory materials were showed in the lumina of some secretory units and collecting sinuses in spring and summer but fewer in autumn and winter.•The height of secretory cells was significantly increased in summer (14.11 microns) and spring (13.09 microns) than in autumn (12.97 microns) or winter (12.62 microns).•Neutral mucopolysaccharides appeared as PAS positive reaction in the secretory cells and in the lumina of both secretory units and collecting sinuses. The reactivity to PAS was similar in the different seasons.•Acid mucopolysaccharides were appeared few only in the intraepithelial cells of large excretory ducts and in some mucous secretory units. The affinity to alcian blue was similar in the different seasons.•Glycogen could not be detected in pars interna during the different seasons all over the year.92 The Glandula bulbourethralis :•The interlobular and intralobular connective tissue was decreased during spring and summer and increased in autumn and winter. The diameter of secretory units was significantly increased in spring (51.81 microns) and summer (45.28 microns) and significantly decreased in autumn (39.01 microns) and winter (29.51 microns).•The lumina of both secretory units and collecting sinuses were contained acidophilic secretory substance which decreased in amount during autumn and winter.•The height of secretory cells was significantly increased in spring (22.88 microns) and summer (21.52 microns) than autumn (18.76 microns) and winter (15.74 microns).•The neutral mucopolysaccharides appeared as PAS positive reaction in the secretory cells and in the lumina of both secretory units and collecting sinuses. The reactivity to PAS was similar in the different seasons.•Acid mucopolysaccharides appeared as alcianophilic substances in the cytoplasm of secretory cells and in the lumina of both secretory units and collecting sinuses. The reactivity to alcian blue was weak during autumn.•Glycogen could not be detected in the tissue of bulbourethral gland during the different seasons all over the year.The above mentioned results indicated that the accessory genital glands of the buffalo bull were considerably active all over the year months. Their highest activity appeared during spring and summer, while the lowest activity appeared in autumn and winter. Therefore, the buffaloes in Egypt could be considered non-seasonal animals which can breed at any time of the year, but spring and summer months are more suitable.