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taxonomical and ecological studies on subfamily plusiinae lepidoptera noctuidae in egypt
ahmed،ahmed abdel monem
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد عبد المنعم احمد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
علوم الحشرات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - حشرات
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’”Tc.x::JnJmical an.d ec::Jlogical .studies on subfamily
PlusiD,ae (Lepidoptera) in Egypt. ”
The present work includes studies on the seasonal
activity of the m::1ths and a survey of the host plants for
seven species of the subfamily plusiinae in ~gypt. Detailed
morphologice.l and te.xonomical description of the seven species also :.., The results obtained could be summsxized
:J.S follows:
I- Seas:>no.l activity of the moths: ------------------------------
To study the seo.s:mal activit~’ of the 1no ths, four
light tl’:<.ps we:re distributed ot f:.lUr localities represetlting
different regi :Ji1S of ,;gyp t i, e. S;w,rkiya- Faquous, :·1iflia-
Abu Qucrkas, F~·:Ju.~TI-Fac.’:Jum and Solmco; - Sho.ndweel. The 1 i(sh t
trr;;Js wee· ::;:•ero.ted f:Jr tw::J co.nplete (1976 D.nd 1977).
Daily cotc,1es were obtained,
Fo:L· Aq!_ograp~ ,&o.Tll;]l8., ti1is species WRS the most
co;·,lmon speoiGs aild widely distributed in middle and upper
,;c;ypt th2.1.1 :L”l l:Jwer Jogypt. The 11::1ths were more C1ctive in 1’37Gthan in 1977, On the other llcmd, the moths of chr.z.sode~
.?_ha_l..?.ites were m:ne active during 1977 tho.n in 1976.
This species wo.s the most comm::ln Sj)8Cies in lower Egypt
:md less distributed in middle and upper Egypt,
For ,Syngrapha £i£cumfle~ this species was
widely distributed in upper Egypt them in niddle nncl lower
Egypt. The moths of this insect vrere more abundant in
1977 th~~ in 1976. On the other hru”d, the moths of
Tricho~lua~~ ~were more active L~ 1976 than in 1977.
This sp’Cies was widely distributed in lower Egypt and
:~;~oderately cLstributed in middle ~1d upper Egypt.
With regards to the other three species,
_g_i.£_cumscx:ipta, Tricho;;;lusin daub~ and Trichop),~s_ia .9_r:_ic]lGcl.c_e£
the moths o:f these species were found in few numbers at the
four ties under during both
II- HosJ;.....P.lan~:
Survey of the :1ost plo.nts sturted by recording the
lc~bellod speci,:lens fl’::>r.l tlw c :Jll(’otion of the Entomoloc;icl”.l
l1esearch Institute of the ih’listry of Agriculutre, the i1ost
luJ1ts for e·,ch species can be listed 2.s follows:
lz:~~t_:y:.:;,raJJha. go.rru,.J£ was rccCJrded :on ten host plo.nts
bcl:.>,lging to eight famil:Les,these l1:ost )lcc.nts mexiCN1tea(= z::>rbeh), mo.rehflef’.-bane (=Bflrnuf), cabbage,
;naize, ”Jc;yptio.n clover1 Egyptian lupin, Egyptian acas:i.c\
(=Sant), flax, mavle and tomato,
~yaodeixis chalcites vms recorded on four host
plants belonging to four different families, the host plants
are: leaf beet, marsh flea - bane ( .. Bo.rnuf), Egyptian clover
a..n.d s imsim,
$yngrapha circumflexa was found to infest six
host plo.nts belonging to five families, these host plants
are: leo.f beet, marsh flell-bane (=Barnuf), cabbage, Egyptian
clover, pea8 and flax.
~o]~l~i~ ~cumscrip~~ was found only on peas
c:;nd toma t::> •
The spc.cies !.E_iohoplasi.£ g_:h was recorded on six
h::Jst ; J.211ts belanging to five different families, the host
The ather two species ~~i.~hoplu~~ Ao.ube~ and
orll.chalo-e-ll were onught by light ’raxonomy:
To describe the moths of the seven species of
l’lusiinae according to the most recent ooneept, permanent
mj_croscopical mountings of the male and female genitalia
as well as vnng venation had been prepared,
IdeJ:tifio~tion had been carried out at the
Identification service, plant Prot. Ie>st. of the Ministry
of Agriculture, Cairo and confirmed by Prof. Dr. c. Dufay,
Universite, Claude Bernard, Lyon I, France,
The \7ork revealed that, ~iohoplusia circwnscripta
(Frr.) GS a new record, with six other specie$ representing
four c;enera as follows:-
1- Genus: l~utogrD::Qh..Q: represented by one species only,
;:’1-ut~gro.pha ~\’l§ (LiJmaous).
2- Genus: Qhrysodeixis represented by one species only,
Ohry_sode:i,_xis ~lcites (iJsper).
3- Gem us: Szng_rc . .Q_ho. represented by :me spo cies only,
_§l’nlfr’_Wl-a oircunflexo, ( Linnaeus).·1- Genus: Trio~oplus_~ repre:ce:tted by f~ur species,
~c~o~_lu~j& circumJ.!~ri£ta (Freyer) ,
~ich221usia daubei (Boisduval),
-~ichoplusia ni (Hubner) and
.~ichoplusia ~chaloea (Fabricius).
A key was c:wstructed for the species under considerati::
w o.ccording to the r•1o.le genitalia only because structures
of comparable significance c:mld be more found in males
than in fm’lnles to f2cilate identification.