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Effect of Grain Soaking in Fe, Mn and Zn Solutions on Productivity and Quality of Wheat :-
Abd El-Rahim , Nadia Mahmoud Mohammed .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نادية محمود محمد عبد الرحيم
مشرف / المهدي عبد المطلب طعيمة
مناقش / رجب احمد السيد داود
مناقش / عبد الرحيم سيد عبد الرحيم
Effect of Grain Soaking .
تاريخ النشر
2015 .
عدد الصفحات
52p ,
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الزراعة - Agronomy
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This investigation was carried out in the Agricultural Experimental Farm at Fac. Agric., Assiut Univ., during the two winter growing seasons 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 to study the effect of grain soaking into Fe, Zn and Mn solutions on the productivity and quality of wheat. The used experimental design was a Complete Randomized Block Design in split-plot with four replications. Wheat varieties (Giza 168 and Bani-Swef 1) were allocated in the main plot, while micronutrient treatments (Fe, Zn, Mn, Fe+Mn, Zn+Mn, Fe+Zn and Fe+Mn+Zn) were distributed in the sup-plot. The plot area was 3x3.5 m2. The results could be summarized as follows:
A- Growth, yield components and yield traits:
1- Plant height (cm):
- Plant height had non-significant affected by the varieties, but the Giza 168 variety gave the tallest plants in both seasons.
- Grains soaking in micro-elements had a highly significantly effect on the plant height in both seasons. The tallest plants were obtained by Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (99.90 and 99.03 cm) followed by Fe+Zn mixture (95.03 and 96.25 cm), while the shortest ones were obtained by the control treatment (89.53 and 88.99 cm) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
- The tallest plants were observed by the interaction between Giza 168 variety and Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (102.20 and 100.10 cm) followed by Bani Swef-1 variety with Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (97.60 and 97.95 cm), while the shortest ones were observed by the interaction between Giza 168 or Bani Swef-1 variety with control treatment (88.75 and 89.70 cm) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
2- Spike length (cm):
- Spike length had a highly significantly affected by the varieties in both seasons. The tallest spikes were recorded by Giza 168 variety in both seasons.
- Spike length had a highly significantly affected by the grain soaking in micro-elements in both seasons. The tallest spikes were recorded by Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (10.58 and 11.03 cm) followed by Fe+Zn mixture (10.26 and 10.98 cm) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
- The interaction between Giza 168 variety with Fe+Zn+Mn mixture gave the tallest spikes (11.70 and 12.40 cm) followed by Giza 168 variety with Fe+Zn mixture (11.45 and 12.05 cm) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively. The shortest spikes (7.43 and 7.60 cm) were recorded by the interaction between Bani Swef-1 with the control treatment in both seasons.
3 – Number of spikelets/spike:
- Varieties had a highly significantly effect on the number of spikelets/spike in both seasons. The Giza 168 variety gave the highest values for the number of spikelets/spike in both seasons.
- Grains soaking in micro-elements exerted a highly signfiiantly effect on the number of spikelets/spike in both seasons. The highest values for the number of spikelets/spike were recorded by Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (20.13 and 20.86) followed by Fe+Zn mixture (19.60 and 20.30) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
- The interaction between Giza 168 variety and Fe+Zn+Mn mixture gave the highest values for the number of spikelets/spike (21.20 and 21.84) followed by Giza 168 variety with Fe+Zn mixture (19.95 and 20.55) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively. The lowest values for number of spikelets/spike were recorded by Bani Swef-1 variety with control treatment (16.20 and 16.65) followed by the same variety with Mn treatment (16.40 and 17.15) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
4- Number of spike/m2:
- Varieties exerted a highly significantly effect on the number of spikes/m2 in the 1st season only. The Giza 168 variety gave the highest values for the number of spikes/m2 in both seasons.
- The number of spikes/m2 had a highly significantly affected by the grains soaking in micro-elements in both seasons. The highest values for the number of spikes/m2 were obtained by Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (486.9 and 491.8) followed by Fe+Zn mixture (445.1 and 433.5), while the lowest ones were obtained by the control treatment (217.8 and 224.4) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
- The interaction between Giza 168 variety and Fe+Zn+Mn mixture gave the highest values for the number of spikes/m2 (546.5 and 551.0) followed by the same variety with Fe+Zn mixture (518.0 and 498.0), while the lowest ones were obtained by the interaction between Bani Swef-1 variety with the control treatment (180.0 and 190.0) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
5- 1000-grains weight (gm):
- 1000-grains weight had a highly significantly affected by the varieties in both seasons. The Bani Swef-1 variety showed the heaviest 1000-grains in both seasons.
- Grains soaking in micro-elements exerted a highly significantly effect on the 1000-grains weight in both seasons. The heaviest 1000-grains were showed by Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (48.16 and 50.40 gm) followed by Fe+Zn mixture (46.93 and 49.48 gm), while the thinnest ones were showed by the control (41.74 and 43.06 gm) in the 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively.
- The interaction between Bani Swef-1 variety and Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (50.48 and 53.03 gm) gave the heaviest 1000-grains followed by the same variety with Fe+Zn mixture (49.98 and 52.54 gm), while the thinnest 1000-grains were showed by Giza 168 variety with the control treatment (38.09 and 40.66 gm) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
6- Grain yield/fed. (ard.):
- Grain yield/fed. had non-significant affected by the varieties in both seasons, but the Giza 168 variety gave the maximum values for the grain yield/fed. in both seasons.
- Grains soaking in micro-elements exerted a highly significantly effect on the grain yield/fed. in both seasons. The maximum values for grain yield/fed. were recorded by the Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (19.32 and 18.95 ard.) followed by Fe+Zn mixture (18.20 and 17.93 ard.), while the minimum ones were recorded by the control treatment (16.04 and 15.79 ard.) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
- The interaction between Giza 168 variety and Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (19.05 and 19.32 ard.) gave the maximum values for grain yield/fed. followed by the same variety with Fe+Zn mixture (18.51 and 18.89 ard.), while the minimum ones were obtained by the interaction between Bani Swef-1 variety with control treatment (15.92 and 15.43 ard.) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
7- Straw yield/fed. (ton):
- Varieties exerted a highly significantly effect on the straw yield/fed. in both seasons. The Giza 168 variety gave the maximum values for straw yield/fed. in both seasons.
- Straw yield/fed. had a highly significantly affected by the grain soaking in micro-elements in both seasons. The maximum values for the straw yield/fed. were obtained by Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (3.97 and 4.37 ton) followed by Fe+Zn mixture (3.89 and 4.28 ton), while the minimum ones were obtained by the control treatment (3.47 and 3.71 ton) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
- The interaction between Giza 168 variety and Fe+Zn+Mn mixture gave the maximum values for straw yield/fed. (4.34 and 4.73 ton) followed by the same variety with Fe+Zn mixture (4.23 and 4.63 ton), while the minimum ones were recorded by the interaction between Bani Swef-1 variety with control treatment (3.18 and 3.38 ton) in the 1st and the 2nd seasons, respectively.
B- Quality traits:
Protein percentage in grains:
- Protein percentage had non-significant affected by the varieties in the 2nd season, but the Bani-Swef 1 varieties gave the maximum value for protein percentage in the 2nd season.
- Grains soaking in micro-elements exerted a highly significantly effect on the protein percentage in the 2nd season. The maximum values for protein percentage were recorded by the Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (12.65%) followed by Fe+Zn mixture (12.20%) and then Fe+Mn mixture (11.89%), while the minimum one was recorded by the control treatment (11.15%) in the 2nd season.
- The interaction between varieties and grain soaking in micro-elements exerted a significant effect on the protein percentage in the 2nd season. The interaction between Bani-Swef 1 variety and Fe+Zn+Mn mixture (12.94%) gave the maximum value of protein percentage followed by the same variety with Fe+Zn mixture (12.41%), while the minimum one was obtained by Giza 168 variety with the control treatment (10.79%) followed by the same variety with Fe treatment (10.82%) in the second season.