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Microbiological and Molecular characterization of Candida Albicans Isolated from Human and Animals =
Abd El-Moaty, Alaa Esmaeal Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ألاء إسماعيل محمد عبد المعطي
مشرف / حلمي أحمد تركي
مشرف / جابر سعد عبد الرازق
مشرف / عادل محمد خضر
مناقش / سلوي محمود حلمي
مناقش / سامي عبد السلام خليل
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
99 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الطب البيطرى - الميكروبيولوجيا
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The genus candida exists as a commensal of mucosal membranes in most healthy individuals and other wormblooded animals, where they grow without causing any damage. They are opportunistic organisms causing diseases when the host condition are favorable such as warmth and moisture,.Diabeties, excess sugar in diet, a weak defense system, altered hormone system levels such as caused by contraceptive pills, pregnancy, steroid drugs, I.U.D on females. Candida albicans causes genital infections in humans& animals and Candidal onychomycosis(an infection of the nail plate).Systemic fungal infections including those by Candida albicans have emerged as important causes of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients (e.g AIDS, cancer chemotherapy ,organ or bone marrow transplantation). In the present study ,a total of 105 samples were collected from El-Sharkia and Al-Gharbia governorate ,recovere from(cattle,buffaloes,weaned calves,sheep,goats)and human as a source of various biological specimens, which included vaginal, oral and rectal swabs. After primary examination on SDA and Gram’s stain,the examination samples revealed macroscopically growth of white to creamy colored yeast colonies varied between smooth, glistening or dry or wrinkled and dull colony texture .As well as microscopically revealed Gram positive spherical to oval yeast cells, irregular in size,some showing budding yeast cells.The isolation of 62 out of 105 yeast isolates were revealed in a total percentage of 59%,where the percentage of positive yeast was higher in animals64.6% that isolated from different animals[cattle ,buffalo ,sheep ,goats ,weaned calves] than human50%.The percentage of positive samples obtained from animals for yeast was highest from vaginal swabs(67.8%) followed by rectal swabs (45.9%),as well as the positive yeast samples recovered from human with high percentage were vaginal swabs 75% then oral swabs 25%. In the present work,out of 62 yeast isolates examined on Rice agar plates at 25˚ c for 3 days. Fifty yeast isolates showed various criteria of Candida species such as chylamydospores, pseudomycelia and/or true hyphae, and round ,oval blastospores with or without buddig ,and no presence of arthrospores. Biochemical tests (sugars fermentation test, and Urease test) as well as physiological tests (Germ tube test) were done, The positive results of Candida albicans gave acid and gas production with sugar form ,gave negative reaction in Urease test indicate inability of Candida albicans to hydrolyse urea(No change on the urea color and gave positive result in Germ tube test (Filamentous like auto growth).Considering the presumptive identification of 50 yeast isolates ,Chromogenic Candida Agar was used in the study which the number of isolates of Candida albicans is 20 isolates according to color of Candida on chromogenic Agar which gives light green color (as positive result for Candida albicans).The results from the present study showed: more purification of Candida albicans.The number of isolates of Candida albicans recovered from animal origin was 9 isolates45% and 11 isolates recovered from human sources 55%. In the present study, PCR has been performed ,for identification of Candida albicans by using specific primer CA3,CA4,which resulted in PCR product as amplicon size (109bp).In Egypt there is no previous study using serotyping of PCR based assay to know different serotypes of Candida albicans, primers used in this study were on the basis of 25S rDNA including forward primers CA-INT-L: ATA AGG GAA GTC GGC AAA ATA GAT CCG TAA and reverse primer CA-INT-R: CCT TGG CTG TGG TTT CGC TAG ATA GTA GAT. C. albicans isolates were divided into 5 genotypes of the size of PCR products as serotype A(450bp),serotype B(840),serotype C(between 450&840),serotype D(1040),serotype E(1080). In order to obtain different C. albicans subtyping on the basis of ALT repeats, two primers (ASDcF: TGA TGA ACC ACA TGT GCT ACA AAG and pCSCR: CGC CTC TAT TGG TCG AGC AGT AGT C) were set on the basis of the nucleotide sequences of C. albicans repetitive sequence. These primers can divide the C. albicans isolates into 6 subtypes according to the sizes of PCR products as subtype 1(526),subtype 2(698),subtype 3(870),subtype 4(1042),subtype 5(1214),subtype 6(1396).(Iradj Ashrafi Tama et al 2014)The frequencies of genotypes A, B and C which were achieved using 25S rDNA , were 66, 24 and 10 percent, respectively. In addition, genotypes D and E were not found in this study. In the present study ,PCR assay was performed for detection of Candida albicans virulenc factors,HWP1,SAP4,ALS1 are the most important virulence factors, which resulted that: each virulence factor gives PCR product (amplicon size)as HWP1(572),SAP4(394),ALS1(318).This study was done to evaluate the genotypic &serotypic identification of Candida albicans by isolation of yeast species from different clinical samples obtained from both human and animals infection & by microscopic morphology &presumptive identification of Candida albicans isolated by chromogenic agar media and Finally confirmed by identification of Candida albicans& its serotypes and its virulence factors by using PCR based assay.The genus candida exists as a commensal of mucosal membranes in most healthy individuals and other worm blooded animals, where they grow without causing any damage. They are opportunistic organisms causing diseases when the host condition are favorable such as warmth and moisture,.Diabeties, excess sugar in diet, a weak defense system, altered hormone system levels such as caused by contraceptive pills, pregnancy, steroid drugs, I.U.D on females.Candida albicans causes genital infections in humans& animals and Candidal onychomycosis(an infection of the nail plate).Systemic fungal infections including those by Candida albicans have emerged as important causes of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients (e.g AIDS, cancer chemotherapy ,organ or bone marrow transplantation).In the present study ,a total of 105 samples were collected from El-Sharkia and Al-Gharbia governorate ,recovere from(cattle,buffaloes,weaned calves,sheep,goats)and human as a source of various biological specimens, which included vaginal, oral and rectal swabs. After primary examination on SDA and Gram’s stain,the examination samples revealed macroscopically growth of white to creamy colored yeast colonies varied between smooth, glistening or dry or wrinkled and dull colony texture .As well as microscopically revealed Gram positive spherical to oval yeast cells, irregular in size,some showing budding yeast cells. The isolation of 62 out of 105 yeast isolates were revealed in a total percentage of 59%,where the percentage of positive yeast was higher in animals64.6% that isolated from different animals[cattle ,buffalo ,sheep ,goats ,weaned calves] than human50%.The percentage of positive samples obtained from animals for yeast was highest from vaginal swabs(67.8%) followed by rectal swabs (45.9%),as well as the positive yeast samples recovered from human with high percentage were vaginal swabs 75% then oral swabs 25%. In the present work,out of 62 yeast isolates examined on Rice agar plates at 25˚ c for 3 days. Fifty yeast isolates showed various criteria of Candida species such as chylamydospores, pseudomycelia and/or true hyphae, and round ,oval blastospores with or without buddig ,and no presence of arthrospores. Biochemical tests (sugars fermentation test, and Urease test) as well as physiological tests (Germ tube test) were done, The positive results of Candida albicans gave acid and gas production with sugar form ,gave negative reaction in Urease test indicate inability of Candida albicans to hydrolyse urea(No change on the urea color and gave positive result in Germ tube test (Filamentous like auto growth).Considering the presumptive identification of 50 yeast isolates ,Chromogenic Candida Agar was used in the study which the number of isolates of Candida albicans is 20 isolates according to color of Candida on chromogenic Agar which gives light green color (as positive result for Candida albicans).The results from the present study showed: more purification of Candida albicans.The number of isolates of Candida albicans recovered from animal origin was 9 isolates45% and 11 isolates recovered from human sources 55%. In the present study, PCR has been performed ,for identification of Candida albicans by using specific primer CA3,CA4,which resulted in PCR product as amplicon size (109bp). In Egypt there is no previous study using serotyping of PCR based assay to know different serotypes of Candida albicans, primers used in this study were on the basis of 25S rDNA including forward primers CA-INT-L: ATA AGG GAA GTC GGC AAA ATA GAT CCG TAA and reverse primer CA-INT-R: CCT TGG CTG TGG TTT CGC TAG ATA GTA GAT. C. albicans isolates were divided into 5 genotypes of the size of PCR products as serotype A(450bp),serotype B(840),serotype C(between 450&840),serotype D(1040),serotype E(1080). In order to obtain different C. albicans subtyping on the basis of ALT repeats, two primers (ASDcF: TGA TGA ACC ACA TGT GCT ACA AAG and pCSCR: CGC CTC TAT TGG TCG AGC AGT AGT C) were set on the basis of the nucleotide sequences of C. albicans repetitive sequence. These primers can divide the C. albicans isolates into 6 subtypes according to the sizes of PCR products as subtype 1(526),subtype 2(698),subtype 3(870),subtype 4(1042),subtype 5(1214),subtype 6(1396).rTh9Iradj Ashrafi Tama et al 2014)e frequencies of genotypes A, B and C which were achieved using 25S rDNA , were 66, 24 and 10 percent, respectively. In addition, genotypes D and E were not found in this study. In the present study ,PCR assay was performed for detection of Candida albicans virulenc factors,HWP1,SAP4,ALS1 are the most important virulence factors, which resulted that: each virulence factor gives PCR product (amplicon size)as HWP1(572),SAP4(394),ALS1(318). This study was done to evaluate the genotypic &serotypic identification of Candida albicans by isolation of yeast species from different clinical samples obtained from both human and animals infection & by microscopic morphology &presumptive identification of Candida albicans isolated by chromogenic agar media and Finally confirmed by identification of Candida albicans& its serotypes and its virulence factors by using PCR based assay.