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Assessment of feasibility and acceptability of labor companionship model at Mansuora University hospital /
El-Feshawy, Nagwa Ibrahim Mustafa.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نجوى إبراهيم مصطفى الفيشاوي
مشرف / أمينة محمد راشد النمر
مشرف / حنان عواد معوض المشد
مناقش / سناء علي نورالدين
Labor laws and legislation. Obstetrics. Maternal health services. Labor (Obstetrics)
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
150 p. :
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التمريض - Woman’s Health and Midwifery Nursing Department
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Childbirth is a joyful and a significant event in every woman’s life and their families. However, it is a painful and stressful situation. It is considered a multi- dimensional experience for each parturient woman and has many physical, psychological and social effects that affect women’s life Companionship model during labor is very important to provide support to women. The presence of companions with women during labor meant that women not left alone during this frightened and stressful situation in her life and allow women to be more comfortable with a home like setting. Companionship during labor has a positive outcomes not only for the women but also for the baby. Companionship during labor decreases the need for pharmacological pain relief, operative vaginal delivery or caesarean section, and slightly decreases the length of labor. It also leads to an improved sense of maternal satisfaction with labor, successful breast feeding and foster mother to child-bounding. So, applying companionship model during labor should be encouraged because it is a low cost intervention that has proven to be beneficial to labor out come and women satisfaction. Aim of the study The present study aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of labor companionship model at Mansoura University Hospital. Study Question - Does labor companionship model feasible and acceptable at Mansoura University Hospital? Material and Methods The study was descriptive study conducted in labor unit at Mansoura University Hospital. Sample Type and Size -The study included all health care providers (nurses and obstetricians) and 5o women selected by simple random sample and fulfilling the following criteria: •Women who had vaginal delivery. •Primipara and multipara women. •Women who were free from any medical, obstetric and psychological disorders. • Women who accepted to participate in the study. Tools of data collection -Two tools were used for data collection: Tool I: Divided in to two parts: Part 1: Structured Interview Questionnaire for women designed by the researcher to assess the general characteristics as (age, education, occupation, residence, ect) and obstetric history of women as (number of abortion ,type of previous delivery ,ect). Part 2: Semi- Structured Interview Questionnaire designed by the researcher to assess the feasibility and acceptability of labor companionship model from women point of views.