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Relationship Study of Diseases Epidemiology Support the Decision-Making in the Production of Wheat in Egypt /
Abdullah, Ahmed Ameen.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / احمد امين عبد الله
مشرف / متولى على محمد بركه
مشرف / طارق يوسف بيومى
مشرف / وليد ابراهيم امين
مناقش / جهاد محمد الدسوقى الهباء
مناقش / مجدى جاد الرب السمان
Wheat - Egypt. Wheat - Diseases and pests.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
144 P. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - كلية الزراعة - نبات زراعى
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a) Powdery mildew of wheat caused by Blumeria graminis tritici is major menace for wheat cultivation prevalent in wheat growing areas. Survey work was revealed that, the disease severity was more dingerous in Ismailia governorate (36.22%) than in El-Sharqia governorate (16.55%) during season 2011-2012 .While, season 2012-2013 the disease severity was recorded 32.06% in El-Sharqia governorate and (25.87%) in Ismailia governorates . Moreover, in season 2013-2014 the disease severity was more serious in El-Sharqia governorate (49.11%) and 38.30% in Ismailia governorate .The studies on effect of weather factors on development of disease revealed that 2nd week of March for first season 2011-2012, mid of February for second season 2012-2013 and 3rd week in February for last season 2013-2014 were highly favorable for initiation and further development of powdery mildew of wheat in Ismailia and El-Sharqia. Air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were positive correlated with disease severity.While leaf wetness was correlated negatively with disease severity.Out of 59 lines and two commercial varieties (Sids 12 and Sakha 94) twelve lines showed moderately resistant reaction. The wheat cultivar Sids12 which was subjected to two water regimes and three nitrogen levels indicated that increasing nitrogen dose from low (50 kg/fad. N) up to high N (100 kg/fad. N) had an accelerating effect on infection of powdery mildew.
Key words: Powdery mildew, Wheat, Meteorological factors, Regression, Cluster analysis.