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Effect of fluoridated dental adhesives on the induced demineralized human dentin /
Raghip, Ahmed Gamal Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / احمد جمال محمد راغب
مشرف / أ.د/حسين يحيى السيد
مشرف / أ.د/ وداد محمد عتمان
مناقش / أ.د/حسين يحيى السيد
Conservative Dentistry. Operative Dentistry.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
121 p. :
Dentistry (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الاسنان - قسم العلاج التحفظى
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The current in vitro study to evaluate the amount of fluoride release and effectivenessof fluoridated dental adhesives on the induced demineralized human dentin(Xp bond and prime &bond).Fourty human molars that had been recently extracted from patients
aged 20-30 years old ,were selected from the surgery and maxillofacial Department Faculty of Dentistry ,Tanta university.The teeth were cleaned manually using a curret,examined by a steriomicroscope at a magnification
×40 to ensure they are sound,free of cracks,non carious lesions or any developmental defects 91 .The selected teeth were stored in refrigerated 4°C
saline solution untill the begining of the study for maximum period of one month. Class V cavities were prepared on buccal surfaces using a spherical
carbide bur at high speed hand piece with a coolant system ,with the dimensions of 2 mm depth ,4 mm mesiodistal width and 3 mm occlus
gingival height 94The specimens were coated with 2 layers of nail varnish
leaving 1mm uncoated all around the cavo surface margins.All prepared
specimens were stored in 0.01 ml of artificial saliva solution buffered with
lactic acid (pH 4) in a labeled test tube for 24 hrs at 37oc in an incubator to induce demineralization for dentin only An x-ray was taken for each prepared specimen to detect
demineralization of tooth cavity . A specially fabricated device was used to
ensure the tube angulation,distance of the film from the cavities and time of exposure to eliminate these items as variables.