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هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Fathy Abdel-Azeem Mohamed Ahmed
مشرف / Sayed Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Mohamed
مناقش / Mohamed Helmy Mohamed Yacout
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
152p. :
العلوم الزراعية والبيولوجية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - انتاج دواجن
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This study was carried out at Nubaria Research Station, Animal
Production Research Institute, Egypt, during the period from September
till December 2015, to find outthe ability of rabbits in feeding some new
roughages [Calendula Officinalis (CO) flowers by-products] before and
after treatment with fungi (fungus Tricoderma ressi) or polyethylene
glycol. How it will effect on health or performance of rabbits.
A total number of 84 unsexed weaned New Zealand White rabbits
at six weeks divided into 7 groups, 12 animals wher a sign to fed
untreated or treated CO residues at two levels 15, 30%. The rabbits were
fed diets for 10 weeks and digestibility experimental was carried out at
the end of the experimental period. Seven pelleted experimental diets
were formulated to be approximately isocaloric and isonitrogenous to
cover the recommended nutrient requirements of rabbits.Weekly weight
gain, weekly feed consumption, feed conversion were
recorded.Evaluation of nutrients digestibility, nutritive value, carcass
characteristics, carcasses meat chemical analysis, some blood biochemical
components, caecum activities, nitrogen utilization, were also conducted.
Economic evaluation was determined and results and conclusion could be
summarized as follows:-
Untreated and polyethylene glycol, fungal treated Calendula
Officinalis by-products were chemically analyzed, and the results showed
that, untreated Calendula Officinalis by-products had higher crude fiber,
total phenolics, total taninns and lower DE, ash than treated Calendula
Officinalis by-products with fungi or polyethylene glycol. Treated
Calendula Officinalis with polyethylene glycol had higher in DM, NFE
and lower in CP and the the last had higher CO, DE, DM, ash lower in
TT and TP than the untreated one the values were (82.31, 91.07, 11.89,
2210.9, 8.93 and 9.2, 16.6%) of DM, OM, CP, DE, ash , Total tannins,
Total phenols respectively.( 55.72, 2228.68, 9.05%) respectively.
Rehab, A. M. Abd El-Hay,(2017), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
In CO treated with fungi, CP, DE, ash were increased after the
treatment to be (18.31, 2375.48, 11.75%).While CF, NFE, Total tannins,
Total phenols decreased to be (17.62, 51.03, 4.5, 10.03%) respectively.
The results of feeding trails could be showed as follows:-
1- Higher DWG was recorded for rabbits fed 15, 30 % CO resides
treated with fungi, followed by the 15, 30% CO resudes treated
with PEG then followed by control diets, while diets contained
CO resides untreated were recorded the less DWG.
2- Rabbits fed 30% CO resudes treated with fungi had showed
higher daily feed consumption from 0-10 weeks of age.
3- Diet contained 15, 30% untreated COresudes and 30% CO treated
with PEG were the best of FCR and the 30% CO resides treated
with PEG was recorded the less FCR.
4- Diet contained 30% CO resides treated with fungi had showed
higher digestibility coefficient for almost all nutrient, except for
EE, where it was less than the control diets. However, the fungi
had positive effect for almost nutrients digestibility coefficients.
5- TDN and DCP percentages were showed higher with 15, 30% CO
resides treated with fungi and followed with 15, 30 CO resides
treated with PEG. While diets contained COresudes untreated
were recorded the less nutritive value.
6- Dressing percentage and hot carcass weight were recorded the
higher values for 30% CO resides treated with fungi, followed by
same treated with 15% CO resides.
7- Total VFA’s in the caecum content was higher either for 30% CO
resides treated with fungi or PEG.
8- Higher total cholesterol and triglycrieds level were recorded for
15% and 30% untreated CO resides while lower levels were found
for CO resides treated with the fungus. Lower glucose level
observed with 15% and 30% untreated CO resides diets. Higher
Rehab, A. M. Abd El-Hay,(2017), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
glucose level was observed for CO resides treated with fungus
and the control one.
9- No significant differences were noticed for blood globulin, TP,
Albumin, RBC, Hb were higher for fungi treated COP. Total
lipid, creatinine, urea and AST, ALT enzyme were found to be in
higher level for untreated COP. However, the treatment led to less
level for such constituents.
10- The best values for CAT, SOD, GSH-Px activities in plasma
recorded for rabbits fed on 30% COP treated with fungi and the
less values were recorded for the untreated COP. while, GSH
activities was higher in control group and followed 15,30% COP
treated with fungi. The lowest values were recorded for untreated
groups. For MDA activities, the lower values were recorded for
rabbits fed on 30% COP treated with fungi and the gigher values
were recorded for rabbits fed on COP untreated.
11- Higher N utilization was found for the control and COP treated
with fungi, followed by COP treated with PEG. The less one was
recorded for the untreated COP.
12- Diets with 30% COP treated with fungi or PEG had the best
economic efficiency and performance index comparable to other
Rehab, A. M. Abd El-Hay,(2017), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
 Treatment COP with fungus (Tricoderma ressi) improved the
nutritive value of these roughage and has good results of growth,
digestibility and increased the economic efficiency of the rations.
 COP could be used in rabbit’s rations after fungal treatment or
after treatment with poly ethylene glycol without any harmful
effects on growth or health of rabbits under favorable conditions
for microorganisms and these roughages could be considered
safety in rabbits feed.
 It is recommended that biologically treated Calendula Officinalis
by-products shoots may be used to replace for clover hay up to
30% as a non-conventional cheap feedstuff in growing rabbit
diets. No negative effects on growth performance were noted
reducing cost of feeding to increase profits of rabbit farmers