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تفسير الواقع الفيزيائى فى ضوء النتائج الفلسفية للنظرية النسبية /
مفتاح، سعد الشيبانى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سعد الشيبانى مفتاح
مشرف / عادل عبدالسميع عوض
مشرف / سامي عبدالوهاب
مناقش / عماد إبراهيم عبدالرازق
الفلسفة. الفلسفة العقلية. الفيزياء - نظريات.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
232 ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم الفلسفة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 238

from 238


Einstein tried in 1905 to present his new ideas of special relativity in a way in which the physical world could work. Einstein’s attempt came in the wake of what he and other scientists had discovered from the negative result of the Mikkelson-Morelli experiment. Relativity theory in the field of science is characterized as a mathematical theory in the physical symbols as they mean, the substance of the content contains mathematical assumptions could be created thanks to the author, and gave a new interpretation of the movements of cosmic objects and attractiveness. Relativity is concerned with the behavior of molecules and objects that travel at speeds that are part of the speed of light. This was not in Newton’s theories, because the objects with that velocity were not included in ordinary observations, but in the microscopic world there are few molecules capable of moving rapidly Light, and this speed has been achieved in the rates of particle velocity change. In addition to the principle of relativity, Einstein needed a second principle that dealt with the interaction between light and motion, so he tested the effect of the movement of the light source on the speed of light emitted from it. According to the theory of ether, it is obvious that there is no difference whether the light source is moving or not, light is a mechanical vibration in the air is spreading at a constant speed for him, and this speed depends on the flexibility and density of the ether. Einstein stressed that the general confiscations on which physical theory is based must be accepted, in principle, by experimentation and by its relation to observed reality. The original perceptions in the physical field can only be valid if this relationship is possible. Results do not agree with the existing theory, the proper physical approach does not mean ”Einstein”Which builds on the general principles, and draws the results and correlations compared to observed phenomena. Einstein does not deny the importance of conforming to experience as a criterion for determining the utility of mental constructs that remain otherwise free mental constructs, but does not shy away from his confidence in the mind’s ability to know the laws of the physical world and to present a more accurate picture of this world, There is no way to open them, but from the shape and the circumference of the gradual circle and the movement of scorpions and pulses to build structures and models closest to the representation of the internal mechanism responsible for these aspects. The physical reality of Einstein is formed as closely as possible with the theoretical description. This is done by preparing, purifying and isolating the phenomenon studied until it is ideally suited to a non-physically achievable state, but it is reasonable in that it embodies the theoretical hypothesis guiding the various experimental procedures. Between experience and theory arises from the fact that experimentation is subject to the natural paths of questioning that do not acquire full meaning only from a hypothesis that deals with the principles to which these processes are subjected and in view of a set of initial assumptions regarding the irrational behaviors attributed to nature.