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Influence of bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide foliar application on sugar beet yield and quality under different levels of nitrogen fertilization/
Dahroug, Mohamed Farouk Ibrahim
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد فاروق ابراهيم دحروج
مشرف / المهدى عبد المطلب طعيمة
مناقش / عبد الرحيم سيد عبد الرحيم
مناقش / السعدى عبد الحميد على
Sugar Industry Agriculture.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
93 p. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية تكنولوجيا صناعة السكر والصناعات التكاملية - الشعبة الزراعية
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A field experiment was conducted at entitled influence of bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide foliar application on sugar beet yield and quality under different levels of nitrogen fertilization was carried out at during the two successive winter seasons of (2016- 2017 and 2017-2018) at Abou El Ghar village, Kafr El Zayyat district, Gharbiya Governorate, Egypt to study the response of sugar beet plants (monogram cultivar (Lammia KWS) to three nitrogen fertilizer levels (60, 80 and 100 kg N/fed.) and three concentration (100, 200 and 300 ppm) of zinc oxide nanoparticles as well as one concentration (300 ppm) of bulk zinc oxide and untreated control (without any ZnO). Control plants were treated with distilled water. Treatments were arranged in a split- plot in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The main plots were assigned to nitrogen fertilizer levels, while sub-plots were occupied by bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide foliar application. All other recommended cultural practices for sugar beet crop were done in two growing seasons. Samples of sugar plants were taken at harvest (180 days after sowing). The observations were recorded on different aspects such as biochemical attributes of root ( sucrose percentage and purity percentage) and yield attributes (root yield, sugar yield and top yield) to assess the impact of nitrogen levels, bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide foliar application as well as their interactions on mentioned yield and quality traits of sugar beet. Some traits concern laboratory and field experiments were determined which their results can be summarized as follows.
A- Yield attributes traits
A-1-Root fresh weight (g/plant)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels exerted a significant effect on root fresh weight per plant in the second season only. A gradual increase in means root fresh weight per plant with increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels from 60 to 100 kg/fed. from 1333 to 1400 g/plant in second season.
Foliar spray by bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had a significant and highly significant effect on root fresh weight per plant in the first and second seasons, respectively. The maximum root fresh weight per plant (1235 and 1451 g/plant) were recorded when sugar beet plants sprayed by 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration compared to control (1143 and 1240 g/plant in the first and second seasons respectively). The lowest mean values (1080 and 1240 g/plant) were recorded from 300 ppm bulk zinc oxide concentration and control treatments in the two seasons respective.
The interaction had a significant and highly significant effect in the first and second seasons, respectively on root fresh weight. The highest mean values of root fresh weight (1342 and 1655 g/plant) in the two respective seasons were achieved from sugar beet plants which were sprayed by 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles under 60 Kg N/fed. in the first season and under 100 Kg N/fed. in the second one. The lowest root fresh weight (996 g/plant in the first season) was produced from sugar beet plants which were sprayed by 100 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles under 80 kg N/fed. being (1151 g/plant in the second season) when sugar beet plants were sprayed distill water (control) with 60 kg N/fed.
A-2- Top fresh weight (g/plant)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a highly significant effect on top fresh weight per plant in the second season. The highest mean value (823 g/plant) of these traits were recorded from 100 kg N/fed. in the second season.
Bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide foliar application had insignificant effect on top fresh weight in both seasons.
The interaction between nitrogen levels, bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had a significant and highly significant effect on top fresh weight in the first and second seasons, respectively. The highest mean value of top fresh weight (996 g/plant) in the first season was obtained from sugar beet plants sprayed by 200 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles under 60 kg N/fed. While, the corresponding value in the second season was (957 g/plant) was produced from sugar beet plants which was sprayed by 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles under 100 kg N/fed.
A-3- Root/Top ratio
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a highly significant effect on root/top ratio in the second season. While, in the first season there were insignificant effect on this trait. Nitrogen fertilization at level of 60 kg/fed. produced the highest mean values of root/top ratio (1.40 and 1.86) in the first and second seasons, respectively. While, the lowest mean values (1.36 and 1.71) recorded from 100 kg N/fed. in the first and second seasons, respectively. Increasing nitrogen levels lead to gradually decreased root/top ratio in the two seasons.
The influence of bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide foliar application on root/top ratio had a significant effect in the second season. Furthermore, increasing nanoparticles zinc oxide concentration lead to gradually increased root/top ratio in second season.
The interaction was not significant in the first season but highly significant in the second one. The highest mean value (2.07) of root/top ratio were recorded from 60 kg N/fed. with 300 ppm bulk zinc oxide concentration and the lowest mean value (1.59) from 80 kg N/fed. with 200 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration in the second season.
B- Root and top yields traits
B-1- Root yield (ton/fed.)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels exerted a significant influence on root yield in the second season only but, these differences don’t reach the significant level at 5% level of probability in first season. The maximum root yield mean values (38.30 and 44.83 ton/fed.) were recorded from sugar beet plants which were fertilized by 60 and 100 kg N/ the first and second seasons, respectively. While, the minimum mean values (35.78 and 42.69 ton/fed.) were obtained from sugar beet plants which were fertilized by 80 and 60 kg N/fed. in the first and second seasons, respectively. Increasing nitrogen levels lead to gradually increased root yield up to 100 kg N/fed. with control treatments in the second season only.
Bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had a significant and highly significant effect on root yield in the first and second seasons, respectively. The heaviest mean values of root yield (39.52 and 46.45 ton/fed.) were produced from the highest concentration of nanoparticles zinc oxide (300 ppm) in both seasons.
The interaction between nitrogen fertilizer levels and various bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide concentration had a significant and highly significantly effect on root yield in the first and second seasons, respectively. The heaviest mean values of root yield in the first season (42.96 ton/fed.) was produced from 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration with 60 kg N/fed. While, in the second season 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration with 100 kg N/fed. produced the heaviest root yield (52.96 ton/fed.).
B-2- Top yield (ton/fed.)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a highly significant effect on top yield in the second season in favor of 100 kg N/fed. (26.35 ton/fed.). But, these differences don’t reach the significant level at 5% level of probability in first season.
Bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide foliar application had insignificant effect on top yield in both seasons.
The interaction had a significant and highly significant effect on top yield in the first and second seasons, respectively. The maximum mean value of top yield (31.88 ton/fed.) in the first season was obtained from sugar beet plants which were sprayed by 200 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles under 60 kg N/fed. while, the maximum mean value (30.62 ton/fed.) in the second season was obtained from sugar beet plants which was sprayed by 300 ppm nanoparticles under 100 kg N/fed.
B-3- Harvest index
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a highly significant effect on harvest index in the second season only. The highest mean value in this season (0.65) for sugar beet plants which were received 60 kg N/fed. while the lowest one (0.63) recorded from 100 kg N/fed. in the same season.
Harvest index of sugar beet was significantly influenced by bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide in the second season only. The highest mean value (0.65) was recorded from 300 ppm bulk zinc oxide concentration and the lowest mean value (0.63) was obtained from control treatment in the second season.
The interaction had not significant effect on harvest index in the first season but highly significant in the second season. The highest mean value of harvest index in the second season (0.67) was recorded from sugar beet plants which were sprayed by bulk zinc oxide at the concentration of 300 ppm with 60 kg N/fed.
C- Sugar yield traits
C-1- Gross sugar yield (ton/fed.)
Nitrogen levels had insignificant effect on gross sugar yield in both seasons.
Bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide foliar spray had a highly significant effect on gross sugar yield in both seasons. The maximum mean values (6.16 and 7.16 ton/fed.) of gross sugar yield were recorded when sugar beet plants foliar sprayed by 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration in the first and second seasons, respectively. Otherwise, bulk zinc oxide and control treatment produced the minimum mean values (5.25 and 6.27 ton/fed.) in the two respective seasons.
The interaction of nitrogen fertilizer levels with bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide was highly significant in the second season only. The heaviest value (7.78 ton/fed.) of gross sugar yield was recorded from 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration when accompanied with 100 kg N/fed. in the second season.
C-2- Recoverable sugar yield (ton/fed.)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had not significant effect on recoverable sugar yield in the two growing seasons.
Bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had a highly significant effect on recoverable sugar yield in the first season only. Sprayed sugar beet plants by zinc oxide nanoparticles at the concentration 300 ppm recorded the highest recoverable sugar yield (4.88 ton/fed.) in the first season.
The interaction had a highly significant effected on recoverable sugar yield in the second season only. The highest mean value of recoverable sugar yield (5.59 ton/fed.) in the second season was obtained from sugar beet plants which were sprayed by bulk zinc oxide at the concentration of 300 ppm and fertilized with 80 kg N/fed.
D- Quality traits
D-1- Sucrose percentage (pol %)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a highly significant effect on sucrose percentage in both seasons. Nitrogen fertilizer levels at 80 and 60 kg/fed. recorded the highest sucrose percentage values (15.45 and 16.05 % in the first and second seasons, respectively). In general, sucrose percentage was increased by decreasing nitrogen fertilizer levels.
Foliar spray treatments had a highly significant effect on sucrose percentage in both seasons. The maximum sucrose percentage values (15.59 and 16.04 %) were recorded when sugar beet plants were sprayed by 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration in the first season and 200 ppm in the second one.
The interaction between nitrogen levels, bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had no significant effect on sucrose percentage in the two seasons.
D-2- Quality index (%)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels didn’t excited any significant effect on quality index in the first season. While, in the second season there were a highly significant differences among tested nitrogen levels with regard to quality index. The highest quality values (79.27 and 79.06) were recorded when sugar beet plants received 80 and 60 kg N/fed. in the first and second seasons, respectively. On the other hand, lower quality were obtained from addition of higher level of nitrogen (100 kg/fed.) in both seasons.
Zinc oxide foliar spray exhibited highly significant effect on quality index in the second season only. It can be observed that using 200 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration gave the highest mean value (79.05 %) of quality index in the second season.
The interaction between nitrogen fertilizer levels, bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had a non-significant effect on quality index in the two growing seasons.
D-3- Purity (%)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a highly significant effect on purity in the second season. While, in the first season there were insignificant differences among means of purity. The highest mean values of purity (89.43 and 88.86) were obtained when sugar beet plants received 80 and 60 kg N/fed. in the first and second seasons, respectively. Furthermore, results cleared that purity was gradually increased with decreasing nitrogen fertilizer levels from 60 up to 100 kg/fed. in the second season.
Bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had no significant differences among means values in both seasons.
The interaction had a significant differences between means of purity in the second season. The highest purity value (89.74) was recorded when sugar beet plants received 60 kg N/fed. and sprayed by 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration in the second season. But, it had no significant effect on purity in the first season.
D-4-Alkaline coefficient
Alkaline coefficient didn’t affected significantly by nitrogen fertilizer levels in both seasons.
Foliar spray treatments had not significant effect on this trait in both seasons.
The interaction had a significant effect on this trait in the second season. Sugar beet plants which were fertilized with 60 kg N/fed. and sprayed by distilled water (control) produced the lowest mean value of alkaline coefficient (1.67) in the second season.
D-5- Recoverable sugar percentage (%)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a highly significant effect on recoverable sugar percentage in both seasons. The nitrogen levels of 80 and 60 kg/fed. gave the highest mean values (12.25 and 12.45 %) of recoverable sugar percentage in the first and second seasons, respectively. On the other hand, beet plants which were fertilized by 100 kg N/fed. tended to produce the lowest mean values (11.76 and 11.07 %) in the first and second seasons, respectively.
Bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had a significant effect in the first season and highly significant effect in the second season. Thus, spraying sugar beet plants with 300 and 200 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration gave the highest mean values (12.36 and 12.41 %) of recoverable sugar percentage in the first and second seasons, respectively.
The interaction failed to reach a significant level on this trait in two growing seasons.
D-6- Sugar losses to molasses percentage (%)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a highly significant effect on sugar losses trait in the second season only. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels increased Sugar losses to molasses percentage. The highest mean value of sugar losses % was achieved from 100 kg N/fed. (4.00 % ) in the second season.
Foliar spray treatments with zinc oxide failed to reach a significant level at 5 % level ofprobability in this respect in both seasons.
The interaction had a significant influence on sugar losses to molasses percentage in the second season only. Sugar beet plants which were sprayed by 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles and fertilized with 100 kg N/fed. gave the highest sugar losses to molasses percentage (4.42 %).
E- Impurities
E-1- Alfa- amino nitrogen (m mol/100 g beet)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels didn’t affected significantly -amino-nitrogen in both seasons.
Foliar spray treatments didn’t affected significantly -amino-nitrogen in both seasons.
The interaction had a highly significant effect on -amino-nitrogen in the second season only. The lowest mean value (1.63 m mol/100 g beet) was obtained from sugar beet plants which were fertilized with 60 kg N/fed. and sprayed with 300 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles.
E-2- Potassium (m mol/100 g beet)
Potassium didn’t affected significantly by nitrogen fertilizer levels in both seasons.
Potassium didn’t affected significantly by the tested foliar spray zinc oxide in both seasons.
Potassium didn’t affected significantly by the interaction between nitrogen and zinc oxide in both seasons.
E-3- Sodium (m mol/100 g beet)
Nitrogen fertilizer levels had a significant and highly significant effect on this trait in the first and second seasons, respectively. The highest mean values of Sodium (2.19 and 3.09 mmol/100 g beet) were produced from sugar beet plants which were fertilized by 100 kg N/fed. in the first and second seasons, respectively.
Bulk and nanoparticles zinc oxide had a highly significant effect on this trait in the second season only. The minimum mean values (2.07 m mol/100 g beet) of Sodium were recorded when sugar beet plants spraying by 200 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles concentration in the second season.
The interaction between nitrogen and zinc oxide didn’t affected significantly on this trait in both seasons.