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Dermatological side effects of new era of Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs) in HCV treatment /
El Hamaky, Shaza Ahmed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شذا احمد محمد الحماقى
مشرف / محمد عبد الواحد جابر
مناقش / محمد عبد الواحد جابر
مناقش / محمد عبد الواحد جابر
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
128 p. :
الأمراض الجلدية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - قسم الأمراض الجلدية
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and 25% of hepatocellular carcinoma cases worldwide, the wave of increased HCV related morbidity and mortality is likely due to the widespread availability of injectable therapies and the illicit use of injectable drugs.
Major known modes of transmission include intra-familial transmission, direct blood contact, mother to child, organ transplant, injectable treatment for schistosomiasis, needle-stick injuries, medical and dental procedures, injection drug use, and sharing contaminated materials like razors and shaving kits, no vaccine exists to prevent HCV infection, and while treatment has improved considerably over the years.
Egypt has the highest hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence worldwide, with an estimated overall prevalence of 21.9% among adults in 1995–1996, The origin of the HCV epidemic in Egypt has been attributed to mass campaigns of parenteral anti-schistosomiasis treatment (PAT) in the 1960–1970s.
New DAAs with different viral targets, such as NS3 protease inhibitors, nucleoside/nucleotide analogue and non-nucleoside inhibitors, and NS5A inhibitors are now available new drugs for HCV, all these new drugs have multiple side effects on the skin.
This prospective study was carried on patients with chronic liver disease due to HCV, and all patients receive treatments for eradication of HCV.
This study was carried in Mahalla Hepatology Educational Hospital, starting from march, 2016 till February, 2017.
The study was carried on 108 patients randomly selected with HCV (PCR +ve):
▪ Age: from 18 years, old to 75 years old
▪ Sex: 47 females and 61 males
▪ The entire patient underwent the following:
- Full medical history including any other comorbidity (DM, HTN, cardiac, chest and rheumatoid disease).
- History of any dermatological disease before treatment.
- Side effects appears during or after treatment
- Any treatment taken to these side effects
Inclusion criteria: -
➢ All patients with HCV:
▪ Age from 18:75 years old
▪ Male and female are equal
▪ Took any type and any regimen for treatment of HCV
Exclusion criteria: -
➢ Patient with any dermatological disease before treatment of HCV.
It was found that:
1. HCV prevalence in Egypt affect younger patient more than any other country.
2. Female more affected by HCV due to risk of pregnancy, Delivery (Caesarian section) and blood transfusion.
3. There are multiple new drugs called Direct Acting Antiviral drugs that have great effect on HCV but unfortunately have a lot of dermatological side effects.
4. Most common regimens are (Sof- DAC-Rib), (Sof- Ledi) and (Sof- Sim).
5. Most common dermatological side effects were Itching (36.1%), Rash (17.6%), Photosensitivity (11.1%), Neuropathy and skin dryness (8.3 %).
6. Most of these side effects appeared during treatment (63.9%) while post treatment (22.2%) and during and post (13.9%).
7. Forty five percent of patients received treatment in the form of antihistaminic (19.4%), Diuretics (0.9%), erythropoietin (0.9%), steroid (0.9%), Emollient (11.1%), ursodeoxycholic acid (1.9%), Vit B12 (5.5%) and folic acid, Vit C (0.9%).