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تفعيل دور الإرشاد الزراعى فى إدارة المخاطر الزراعية /
المغازى، ولاء إبراهيم إبراهيم.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ولاء إبراهيم إبراهيم المغازى
مشرف / إبراهيم أبوخليل أمين على سعفان
مشرف / هشام محمد محمد صالح
مناقش / إبراهيم أبوخليل أمين على سعفان
إدارة المخاطر. المخاطر الزراعية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
286 ص. :
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الزراعة - الارشاد الزراعى والمجتمع الريفي.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 218

from 218


The current study aimed mainly to activating the role of agricultural extension in agricultural risk management. The objectives of the study were: Identify the personal, communication and economic characteristics of the respondents farmers. Analysis the agricultural risks which face the respondents farmers.Identify the attitude of the respondents farmers towards both of extension work and agricultural risk management.Analysis the respondents farmers’ agricultural risk management strategies. Identify the current situation for the role of agricultural extension in agricultural risk management and suggestions activated.
The questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents farmers, and agricultural workers, Data were collected during the period from April to September 2018, The percentages, frequencies, standard deviation, mean arithmetic, (F) test , LSD, and multiple regression were used as tools for statistical analyse and conclusions. The main finding of the study could be summarized as follows: More than half of the respondents (59.8%) of the respondents farmers were neutral towards agricultural extension, and (37.3%) had negative attitudes towards agricultural extension, while the percentage of farmers with positive attitudes towards agricultural extension was (2.9%). Farmers were classified according to their attitudes towards agricultural risks management studied to farmers tend to risk (77.5%) of the total respondents farmers, (20.6%) with a traditional approach to risk management, and (2%) of the total respondents farmers as risk taker to agricultural risk management. The ranking of sources of agricultural risk in terms of perception of the farmers interviewed as follows, ranked first institutional risk, followed by the financial risks, and ranked third in the production risk, ranked fourth place the environmental risks, ranked fifth the marketing risks, In ranked sixth p were the human risks, ranked seventh were the legal risks. There are five variables that have a significant effect on the interpretation of variance in risk perception, which is the cultivated crops, and the attitude towards extension. The values of (t) were significant at 0.01 for these two variables, The values of (t) were significant at 0.05 for the other three variables which were the agricultural system followed, the financial liquidity, and the size of agricultural tenure. The most strategy for agricultural risks management in terms of farmers’ application were the strategies of good management practices, followed by the financial instrument strategies, In third ranked were the infrastructure strategies , In the fourth ranked were the strategies of the teamwork , In the fifth and final ranking came the strategies of government programs.