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أنماط التقديم والتأخير فى طوق الحمامة فى الألفة والألاف :
السيد، محمد أحمد السيد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد أحمد السيد السيد
مشرف / محمد عبدالعال الواقدى
مناقش / إبراهيم إبراهيم بركات خليل
مناقش / محمد عبدالمجيد الطويل
اللغة العربية - صرف. اللغة العربية - نحو.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
218 ص. :
اللغة واللسانيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - قسم اللغة العربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 218

from 218


- The researcher has chosen the topic ( types of ( foregrounding and Delays a syntactic semantic study ) throughout “Took Al- Hamama Al olfa and Al olofa “ written by Al Emam Mohammed Ibn Hazm Al-andalosi – as it is regarded a great legacy which indicates Ibn – Hazm’s usage of language skills for example “ foregrounding and Delays “ This usage shows an outstanding effect in syntactic semantic structures which proves his great mastery of the language. Therfore the study was entitled “ Types of foregrounding and Delays in “ Took Al Hamama Alolfa and Al olofa a syntactic semantic study ) supervised by professor Mohammed Abdel Aal Al wakedi, professor of syntax and morphology.- the study used the descriptive method to collect the types of foregrounding and Delays and their various shapes in “ Took – Al Hamama Al olfa and Al olofa by Ibn Hazm Al Andalosi and described it using the methods of : investigation , enumeration , selection and analysis . achieving the prospective goals for the study which are studying these used types in “ Took Al Hamama “ and clarifying their effect semantically .- The content of the study made it a must to write a four- chapter study divided into an introduction , preface , conclusion in addition to resources list and results - The study has achieved various results as follows : The Arabs foregrounded what we due to be delayed for specification and they delayed what was due to be foregrounded for many purposes : specification , optimism , praise , dispraise , wonder , exclamation glorification , pleasing the addresse , offence to cause spite and prayer or pleas for mercy .This parenthesis clause used by grammarians is a kind of emphasis and it is desirable and indicates the fluency of the speaker , his strength and his extended ability to speech . - We concluded through survey and statics that Ibn Hazm used all types of foregrounding and Delays necessary and permitted in Arabic sentences .- The nominal sentence with its different types was much more used than the verbal sentence in foregrounding and Delays . 89.06 % for the nominal sentence and 10.093 % for the verbal sentence .- In his usage of nominal sentence the affirmative unaugmented sentence was more used by 56.14 % , followed by affirmative transcribed sentence by 28.07 % , followed by the negative transcribed sentence by 8.77 % and finally the negative unaugmented sentence by 7.07 % .- In his usage of verbal sentence , the affirmative verbal sentence was more used by 64.28 % followed by the negative verbal sentence by 35.71 % .