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Study of the possible effect of serum zinc, copper and Metallothionein 2A gene polymorphism on response to antiviral treatment of hepatitis C /
Ali, Sara Mohsen Mohamed Abd El-Hakem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ساره محسن محمد عبدالحاكم على
مشرف / اقبال محمد أبوهاشم
مشرف / فايزه عثمان عزام
مناقش / أمنيه أحمد يوسف
مناقش / محمد محمد السيد العرمان
Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C - Prevention. Hepatitis C virus. Zinc.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (149 pages) :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم الباثولوجيا الاكلينيكية.
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This study aimed to assess the interaction of DAA treatment with some trace elements as (Cu, and Zn) besides MT2A gene polymorphism in patients with chronic hepatitis C, and study the effect of this interaction on the response to DAAs therapy. The current study is a case control study done on 72 HCV positive patients (73% of them are responders to DAA therapy and 26% are non- responders) and 99 healthy individuals act as a control in Mansoura specialized internal medicine hospital, Egypt. Our work showed significant decrease in the level of serum Zn in HCV non responders compared to the two other groups (HCV responders and control group), suggesting that serum Zn level could predict the response to DAAs. While serum Cu did not show statistical difference between the three studied groups. Regarding MT2A gene polymorphism of rs28366003, higher frequency of (G) allele and genotypes A/G and G/G was observed among HCV non responder patients with risk to develop poor response to DAAs. The current findings suggest that the level of trace elements (Zn), and MT2A gene polymorphism with risky (G) allele and genotypes A/G and G/G) may act as biochemical parameters with a predictive value for the responsiveness of cases to DAAs as there was significant difference in the level of traces (Zn) and MT2A genotype with risky allele (G) between HCV responders and non-responders.