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الاحتراق الوظيفي وأثره على جودة الخدمة :
العفيفى، أحمد محمد محمد حسنين.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد محمد محمد حسنين العفيفى
مشرف / وفقي السيد الإمام
مناقش / محمد ربيع زناتي
مناقش / حميده محمد البدوي النجار
ادارة الاعمال.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
155 ص. :
الإدارة والأعمال الدولية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التجارة - ادارة الاعمال
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 152

from 152


”This research aimed to study the impact of job burnout on quality of service and was applied to the Telecom Egypt Company in Mansoura City. In order to collect primary data, a questionnaire was designed and randomly data has been collected from some employees in Telecom Egypt in Mansoura City. The sample size is 214, and The SPSS was used to analyze the primary data.The researcher used alpha Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to calculate the constant and truth coefficients, while using both the correlation coefficient and the method of multiple regression analysis to verify the validity of the research assumptions.THE RESEARCHER REACHED SEVERAL RESULTS: There is no significant correlation between the dimensions of job burnout (emotional stress, blunted emotion, feeling of low personal achievement) and the dimensions of service quality (tangible, reliability, security, responsiveness, customer empathy) at Telecom Egypt Company in Mansoura city.Also there is no moral difference between the opinions of the Telecom Egypt Company’s employees on Job burnout and service quality, depending on the nature of the work. There is also no moral difference in the opinions of Telecomegypt Company employees on job burnout and service quality, depending on the job level.There is no moral difference between Telecom Egypt employees’ opinions on job burnout and service quality according to demographic variables (number of years worked for Telecom Egypt). There is also no moral difference in the opinions of the Telecom Egypt Company’s employees on job burnout and service quality, depending on the Gender.”