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الافكار اللاعقلانيه وعلاقتها بالانحراف السيكوباتى لدى عينه من نزلاء السجون /
أبوالعطا، تامر عادل محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / تامر عادل محمد أبوالعطا
مشرف / بدرية كمال أحمد
مشرف / بوسي عصام محمد جاد
مناقش / عفاف عبدالفادى دانيال
مناقش / أكرم فتحى يونس زيدان
الانحراف الاجتماعي. السجناء - جوانب نفسية. الجريمة والمجرمون. السجون.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
102 ص. :
علم النفس التطبيقي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم علم النفس.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 101

from 101


Irrational thoughts are a group of believes hasn’t comes spontaneously but systematically and directly through a cognitive structure of individual and cognitive styles which determine how individual deal with it in daily life Irrational thoughts show clearly in psychopathetic ,they have abnormal behavior describes as a personality disorder , they have no responsibility, never mind of anything ,can’t bear delay , hasn’t bay attention to any normal and religion norms, pretending of goodness and mercifulness , have a high impulsivity and criminal behavior Important : 1- Determine the relation between irrational thoughts and psychopathetic deviation for prisoner. Determine traits of prisoner with irrational thoughts. 3- Improvement health service of prisoner Aims This study aimed to identify the relationship between irrational thoughts and psychopathic deviation among a sample of reform and rehabilitation in the light of four demographic variables. The sample of the study consisted of (100) inmates. Tools: The researcher used the irrational ideas scale prepared by Rihani (1987). The psychopathic deviation scale prepared by Lewis Kamel Malika and Emad Ismail and Attia Muhanna (1966).Validity and stability had been done Results .one of the most important result in this study : There is a significant correlation between irrational thoughts and psychopathetic deviation. Recommendation are shown.