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فاعلية برنامج تدريبي مشترك للتكامل الحسي العصبي والمعرفي في علاج الاطفال ذوي صعوبات التعلم المصحوبة بتشتت الانتباه وفرط الحركة /
مراد، رانيه عاطف.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رانيه عاطف مراد
مشرف / عواطف محمد محمد حسانين
مشرف / خلف أحمد عبدالرسول
مشرف / عمرو أحمد عثمان
مناقش / مصطفى حسيب محمد أبو زيد
مناقش / محسوب عبدالقادر الضوي
التدريب الحسي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
221 ص. :
علم النفس التربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية التربية - علم النفس التربوى
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 245

from 245


In recent years, there has been an increase in behavioral and emotional problems among children, such as: anger, anxiety, aggression, violence, shyness, introversion, social fear, reluctance to study, declining academic achievement, absence from school, and other behavioral problems that have become parents’ talk on one hand and teachers on the other hand. But there are cases of children who have disturbed behaviors, which may not be caused by the surrounding community, such as: children who suffer from hyperactivity with lack of attention.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and the cognitive therapy has been proven its effectiveness in treating children with ADHD, but data are not available to prove the effectiveness of sensory integration therapy in treating children with ADHD and lack of attention (Rathod, Shah, Alagesan & Paranthaman, 2015: 947).
Therefore, the current study is concerned with the comparison between the effect of cognitive therapy and combined cognitive therapy in addition to sensory integration therapy, where we can treat sensory integration to induce a kind of active integration between the senses, and treat the deficiencies resulting from relying on some senses, in reducing the symptoms of distraction and lack of attention in children who they suffer from it, as well as knowing the effect of cognitive therapy and sensory integration therapy on the processes of attention and perception
Research problem:
Studies have indicated that the symptoms of ADHD and hyperactivity do not appear alone but with the third only. Among the disorders that interfere with ADHD are: anxiety disorder, depression, learning difficulties, and generalized developmental disorders (Holowenko, 1999 & Peter, 2001).
Mohammed (2016) showed a decrease in the level of cognitive skills and abilities in children with ADHD to the differences in the level of those skills and abilities according to different variables of age group and academic achievement.
The problem of the current study is crystallized in that there is no early intervention program for sensory integration problems for children with hyperactivity and attention deficit. The lack of sensory integration leads to many and varied difficulties that do not make the child able to act normally and be unable to innovate. Sensory abilities are an important part for the development of sensory performance that requires the synergies of the muscular system and its interconnection with the central nervous system.
Previous studies have shown that cognitive therapy is effective in treating children with ADHD, such as the Rutledge, Bos, McClure and Schweitzer (2012), the Rapport, Orban, Koflerand Friedman (2013), Johnson (2014) Roche, and the Van Donk, Hiemstra -Beernink, Tjeenk-Kalff, Van der Leij and Lindauer (2015), but studies are shallow to demonstrate the efficacy of their sensory integration therapy.
Kawthar Tijani (2015) indicated that attention disorder affects children with ADHD on visual attention processes and verbal, visual and spatial working memory and this affects the academic performance of students. Sahar Al-Khashrami (2007) found that the educational difficulties of these children affected on major aspects related to reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia) and mathematics problems (dyslexia), and the use of three-dimensional educational tools and audiovisual aids greatly improve learning of this group.
Hence, the importance of employing sensory integration appears in improving the capabilities of the learner through integrative sensory training that helps children advance towards higher employment of mental abilities and stimulate their adaptive behavior, and this is what the current study paid attention to.
Therefore, the study problem can be identified in the following question:
Is the sensory training more effective in treating hyperactivity and attention deficit than cognitive therapy?
Research aims:
The current research aims at:
1. Knowing the effectiveness of cognitive therapy in reducing the indicators of hyperactivity and distraction .
2. Knowing the effectiveness of combined cognitive therapy in addition to sensory integration in reducing the indicators of hyperactivity and distraction when applying the treatment on the children of the sample.
3. Treatment of developmental learning difficulties associated with the processes of attention and perception in children through a program based on cognitive therapy and sensory integration therapy.
Research importance:
Theoretical importance:
1. The importance of the research stems from the importance of the target group, which are the children between the ages of (4-6) years who suffer from ADHD.
2. Designing a program by the researcher based on cognitive therapy for the treatment of ADHD.
3. Reaching out to some proposals and preventive measures for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its accompanying symptoms.
4. Access to a method for treating children in the stage (4-6) years as an alternative to drugs that have a negative effect on children at that stage.
5. Highlighting the importance of cognitive therapy specialization and the necessity of training on its techniques as therapeutic techniques to be used in the general therapeutic framework related to disturbance of distraction of attention accompanied by hyperactivity.
Applied importance:
1. Providing parents with useful information and methods on how to deal with the problems facing their children with ADHD.
2. Provide these children with as much effective strategies as possible to prevent future development of the disorder.
3. Introducing teachers of children with learning difficulties to the importance of training them in the techniques of sensory integration as a means of treating attention and perception difficulties.
The main study sample:
The current study was conducted on a sample consisting of (20) children with ADHD at the age of (4-6) years, with an IQ average of (99), and an average of severity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (54.25), noting that the final determination of the characteristics of the sample was based on the results of the exploratory study.
The study sample was deliberately chosen from the children of the University Hospital in Sohag, and the research sample is divided into two groups: The first group includes (10) children receiving cognitive therapy. The second group includes (10) children receiving cognitive therapy and sensory integration therapy sessions.
Research tools:
1. DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder), (APA, 2013)
2. The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Test: Identifying Individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), prepared by Abdul-Raqeeb Al-Buhairi, (2014).
3. The Illustrated Cognitive Process Scale (Attention - Perception) for Kindergarten Children, prepared byWissam Al-Banna, (2017).
4. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, the Fifth version, modified and legalized by Safwat Farag, (2010).
5. The Sensory Integration Program, the Arab-African Foundation.
6. Cognitive therapy program, prepared by the researcher.
Research hypotheses
1. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the first experimental group (cognitive therapy) on the ADHD test in favor of the telemetry.
2. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the second experimental group (cognitive therapy and sensory integration) on the ADHD test in favor of the telemetry.
3. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the first experimental group (cognitive therapy) on the scale of cognitive processes (attention - perception) in favor of the post measurement.
4. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the second experimental group (cognitive therapy and sensory integration) on the scale of cognitive processes (attention - perception) in favor of the telemetry.
5. There are statistically significant differences between the mean ranks of the first and second experimental groups on the attention deficit hyperactivity scale in favor of the second experimental group.
6. There are statistically significant differences between the mean ranks of the first and second experimental groups on the scale of cognitive processes (attention - perception) in favor of the second experimental group.
Statistical methods
Statistical treatment was performed using SPSS program, and the statistical treatment methods were as follows:
1. Pearson correlation coefficient to measure the reliability of the internal consistency of the research tools.
2. Alpha Cronbach correlation coefficient to measure the stability of the study tool and its suitability for field application.
3. Halftone segmentation for stability calculation.
4. The statistical methods used in the following non- parametric methods: A-Mann-Whitney for Independent Groups. B- Wilcoxon for linked groups.
5. Calculate the effect size (ES).
Research has found that the program has proven its effectiveness in:
1. the effectiveness of cognitive therapy in reducing the indicators of hyperactivity and attention distraction. Differences were found in favor of telemetry.
2. The effectiveness of cognitive therapy in treating attention and perception difficulties, as differences were found in favor of telemetry.
3. The effectiveness of combined cognitive therapy in combination with sensory integration in reducing the signs of ADHD; where differences were found in favor of telemetry.
4. The effectiveness of combined cognitive therapy in addition to sensory integration in treating attention and perception difficulties; where differences were found in favor of telemetry.
5. Sensory integration therapy is more effective in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and treating attention and perception difficulties.