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Relationship between hearing impairment and cognitive, psychosocial status and balance confidence among geriatric patients /
Ibrahim, Aml Sabry El-Sayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أمل صبري السيد ابراهيم
مشرف / ھبة نصحي عبدالعزيز محمد
مشرف / نعمت إبراهيم الامام أحمد العشري
مناقش / سعاد حسن عبدالحميد
مناقش / زينب جزر العجمي
Geriatric nursing. Hearing disorders. Hearing disorders - Genetic aspects. Hearing disorders in older adults - Diagnosis.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (163 pages) :
علم الشيخوخة
تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة المنصورة - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض المسنين
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Background : Hearing impairment is a growing public healthcare issue all over the world that increases with age. It has significant impairment in all aspects of life especially among geriatric patients. Aim: Assess the relationship between hearing impairment and cognitive, psychosocial status and balance confidence among geriatric patients. Method: A descriptive research design was utilized with a purposive sample of 112 geriatric patients diagnosed with hearing impairment and met the inclusion criteria. This study was conducted in the outpatient audiology clinic of otolaryngology department at Main Mansoura University Hospital. Data was collected using five tools; Geriatric Patient’s Demographic characteristics and Clinical Data Structured Interview Schedule, Montreal Cognitive Assessment scale, General Well-Being Schedule, UCLA Loneliness Scale version 3 and Activities-Specific Balance Confidence scale. Results: Mild grade of hearing impairment was prevalent in 57.1% of geriatric patients. 34.8% of the geriatric patients had a moderate grade of hearing impairment, 19.6% of them had a moderate cognitive function impairment, 55.4% had severe psychological distress, 37.5% suffered from mild feeling of loneliness and 35.7% from high feeling of loneliness. While, 28.6% of the geriatric patients had a moderate level of balance confidence. Conclusion: Mild grade of hearing impairment is the most prevalent grade among the geriatric patients followed by moderate grade. Severe grade of hearing impairment was found in older age group than the younger age group, in female than males and in those who are illiterate. There was a highly statistically significant relation between the severity of hearing impairment of the geriatric patients and their cognitive status, psychological status, loneliness and balance confidence. Recommendations: Assessing the hearing impaired geriatric patients’ knowledge and skills they utilize to overcome hearing impairment problems and designing an educational program for them about treatment adherence and using hearing aids to improve their cognitive function, psychosocial status and balance confidence.