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Impact of Implementing a Leadership Development Training Program for Staff Nurses on Structural Empowerment, Leadership Self-Efficacy And Clinical Leadership Practices =
Shaheen, Rabab Saleh Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رباب صالح محمد شاهين
مشرف / زينب محمد نبوى
مشرف / ناديه حسن على عوض
مناقش / عزه حسن محمد
مناقش / سهام ابراهيم حموده
Nursing Administration.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
162 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Nursing Administration
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Nursing leadership has been described as the pivotal factor in the attainment of strategic goals by health care organizations. Leadership affects all facets of organizational operations. Transformational practices enhance the motivation, morale and performance of nurses through a variety of mechanisms. These include connecting the nurse’s sense of identity and self to the mission and the collective identity of the organization; being a role model for nurses that inspires them; challenging them to take greater ownership for their work and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of them. The leadership development program is a useful way for showing how the bedside nurses saw themselves as leaders; be empowered, have confidence in his/her abilities as a future leader and employ leadership practices.
Aim of the study:
Determine the impact of implementing a leadership development training program for staff nurses on structural empowerment, leadership self-efficacy, and clinical leadership practices.
The following hypotheses were proposed for this study
H1: Staff nurses undergoing a leadership development training program exhibit higher structure empowerment than before.
H2: Staff nurses undergoing a leadership development training program exhibit higher leadership self-efficacy than before.
H3: Staff nurses undergoing a leadership development training program exhibit higher clinical leadership practices than before.
Setting of the study:
This study was conducted in Inpatient Surgical Care Units at Alexandria Main University Hospital (N=15) namely; cardio thorax, neurology, head and neck, vascular, hepatic, neurosurgery, plastic, otorhinolaryngology, GIT, ophthalmology, colon and rectum, oncology, children surgery, urology (male and female) and children urology. The capacity of beds in surgical units was 756 beds.
Subjects of the study:
Total number of nurses who were working in surgical units at morning and afternoon shift (N=159) by using proportional allocation method, 25% of total number of nurses who are working in surgical units at morning and afternoon shift was selected randomly by simple random sample (N=40) were included in the study.
Tools of the study:
Three main tools were used in this study as follow:
Tool (1): Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II (CWEQ-II (
It was developed by Laschinger et al. (2001) and revised by Laschinger (2012) The CWEQ-II is a modification of the original Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire that was developed by Chandler (1986) to measure structural empowerment. It was adopted by the researcher. It consists of 19 items, which measure Kanter‘s six components of structural empowerment namely; opportunity, information, support, resources, formal power each of this dimension includes (3 items), and informal power (4 items). The responses were measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from
(1) ‗a little‘ to (5) ‗a lot‘. A total empowerment score was calculated by summing the CWEQ-II six subscales (range 19-95). Higher score indicates high perception of structure empowerment. Score ranging (70-95) is described as high structure empowerment, (44-69) as moderate, and low structure empowerment score (19-43). (Appendix I(
Tool (2): Clinical Nurse Leader Self-Efficacy Scale (CNLSE)
It was developed by Gilmartin and Nokes (2015). It consists of 35 items designed to assess the nurse‘s confidence in performance of each of the 9 practice competencies of the clinical nurse leader (CNL) namely: population-based care (9 items), care planning (6 items), unit-based leadership (4 items), managing financial resources (6 items), team management (2 items), continuing education (2 items), mobilizing others (3items), professional leadership (1 items), and mentoring (2 items). The response was measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from (1) ‗not at all confident‘ to (5) ‗extremely confident‘. The overall score level ranging (35-175). Higher score on the instrument (129-175) implies greater self-efficacious in performance of leader practice competence, moderate score on the instrument (82-128) reveals moderate self-efficacious in performance of leader practice competence, lower score on the instrument (35-81) indicate lower self-efficacious in performance of leader practice competence. (Appendix I(
Tool (3): Clinical Leadership Observation Scale
It was developed by Kouzes and Posner (2012b) and was adopted by the researcher to assess clinical leadership of staff nurses aligning with Kouzes and Posner (2007). It consists of 30 items measuring leadership five practices namely; challenge the process, establish a shared vision, enable others to act, model the way, and encourage the heart; each dimension composed of (6.