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الإفادة من أساليب تشكيل بلاطات النحت في تكسيه الواجهات وحوائط العمارة الداخلية /
ابوسيف، بثينة احمد محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / بثينة احمد محمد ابوسيف
مشرف / محمد إبراهيم رجب الشوربجي
مشرف / محمد حامد عبدالفتاح
مناقش / إبراهيم أحمد السيد
مناقش / طه حسن مسعد الغباشي
النحت. الفنون التشكيلية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكترونى (279 صفحة) :
تربية موسيقية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية النوعية - قسم التربية الفنية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 279

from 279


The research sought to achieve the following objectives: 1. The research aims to seek to develop the field of sculpture with modern and contemporary works of art. 2. Identifying new standards and entrances in the field of sculptural tiles formation. 3. Revealing new aesthetic sources in the sculpturally formulated cladding tiles using lines and their types. The research included four chapters, which are as follows: Chapter one: the general framework of the research In it, the researcher presented the idea of the research, and presented the research problem in the form of a main question as follows: What is the possibility of benefiting from the methods of forming sculpture tiles in cladding the walls of internal and external architecture? The following sub-questions are derived from this question: A - What is the possibility of benefiting from the raw materials and techniques developed in the production of tiles for cladding the walls of internal and external architecture? b- What are the technical frameworks to be taken into account in carving cladding tiles? In that chapter, the researcher also dealt with the introduction to the research, research problem, Research aims, research importance, research hypotheses, research methods, search terms, associated studies. Chapter Two: : A study of some building materials for sculpture and wall cladding In this chapter, the researcher studied the following important points: This chapter of the research dealt with the study of three main points, as the chapter dealt with the study of (sculptural construction and its methods, the nature and concept of the material, and some ores of building sculpture and architectural wall coverings), where defining the methods of sculpture is necessary in scientific research, which is what the architects or sculptors used. for sculpting techniques in the design of a building, bridge, mausoleum, or other projects. Sculpture is often integrated with the building structure, and free-standing works are considered part of the original design in architectural sculpture, relief sculpture, relief sculpture, high relief sculpture, and other different methods of wall sculpture as it is an integral part of the building or architectural sculpture as an integral part of the building Or the sculpture that was created specifically to decorate or beautify the architectural structure, and the current chapter deals with the study of the nature and concept of the material. an evolution in the concept of use and configuration. The researcher extended the study to some building materials for sculpture and architectural wall cladding, where she dealt in the same chapter with the study of clay and its types, stones and its types, wood and its types, polyester, as well as plastics and plastics as raw materials suitable for use in carving and manufacturing cladding tiles for internal and external architecture walls. Chapter Three: A study of some cladding slab construction techniques and the obstacles to realizing the aesthetic vision of the interior and exterior walls of architecture. In this chapter, the researcher dealt with a study of some construction techniques for cladding slabs used in interior and exterior architecture. Cladding tiles associated with sculpture are of an aesthetic and plastic nature The materials used in the production of cladding tiles, plastics, are called synthetic resins. These resins are made primarily from petroleum, but some come from natural materials such as coal, natural gas, cotton, and wood. Manufacturers produce the resin and sell it to companies that make plastic products. The researcher reviewed the methods used in the formation of plastics for slabs cladding the walls of internal and external architecture, as well as the study of the techniques used in the production of slabs for cladding the walls of internal and external architecture using wood, and reviewed in the same chapter her study of the techniques of forming slabs for cladding the walls of internal and external architecture from clay and treatment of their surface, and dealt with In the same chapter, there is a study of the obstacles to realizing the aesthetic vision of the internal and external walls of architecture. At the end of her study in the same chapter, she concluded that the conscience must be elevated to the degree of aesthetic perception, and reach it to the highest ranks, by studying the aesthetics of cladding tiles for internal and external architecture walls and studying color and material as basic elements in the forms of cladding tiles in order to complete the system of upgrading the internal and external architecture and become In harmony with the environment and the surrounding space. Chapter Four: Personal Experiment. In this chapter, the researcher presented a technical and aesthetic analysis of her self-experiment, which included ten square-shaped cladding tiles, each side 50 cm long. The researcher also applied the use of cladding tiles using the Photoshop program on the interior and exterior walls of the architecture. The researcher’s subjective artistic experience aims at thinking and imagining the various elements, and the researcher’s artistic experience seeks to develop the ability of expressive sculpture practitioners and give them the ability to deal with ideas and technical information. The idea of the researcher’s formulation of the sculptural formation of the cladding slabs for the interior and exterior walls of architecture was based on the sculptural formulation in which the forms are linked to the ground arising from or added to them, and in which it is difficult to separate the form from the ground. The researcher considers that the sculptural formulation of the tiles (the artistic experience) is a contemporary method in the sculptural formation of the architectural cladding tiles. In that chapter, the researcher reviewed the recommendations that contribute to opening new horizons in the field of sculpture. She also reviewed Arab references, scientific research, translated references, foreign references and websites on the international information network.