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Taxonomic studies on some braconid hymenoptera: Ichneumonoide) parasitoids of lepidoptera in Egypt /
Yusuf Abdelaziz Mohamed Edmardash ,
Yusuf Abdelaziz Mohamed Edmardash
تاريخ النشر
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315 P. :
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Over 600 braconid specimens were collected and examined from almost all geographical regions of Egypt, during regular surveys between June / 2009 and August / 2017, using sweep nets, Malaise and light traps, in addition to examining those deposited in the different Egyptian reference collections. In total, 61 species in 12 genera and four subfamilies, i.e., cardiochilinae, cheloninae, Microgastrinae, and Microtypinae, were recorded. The subfamily Microtypinae is recorded here for the first time for the fauna of Egypt, with four species of the genus microtypus Ratzeburg, of which M. aegypticus edmardash, Gadallah and van achterberg is described as a new species. In cardiochilinae, 11 species in three genera, Bohayella Belokobylskij (1 species), cardiochiles nees (3 species) and schoenlandella cameron (7 species), are reported, of which two are recorded for the first time, C. pseudofallax telenga and S. deserta (telenga), and a new species is described, S. pseudoglabra edmardash, gadallah and Sharkey. This is in addition to four new discoveries (three females and one male). The subfamily cheloninae represents the largest subfamily, with 29 species (48% of the total number of braconid species) in three genera, ascogaster wesmael (2 species), chelonus panzer (10 species), and phanerotoma wesmael (17 species), of which nine species are new records for the fauna of Egypt, and three new species are described, i.e., phanerotoma (Bracotritoma) flavum, P. (P.) aegyptiaca, P. (P.) sinaitica, in addition to the discovery of the unknown male of P. B. acara van achterberg