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تأثير استخدام التعلم عن بعد على نواتج تعلم المهارات التدريسية لطلبة كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة بنها/
حلاوة، أحمد سعد السيد محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد سعد السيد محمد حلاوة
مشرف / محسن حسيب السيد
مناقش / رضا مصطفي هلال
مناقش / أحمد شوقي محمد
التربية الرياضية مناهج وطرق التدريس.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
140 ص. :
مناهج وطرق تدريس
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية الرياضية - المناهج وطرق التدريس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 195

from 195


The current era is witnessing a scientific revolution and a huge explosion of knowledge, science and technology, as the accumulation of theories and their technological applications continues in a way that humanity has not witnessed before, and in the information age, which carries with it many changes in all aspects of life, and tracks the movement of rapid progress in the field of information technology on the one hand and the field of technology Education on the other hand finds that a marriage has occurred between the two fields, and the occurrence of this marriage has led to the emergence of new broad horizons represented in the presence of many technological innovations directly related to the educational process, and it was necessary to respond to them through the development of the educational process and the employment of technological innovations in it. (2:1)
Mohamed Ahmed (2012 AD) indicates that education in Egypt is going through a transitional period imposed by the nature of the age and its requirements, which necessitates changing the curricula, its objectives and methods. To keep pace with development and launch to global horizons, and to confront new changes in the world in the era of globalization through education strategies based on the latest technological methods in order to be free from inherited restrictions so that we have thought, techniques and software in line with the requirements of quality education. (53:355)
Teaching skills: They are the set of teaching behaviors that the teacher shows in his educational activity with the aim of achieving certain goals. These behaviors appear through the teacher’s teaching practices in the form of emotional, motor or verbal responses characterized by the elements of accuracy and speed in performance and adaptation to the conditions of the educational situation, and there are several definitions of the skill Teaching, including:
A pattern of effective teaching behavior in achieving specific goals, which is always issued by the teacher in the form of mental, verbal or emotional responses, and in these responses elements of accuracy or adaptation to the conditions of the teaching situation are integrated.
The manifestations of the perceptual and motor performance of the teacher through the teaching process in an organized and fixed interconnection and sequence in order to achieve specific educational goals, taking into account accuracy and continuity, and vary according to the subject, its nature and characteristics. (59:23-24)
Research problem:
Through the work of the ”researcher” as a member of the assistant board in the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods at the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University, and by observing the teaching methods and methods used in the third year students’ learning of teaching skills, the researcher found that they depend on the imperative method only, where the lecturer explains, and the role of the learner is passive Depends on the instructions he receives, with the inability of this method to attract the attention of learners as it does not take into account the individual differences between students and teachers in addition to the excessive burden on the lecturer as a result, which does not enable him to correct all errors and thus reduces their ability to teach, this is what prompted The researcher ”to study, review and research modern teaching methods, and found that educational platforms provide an appropriate learning environment for all students because it is based on diversifying the presentation methods, procedures and activities used, which enables each student to achieve the desired goals in the manner, tools and activity that suits him.
With the closure of universities and schools in most countries of the world due to the widespread spread of the Corona epidemic, many e-learning platforms have rushed to offer hundreds of courses at different levels for pupils, students, academics, and even workers in the fields of health or creative arts. (42:204)
In today’s fast-paced world, traditional teaching methods are no longer valid to be able to perceive cognitive growth and the diverse experiences in their fields and depth... Educational platforms work to consolidate the understanding of the learner according to an approach to structured thinking that is compatible with the nature of the brain’s work. The biological human brain, in addition, educational platforms stimulate the learner to use and employ the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which increases the efficiency of learning. (15:85)
The researcher considered that providing free educational content and content supporting the Arabic language for an educational platform with the aim of opening the way for students to share their educational experience online so that they can learn better and increase the extent to which they can benefit from this platform with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The motor learning of performance of motor skills requires the process of developing the motor ability of the individual to perform the skill and master it in a way that strengthens the individual’s physical and motor abilities, mental abilities and psychological preparations, so it is important to see how the student learns and how we define the guidance framework in order to develop and improve his practice of skillful performance. (12:67)
On the other hand, educational platforms are consistent with the constructivist theory of learning where the learner builds his own idea of knowledge, and in theory through educational content that expresses the knowledge environment in terms of its components and the relationships between these components. Some studies have indicated that developing concepts for information leads to better levels of remembering, especially since 40% of people are classified as visual learners. So people learn
People do better when you give them information and concepts visually. (32:34)
Hence, the ”researcher” believes that the use of educational platforms as an educational method takes into account the individual differences between learners in learning teaching skills, and then creates a kind of interaction between the student teacher and the learner and achieve a better level in the educational process, hence the idea of conducting this study, which depends on the creation of a platform In light of the above, the researcher finds that it is an attempt to apply one of the modern teaching methods in order to keep pace with the continuous development in improving the educational process and in the hope of advancing the level of effective teaching skills for the student teacher and an attempt to overcome some of the problems facing the teacher. Student teacher of diversity and variance when teaching students in field education in light of the Corona pandemic.
research importance:
Scientific significance:
To draw attention to the importance of using distance learning using an educational platform, as it is one of the important technological innovations that contribute to the development of the educational process and the acquisition of a theoretical and practical perception of learning and the development of the level of skillful performance of swimmers.
Contribute to directing researchers to conduct scientific studies dealing with aspects that the current study has not been exposed to.
Practical importance:
1. That the research contributes to raising the level of teaching skills for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and improving their teaching level.
2. To be in line with the Ministry of Education’s plan to develop the educational system, especially educational technology in Egypt, through computerizing the curricula, which is a qualitative leap in the field of developing educational methods and techniques and making these methods and techniques compatible with the rapid civilizational changes.
Research goal:
The research aims to identify the effect of using distance learning on the outcomes of learning teaching skills for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University.
Research hypotheses:
1. There are statistically significant differences between the mean of the tribal and dimensional measurements of the experimental group in the outcomes of learning the teaching skills of the students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University in favor of the dimensional measurements.
2. There are statistically significant differences between the averages of the tribal and remote measurements of the control group in the outcomes of learning the teaching skills of the students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University in favor of the dimensional measurements.
3. There are statistically significant differences in the outcomes of learning the teaching skills of the students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University between the experimental group and the control group in the averages of dimensional measurements in favor of the experimental group.
Search procedures:
Research Methodology:
The researcher used the quasi-experimental method due to its relevance to the nature of this research, using one of the experimental designs, which is the experimental design for two groups, one experimental and the other a control, using the pre and post measurements for both groups.
Research sample and community:
The research community and sample were chosen by the intentional method from the students of the third year at the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Benha University, who are enrolled in the academic year 2021/2022 AD, and their number is (700) students. ) students with a rate of 11.43% of the total research community, then they were divided into two groups, at a rate of (30) thirty students for each group, and they are as follows:
1. The experimental group: its number (30) thirty students, to whom distance learning is applied using a website supported by (QR CODE).
2. The control group: its number is (30) thirty students, to whom the method of “Explanation and Model Performance” is applied.
The sample of the first exploratory study: (20) twenty students from the research community and outside the actual sample were selected from some field training schools for their use in distance learning using a website supported by (QRCODE) designed for students’ abilities and their comprehension of it.
The second exploratory study sample (20): Twenty of the third year students outside the research community were selected from the field training schools for their use in the scientific transactions of the cognitive test and the evaluation form due to their exposure to the scientific content before the teaching skills in the physical education lesson.
Data collection tools:
The researcher used the following tools to collect data related to the research:
1. Personal interview.
2. Data analysis form. Attachment (2)
3. Non-verbal intelligence test. Prepared by J.c.Raven: Attachment (3)
4. The cognitive achievement test in its initial form. Prepared by (the researcher) attachment (4)
5. The final cognitive achievement test. Prepared by (the researcher) attached (6)
6. A form for evaluating the skills of teaching physical education lesson in its final form. Attachment (8)
Survey Studies:
1- The first exploratory study:
The researcher conducted the first exploratory study, during the time period 31/10/2021 AD from 2/11/2021 AD, on a sample of (20) students from the third-year students in order to calculate the scientific transactions of the cognitive test and evaluation form.
2- The second exploratory study:
The researcher conducted the second exploratory study, from 24/10/2021 AD to 28/10/2021 AD, on the exploratory sample drawn from the research community, numbering (20) students, with the aim of determining the clarity and appropriateness of the educational program using distance learning using the platform. Designed for students of the experimental group and to ensure the safety of the devices and tools used.
Assistants: Attachment (12)
The researcher used (3) faculty members in the Department of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Physical Education at the Faculty of Physical Education for Boys - Benha University in applying the research procedures.
Executing the basic experiment:
Tribal measurements:
The tribal measurements were applied to test the cognitive achievement of the skill of implementing the lesson for the students of the research sample to determine their level, in the period from (7/11/2021 to 16/12/2021) inside the college.
Basic search experience application:
The researcher applied the basic research experiment from (7/11/2021 to 16/12/2021)The research experiment was applied to the experimental group using the educational platform, while the control group implemented the traditional program.
Dimensional measurements:
The post-measurements were applied to test the cognitive achievement and effective teaching skills of students in the period from (19/12/ 2021 AD to 21/12/ 2021AD).
Statistical manipulations:
The researcher used the appropriate statistical treatments for the nature of the research, using the Statistical package for the Social Science (SPSS) program, and the following statistical treatments were used:
1. Arithmetic mean.
2. The mediator.
3. Standard deviation.
4. skew modulus.
5. Correlation coefficient.
6. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.
7. T-test for differences between means (T-test.
Conclusions and Recommendations:
1- Conclusions:
In light of the objectives and hypotheses of the research, and in light of the approach followed and the results that were reached, treated, presented and discussed, and within the limits of the research sample, the researcher reached the following conclusions:
1. Distance learning using the educational platform contributed in a positive way to the acquisition of teaching skills in the physical education lesson for student teachers, as well as the improvement of the level of cognitive achievement of the experimental group members.
2. The traditional method (presentation and explanation) contributed in a positive way to acquiring the skill of implementing the physical education lesson, as well as improving the level of cognitive achievement for the members of the control group.
3. The educational program using the learning cycle strategy was more influential on learning to acquire teaching skills in the physical education lesson for student teachers than the traditional method (presentation and explanation), which indicates its effect.
4. The educational program using distance learning using the educational platform was more influential on the level of cognitive achievement of the information related to the acquisition of teaching skills in the physical education lesson for student teachers than the traditional method, which indicates its effect.
5. There are positive attitudes for the students of the experimental group towards the use of distance learning using the educational platform on the acquisition of teaching skills in the physical education lesson.
2- Recommendations
In light of the findings of the research, the researcher recommends the following:
1. Spreading technical awareness among students and training them to use modern technologies in acquiring teaching skills in a physical education lesson, such as e-mail, educational platforms, Facebook, search engines, dialogue and discussion rooms, and educational forums.
2. Holding seminars and training courses for teachers and supervisors in the field of teaching methods in general and field training in particular to learn how to employ distance learning using the educational platform in the teaching and learning processes.
3. Benefiting from teaching using distance learning using the educational platform to encourage introverted students, and those who possess the characteristics of anxiety and shyness in the traditional classroom, where writing through it provides them with more opportunities to communicate with others, express themselves and increase their self-confidence.
4. The necessity of providing the scientific content of the teaching skills in the physical education lesson electronically so that the student can refer to the educational content at any time and everywhere and thus lead to an improvement in the level of achievement.
5. Training students in the faculties of physical education on how to use distance learning using the educational platform in various sports and benefiting from it during the education process.