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المسؤولية المدنية للمصارف عن عمليات التحويل الإلكتروني للأموال :
الزيداوي، أحمد توج.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد توج الزيداوي
مشرف / منى أبوبكر الصديق محمد حسان
مشرف / أحمد محمد النجار
مناقش / ممدوح خيري المسلمي
مناقش / حسام الدين محمود محمد حسن
القانون المدني.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
243 ص. :
العوامل البشرية وبيئة العمل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الحقوق - قسم القانون المدني
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 243

from 243


The electronic transfer of funds is considered one of the most important means of technological development, and one of the most widely used methods in our daily lives. In light of the development taking place today, hardly a day goes by without money transfer operations taking place, between individuals and institutions alike, and this is certainly not without legal problems. Technically, it goes along with the development of the electronic transfer of funds. The more technology advances and the electronic transfer processes develop, the more problems resulting from these processes increase, and this necessitates immediate intervention and keeping pace with this development. To find legal and technical solutions. Money transfers were traditionally carried out, where the customer bore the hassle of traveling to the bank. To carry out the conversion process himself, to face the complexity of the routine procedures necessary to carry out the conversion process. If the transfer is for large amounts, it will be difficult for the customer to transfer them to the bank. For fear of being exposed to dangers. In some cases, advanced modern means of communication were not provided to facilitate transfer operations, and many banks - especially in Iraq - did not deal with transfer operations electronically in our time, despite the availability of means that help in doing so. However, many banks went in this direction, and succeeded in their experience of digital transformation, except that they faced many legal and technical problems, and these problems are what encouraged us to choose the topic of the letter, through which we try to find or suggest appropriate solutions to some problems, and explain the responsibility incurred by the bank. During the process of electronic transfer of funds, and explaining the type of this responsibility, we learn - through this topic - the most important risks facing the bank and the customer. Because of the electronic transfer of funds and its tools, and on the systems specific to the electronic transfer process, all of this is under this title: “Civil liability of banks for electronic transfer of funds.