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Quality of life in female pattern hair loss before and after topical minoxidil /
Omara, Amira Salah Hashem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أميرة صلاح هاشم عمارة
مشرف / محمد عبدالواحد جابر
مشرف / محمود السيد أبوسالم
Dermatology. Baldness Prevention. Women Health and hygiene.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
91 p. :
الأمراض الجلدية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - الجلدية والامراض التناسلية
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Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is the most common type of hair loss in women and characterized by as a nonscarring paternal alopecia that evolves from the progressive miniaturization of hair follicles and subsequent reduction in the number of terminal hai0r, especially in the central, frontal, and parietal scalp regions, also it’s considered a pattern of hair loss (alopecia) caused by hormones, aging and genetics.
Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) has three main clinical manifestations. The first manifestation is the diffuse thinning of the upper biparietal and vertex regions and preservation of the anterior hair implantation line. Another manifestation is the thinning of the upper bitemporal region and vertex with frontal accentuation that configures as a triangular or christmas tree form with hair loss in a triangular shape in the frontal-vertical area. Third manifestation is a deep recession of the frontal-temporal hairline and true vertex balding, which is typically seen in men but occasionally occurs in women although uncommon.
Although it is a mild dermatological disorder, psychologists and dermatologists have observed that even clinically imperceptible hair loss is capable of damaging the quality of life (QoL) of patients due to the loss of self-image and diminished self-esteem.
Women with hair loss have reported experiencing adverse psychosocial reactions, including irritability, anger, anxiety and depression, due to the significant sexual and social functions of the appearance of their hair.
Treatment options are currently limited and a substantial length of time is required to reach a satisfactory outcome. FDA-approved minoxidil topical solution is an effective and safe treatment for female androgenetic alopecia which acts by promoting hair follicle cycling and prolonging aging. However, few studies have examined the effect of topical minoxidil treatment on the QoL of female patients.
The aim of this study is to assess the QoL in patients with FPHL and determine the effectiveness of topical minoxidil treatment in improving the QoL of these patients.
Patients and methods
This clinical trial descriptive study includes 100 female patients confirmed with Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) admitted to Dermatology Department at El-Bagour General Hospital and Menoufia University Hospital during the period from July 2022 to December 2022. A written informed consent was obtained from all patients after approval guaranteed from the Ethical Committee of El-Bagour General Hospital and Menoufia University Hospital.
Inclusion criteria:
Female patients admitted to Dermatology Department diagnosed with Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) and aged 18-65 years.
Exclusion criteria:
Patients with the following were excluded: Pregnant, nursing, had apparent hair or scalp disease.
All female patients included in present study were subjected to the following:
1. Full History taken.
2. Clinical examinations as follows:
 General examinations
 Dermatological examinations include determination of lesional distribution, and disease extent, as indicated by the percentage of body surface area involvement.
 Dermoscopy
 The dermatology life quality index (DLQI) questionnaire was used in which one of the endpoints of the study was the mean DLQI modified by the author sever affection, moderate affection, slight affection and no affection.
3. The patients were recruited for the follow-up study in which they were treated with topical 2% minoxidil solution (1 ml applied twice daily) for 6 months and then completed the same questionnaires.
4. One index was used to evaluate the improvement of patients receiving treatment for 6 months. Each patient was assessed as one of four grades, namely: ‘sever affection’, ‘moderate affection’, ’slight affection’ ‘‘no affection’ and. A ‘sever affection’ is defined as an increase in the Ludwig score by two, while ‘moderate affection’ is defined as an increase in the Ludwig score by one. ’slight affection’ is defined as decrease in ludwig score by one and decrease of the score by two considered ‘no change’. Patients assessed as having a ‘’slight affection’’ or ‘no affection’ are defined as ‘good responders’ while those deemed to have severe affection or‘ moderate affection to be defined as ‘poor responders’. The improved value of each QoL index was compared with the baseline.
Present study illustrated that (46%) of the study group in age category from (26-38 years), (20%) of the study group in the age
category from (39-45 years) and (20%) of the study group in age category from (46-55 years) (11%) of the study group in age category from (56-65 years) (3%) of the study group in age category from (18-25 years) . Concerning level of education, (100%) of study group can read and write. 50% of them had high education. Regarding to the occupation (56.7%) of the study group were housewives. In relation to the residence, more than half of the women (54%) of the study group from rural area.
The results of the present study
Quality of life in women with female pattern hair loss before treatment with topical minoxidil 2%were unsatisatisfied while Quality of life in women with female pattern hair loss after treatment with topical minoxidil 2%, their was improvement in quality of life. Affection by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were significantly different. How embarrassed, frustrated or self conscious have been affected by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were significantly different.
Interfered with shopping or other outdoor activities caused by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were non significantly different. Hair style influened by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were non significantly different.
Social or leisure activities affected by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were significantly different. Difficulties to do any sport or hobbies caused by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were non significantly different. Prevention from working or studying
caused by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were significantly different.
Problems with partner, any of your close friends or relatives caused by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were non significantly different. Sexual difficulties caused by hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were non significantly different. Treatment problems for hair loss before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were significantly different. Assessment of your hair loss condition by yourself before and after treatment with topical minoxidil 2% (N= 100) were non significantly different.