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Value of Proline Glutamic Acid Leucine Rich Protein and GATA Binding Protein 3 Expression in Breast Cancer: An Immunohistochemical study
Abd El Rahman,Manar Moustafa .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منار مصطفى السيد عبد الرحمن
مشرف / مجدى إسماعيل أحمد
مشرف / صلاح محمد مصطفى
مشرف / عبير مجدى حسن
Pathology diseaes
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
137 .p :
علم المناعة والحساسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الزقازيق - كلية الطب البشرى - Pathology
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Breast carcinoma (BC) is a major global problem, with nearly 1.7 million new cases diagnosed among women worldwide each year, Despite the recent improvement of BC survival. Therapeutic failure, local recurrence, and distant metastasis still represent major challenges.
Therefore, exploring novel breast-specific markers is crucial to predict the responsiveness for treatment and searching for potential target therapies.
The age of submitted patients in current study was ranged from 25 to 72 years. With mean and median ages (49.53 ± 12.64) years and (50) years respectively.
IDC NST, the most common histopathologic type in this study accounting (80%). Both grade III (68.3%) and grade II (26.7%) were the major grades also stage T2 (48.3%) and stage T3(26.7%) were the most frequent stages. while most frequent N stages were N0, N2 (36.7% & 28.3%) respectively. (65%) of the studied cases were Stage III.
Both ER & PR +ve tumors were reported in (55%) of the cases while HER-2 was found in (20%) of the cases. Ki-67% was high in (65%) of the cases. Most frequent Molecular subtypes were Luminal A & triple negative (35% & 30%) respectively.
There was a statistically significant increase in GATA-3 expression in age group > 35 years, also in cases that had low grade and cases that had no LVI. There was a statistically significant increase in GATA-3 expression in cases that had ER & PR +ve breast tumors and cases that had HER-2 –ve expression also among cases had low Ki-67 and finally among Luminal A & B molecular subtypes.
GATA-3 is expressed in especially luminal types breast carcinoma with an overwhelmingly dominant staining in IDC-NST type.
PELP-1 showed no significant association with any of the clinic-pathological parameters.
The immune-histochemical expression of PELP-1 in tumor cells was positive in (96%) of cases only (3.4%) show moderate staining. Moreover, the majority of the PELP-1 +ve cases showed strong nuclear staining, making observation of the staining easy.
PELP-1 immuno-histochemistry stains a significantly higher proportion of both primary and metastatic breast carcinomas compared with GATA -3, and the matched primary/metastatic expression of PELP 1 immunohistochemistry is more consistent.
In the present study, GATA-3 revealed (81%) positive expression rate in primary IBC and (73%) positive in metastatic. in comparable with PELP-1 which revealed (98%) positive expression rate in primary IBC and (86.7%) positive in metastatic cases. There was a statistically significant association between GATA -3 and PLEP-1 in diagnosis of the studied cases.
PELP-1 positivity is stronger and more diffuse than GATA-3 which can be helpful in cases with small tissue samples or problematic background staining.
Breast carcinoma is a major global problem.
IDC NST, the most common histopathologic type in this study accounting (80%).
There was a statistically significant increase in GATA-3 expression in age group > 35 years, low grade, in cases that had no LVI, ER & PR +ve breast tumors, HER-2 –ve, low Ki-67 and finally among Luminal A & B molecular subtypes