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Prevalence of dyspareunia in middle aged females in delta /
Afify, Sahar Samy Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سحر سامى محمود عفيفى
مشرف / محمد عبدالواحد جابر
مناقش / هند رضا السيد عمر
مناقش / محمد عبدالواحد جابر
Dyspareunia. Sexual desire disorders. Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological diagnosis.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
85 p. :
الأمراض الجلدية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - قسم الأمراض الجلدية
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Dyspareunia is defined by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) as genital pain experienced just before, during, or after sexual intercourse. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) describes dyspareunia as recurrent or persistent vaginal pain associated with sexual intercourse in either a male or a female.
Historically, dyspareunia has been classified as a sexual disorder involving pain. Other studies classify dyspareunia into a pain syndrome resulting in sexual dysfunction. Dyspareunia can be subdivided into two groups, superficial/entry/introital dyspareunia and deep dyspareunia, with different etiologies and treatment options. The Report of the International Consensus Development Conference on Female Sexual Dysfunction evaluated and revised existing definitions and classifications of female sexual dysfunction. In the current study we aimed to study the prevalence of dyspareunia in Egypt delta middle aged women and its effect on human sexual life
This study conducted on 227 cases with mean age was 33.71 years with 79.7% aged ≤40 years and 20.3% > 40 years and Min. – Max. 23.0 – 47.0 22.5%, 45.4% primary education, 39.2% secondary and 15.4% university, regarding residence 49.8% from urban and 50.2% rural.
The mean duration of marriage was 10.74 years with 39.6% of cases married for ≤10 and>10 years in 60.4%, Min. – Max. 1.0 – 25.0
5.3% of cases were nulliparous ,44.5% were para 2, 25.1% were para 3 ,9.7% were para 1 ,15.4% were para 4.
As regard mode of delivery 31.2% had vaginal delivery and 68.8% had CS ,95.1% of patients were premenopausal and 4.8% postmenopausal.
55.5% of cases had no history of using of hormonal treatment, 44.5% used hormonal treatment and 79.9% were circumcised, 20.3% were not.
Mean desire score was 3.36, arousal score was 3.97, lubrication score was 3.36, orgasm score 3.75, satisfaction score 3.95, pain score was 3.98 and mean FSFI was 22.86
Questionnaire were made and found that as regard frequency of sex patients had sex daily in 4.8% of cases,44.9% had sex once per week ,34.8% had 2-3 times per week ,15.4% had once per month, regarding sexual desire patients had 5.3% of cases sexual desire Almost always or always, 44.5% had More than half the times, 30% had About half the times, 15.4% had Less than half the times and 4.8% had Almost never or never
As regard becoming wet 15.4% of cases Almost always or always become wet ,39.6% More than half the times, 24.7% About half the times and 20.3% Almost never or never as regard reaching orgasm 10.1% of cases regarding orgasm Almost always or always, 39.6% More than half the times,24.7% About half the times,15.4% Less than half the times and 10.1% Almost never or never, as regard satisfaction with sexual relationship 35.2% of cases satisfied with your sexual relationship ,24.7% Moderately satisfied, 14.5% About equally satisfied and dissatisfied, 5.3% moderately dissatisfied and 20.3% very
dissatisfied ,prevalence of pain during intercourse in the current study was 25.1% had pain less than half the times,54.6% had no pain and 20.3% almost always or always all the times , and as regarding site of pain the most common site of pain was superficial in 11.7% of cases and 33% had deep pain and 55.3% had both .As regard possibility of intercourse at present 20.3% of cases pain make intercourse not possible at present and pain make them avoid intercourse. Regarding pain affecting becoming arousal 20.3% of cases becoming arousal always,19.8% sometimes and 59.9% never.
Regarding pain affecting you becoming wet 20.3% of cases pain affecting becoming wet and regarding feeling about genitalia 15.4% of cases dissatisfied about their genitalia regarding sex motives 30% had motives in sex because of feeling of guilt,7.5% for keeping the ideal image of women,22.5% to avoid partner anger,7.5% to satisfy their sexual desire and 32.5% wish to please their partner
The penetration occurred in 89.9% of cases but in 10.1% no penetration occurs.
Regarding seeking for medical advice 9.7% of cases seeking medical advice and 90.3% of cases had no medical advice. In the current study the final prevalence rates of Dyspareunia were 45.5% of participants reported experience of sexual pain 11.7 % was superficial pain, 33.0% deep pain and 55.3% had both deep and superficial pain.