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عقليةُ النّمو والشَّغفِ الأكاديمِي كمُنبئين بالعَزم الأكاديمي لدى طلاب المرحلَةِ الثّانوية العامة المتفوقين دراسيًا /
تركس، إيمان عزالعرب عبد المقصود أبوزيد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إيمان عزالعرب عبدالمقصود ابوزيد تركس
مشرف / يوسف عبد الصّبور عبداللّاه:
مشرف / آمنة قاسم إسماعيل
مناقش / هاله خير سناري
مناقش / وائل أحمد سليمان الشاذلي
التعليم الثانوي 101459
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
176 ص. :
الصحة النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية التربية - الصحة النفسبة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 212

from 212


The study aimed to identify the level of each of growth mindset, academic passion, and academic Grit among academically outstanding students in the general secondary stage, and the effect of the variables of gender (male/female) and academic specialization (scientific/literary) and the interaction between them on growth mindset, academic passion, and academic Grit, and the extent to which each of growth mindset and academic passion contributes to predicting academic Grit, and the interactive effect of each of growth mindset and academic passion on academic Grit among excellent academically students in the general secondary stage. The study sample consisted of (162) outstanding male and female students, with (82 males_80 females), where their ages ranged between (16-17) years and an average age of (16.685) years, and a standard deviation of (0.172). The study used the growth mindset scale (prepared by the researcher), and the academic passion scale (prepared by The researcher), and the academic Grit scale (prepared by the researcher), in line with the study sample of excellent academically students. The results reached: a high level of growth mindset, academic passion, academic Grit, and their sub-dimensions among excellent academically students in the general secondary stage. There is no statistically significant effect of the gender variable (male/female) and specialization (scientific/literary) and the interaction between them on the growth mindset, with the exception of the two dimensions (direction and challenge); The differences were significant at the level of (0.05), in favor of male students. There is no statistically significant effect of the gender variable (male/female) and specialization (scientific/literary) and the interaction between them on academic passion and academic Grit (total grade and its sub-dimensions) among the study sample of excellent academically students. The growth mindset contributes to predicting academic Grit among excellent academically students, and explains (36.5%) of the variance in academic Grit. Academic passion explains (31.7%) of the variance in academic Grit, and the two independent variables (growth mindset and academic passion) explain (45.7%) of the variance in academic Grit.
Keywords: Growth Mindset - Academic Passion - Academic Grit – Excellent Academically.