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Farahat, Ahmed Mohamed Emara Salem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد محمد عمارة سالم فرحات
مشرف / عايدة محمد علام
مشرف / أشرف عبدالحميد زهران
مناقش / ياسر حسن ابراهيم
الصحة المهنية. الصحة الوقائية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
99 p :
المهن الصحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
- قسم تقويم الموارد الطبيعية
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The researcher study the impact of pneumatic pollutants of the oil industry and their relationship to occupational safety and health within the working environment, the case study on an oil extraction plant located in Sadat city - Menoufia governorate.
Study importance:-
With regard to the importance of the study, we note that the study has two importance:-
Theoretical significance and practical relevance, the theoretical significance of the study comes in that it highlights one of the serious issues raised by the Movement for Contemporary Scientific Progress in the industrial field, especially the manufacture and extraction of vegetable oils and attention to environmental problems as a relatively recent phenomenon.
The practical importance of the study is reflected in the diagnosis of the industry’s air pollutants and their main causes and attempts to address them to reduce their severity.
The objectives of the study:
The main objectives of this study are to achieve the following:-
1- Matching industry to scientific research to solve various problems.
2- Identify & Evaluate potential impacts of emissions from this industry on employees health & environmental & economic.
3- To provide the public with reliable and up-to-date information on air pollution in this industrial.
4- Reduce emissions, resulting particles and reduce them through solutions to various mitigation methods.
5- Comply with the legal requirements (environment law # 4 for 1994 and its modification # 9 for 2009).
6- Put up a strategy to develop a culture of occupational safety, health and the environment inside the factory.
Since creation and man began interacting with the environment affects and is affected by it. Man’s relationship with and attitude to the environment has been a much-debated issue because it is not a constant but moving one that responds to all the changes that occur to both sides of the relationship. The environment has become a topical issue and other issues are at the forefront of the highest local level, but of the universe as a whole. Environmental pollution, especially air, is largely a problem of modern mankind and is undoubtedly the price it pays as a result of its progress. While natural factors also bear part of the pollution’s responsibility, the problem has not evolved sharply and dangerously on human beings and their vital environment until after the industrial revolution. It was only in the 1960s that they emerged urgently globally. And today it is at the forefront of the global problems that threaten humanity with mortality and lead to the destruction of the ecosystem’s characteristics. Industrial cities are experiencing obvious suffering, especially air pollution, as it is considered to be one of the most widespread and serious environmental problems. environmental problems ”, talking about pollution is extremely difficult as a multifaceted and indefinite environmental problem like other environmental problems, We will therefore be exposed to this problem in the manufacture and extraction of vegetable oils dust from processing raw materials including cleaning process, sifting and crushing, While emissions of volatile organic compounds are attributed to the use of solvents extracted from oils, HX is usually used. Organic
solvent emissions are exported from multiple sources in vegetable oil manufacturing plants, including solvent recovery unit, powder cooler and dryer, pipe infusion positions and vents. These emissions may result in adverse health, environmental and economic effects if they fall below the limits permitted under Environmental Act No. 4 of 1994, as amended by Act No. 9 of 2009.
The thesis consists of six chapters:
Chapter 1 is concerned with presenting a quick introduction and description of the importance of air and the main causes of air pollution and the effects of pollution on the environment, human beings and the economy.
Chapter II reviews previous studies on the topic of the study and air pollution.
Chapter III describes the study area, geographical area and study time area as follows:
Study Area:
The geographical scope of the study is located in the modern company for import, export and manufacturing - soy oil, located in the sixth industrial zone - Sadat city - Menoufia governorate, with an area of 72,000 m2.
Study Time Area:
- The time field of study is a key element and ranges from November 2019 to April 2022.
Chapter IV is interested in explaining the materials and methods that used in the study, as environmental measurements were made at the plant in question to assess the air pollutants emitted from each stage of the industry (receipt and seed storage phase, preparation phase and extraction phase) as high
precision devices were used to measure air pollutants from industry and are summarized in the following two devices: -
 Microdust Pro This device used to measure total suspended particle (TSP), particles less than 10 micron PM10 and particles less than 2.5 micron PM2.5.
• FIRSTCHECK PID (Ion Optical Detector), this device used to measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Chapter V presents the results of the study by comparing the results of environmental measurements of the emission of the pneumatic pollutants of the plant under consideration with the permissible limits in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act No. 4 of 1994, as amended by Act No. 9 of 2009 and its Implementing Regulations and Amendments of 2012.
The concentration of particles suspended within the working environment of the soybean plant was measured in seven different locations in the receiving and seed preparation phases, where the results of all concentrations were below the permissible limits, except for one point, the result of which was (10.815 mg/m3), i.e., they are above the limits permitted in accordance with the Environment Act No. 4 of 1994 concerning environmental protection and its amendments under Act No. 9 of 2009 and the Executive Regulations of 1995 and its amendments of 2005, 2012 and 2017, namely 10 mg/m3.
Inhaled particles have also been measured in three different locations within the working environment of the soybean plant. All concentrations were found to be below the permissible limits in accordance with Law 4 of 1994 regarding the protection of the environment and its amendments by
Law No. 9 of 2009 and the executive regulations issued in 1995 and its amendments issued in 2005, 2012 and 2017, which are (3 mg / m3).
Volatile hexane was also measured in 10 different locations within the working environment of the soybean plant, which represents the entire site. If all concentrations are below permissible limits, except for three points the results (222.05 mg/m3 & 272.5 mg/m3 & 290.66 mg/m3) That is, they are above the limits permitted that in accordance with Law 4 of 1994 regarding the protection of the environment and its amendments by Law No. 9 of 2009 and the executive regulations issued in 1995 and its amendments issued in 2005, 2012 and 2017, which is 176 mg / m3.
Chapter VI also devised recommendations to solve problems and reduce the industry’s air pollutants to protect the components of the production process and to achieve sustainable development at the lowest cost.