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Effect of Integrated management of Root Rot disease Management on the productivity of tomato plants under desert environment conditions /
Mansour, Ali Mohamed Khader.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / على محمد خضر منصور
مشرف / ممدوح محمد السعيد السيد عرفة
مشرف / صبرى إبراهيم منصورشاهين
مناقش / محمد فاروق عطيه أحمد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
122 p:
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة مدينة السادات - المكتبة المركزية بالسادات - قسم التنمية المتواصلة للبيئة وإدارة مشروعاتها
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The present work was carried out to study the using of Good Agricultural Practices to Increase Tomato Plants Productivity by Integrated Root Rot Disease Management. Whereas, chemical pesticides might have injury on the environment and human health because they highly toxic substances in agricultural led to, great disturbance in biological balance. These studies were carried out under laboratory, greenhouse and field conditions to confirm correlate scientific facts with application in field. Results obtained from this work could be summarized as follow: -
1. Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii were isolated from rotted samples of tomato plants as the main causal pathogens of root rot and damping off diseases. The antagonists Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens were isolated from the rhizosphere of healthy roots of tomato plants.
2. Most dangerous effects of R. solani and S. rolfsii have occurred at damping off. S. rolfsii (A) caused significantly highest damping off (100.00%) than S. rolfsii (B) (93.33%), while R. solani (B) caused significantly higher in root rot and damping off (86.67%) than R. solani (A) (73.34%). In all cases, the highest incidence of damping-off was due to S. rolfsii isolate (A) whereas R. solani caused the highest percentage of disease incidence at stage of post-emergence damping-off. However, no significant variations were detected between the two isolates of each fungus particularly at the post-emergence stage. Finally, infection by S. rolfsii caused the lowest percentages of survived seedlings of tomato followed by R. solani, respectively.
3. All tested antagonists and their cultural filtrates caused significant reduction in the linear growth of both R. solani and S. rolfsii. Trichoderma harzianum was the most effective followed by T. viride, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens, respectively. Reduction in growth was significantly higher in S. rolfsii (69.65%) than R. solani (62.00).
4. The tested antagonists (T. harzianum and B. subtilis) caused malformation and changed the color in the growing hyphae of both R. solani and S. rolfsii pathogens.
5. Effect of applying different treatments of marmand tomato cv. under field conditions during 2020 and 2021 growing seasons. All tested different-treatments significantly reduced the incidence of root rot in addition, increased the percentage of survived plants in both seasons 2020 and 2021 comparing with the control treatment. T. harzianum with humic acid was the highest efficacy treatment (34.36 and 35.02%) followed by T. viride only (33.13 and 32.01%) in controlling root rot during the two successive growing seasons (2020 and 2021), respectively. In addition increasing the vegetative growth in terms of plant height, No. of brunches/plant and No. of leaves/brunch. On the other hand, humic acid showed the lowest efficacy in controlling tomato diseases during the two successive growing seasons, being 05.52 and 05.07%, respectively in comparison with control treatment.
6. The treatment marmand tomatoes seedling dulited dipping with different treatment at the rate of 1:50 in crop paramaters. T. harzianum with humic acid resulted in significant increase in the percentage of fresh and dry weight of shoots (95.49 and 55.20%) and roots (110.34 and 161.54%), respectively during 2020 growing season and gave the highest increase in fresh and dry weight of shoots (96.97 and 53.20%) and roots (117.73 and 217.24%), respectively during 2021 growing season in comparison with control treatment. On the other hand, humic acid was the lowest effective one during the two growing seasons.
7. Applying any of the tested antagonists and humates as solution and used in diluted 1:50 seedlings for treating tomato seedlings led to significant increase in the assessed yield parameters in 2021 growing season than in 2020 growing season. T. harzianum with humic acid caused significant increase in number of fruit/plant, average fruit weight and fruit yield/plant, respectively in the 2021 growing season and gave 48.5, 103.5g and 5019.75 g, respectively in comparison with the control. On the other hand, humic acid was the lowest effective one during the two growing seasons.
8. All treatment show the efficacy on the fruit quality compared with control treatment during the two seasons 2020 and 2021. Data in Table (9-a & 9-b) show that T. harzianum with humic acid was the highest effective treatment concerning to (Total soluble solid (TSS) being 6.20 and 6.25, Vitamin C being 46.55 and 46.65 mg/100g FW, protein being 4.75 and 4.80 g/100g FW and total carbohydrate being 35.32 and 35.45 mg/100g FW) in comparing with other treatments and control treatment during the two successive growing seasons 2020 and 2021, respectively.
9. The highest effective treatment on flavonoids and total phenols was Trichoderma harzianum combined with humic acid where it recorded 55.00, 200.20 and 55.50, 201.10%, in the two seasons 2020 and 2021, respectively, followed by T. viride with humic. In general, most of the other treatments were moderately effective in this respect. On the contrary humic acid show the least effect in comparison with control treatment.
10. The highest effective treatment on PO, PPO, chitinase and and β-1,3 glucanase enzymes was recorded when combined the Trichoderma harzianum and humic acid 219.50, 13.27, 27.75 and 5.99, respectively in 2021 growing season than from the other season 2020 which recorded 219.00, 13.25, 28.50 and 5.95 on PO, PPO, chitinase and and β-1,3 glucanase enzymes, respectively, followed by T. viride with
11. Adding the different organic matters, i.e. plant residue, cow manure and compost “plant residue + cow manure” to the soil before transplanting tomato at the rate of 12 kg/m2 significantly reduced disease incidence and also, increased the percentage of the survived plants compared to control treatment during 2020 and 2021 growing seasons. Compost was the most effective one in decreasing the disease incidence by efficacy of 17.01 and 32.21% during 2020 and 2021 the two growing seasons, respectively in comparison with control treatment. On the other hand, plant residue show the least effect treatment in comparison with control treatment.
12. Applying any of the tested organic matter as solution and used at the rate 12 kg/ m2 to the soil of tomato seedlings led to significant increase in vegetative growth (plant height, no. of brunches/plant and No. of leaves/brunch), the percentage of fresh and dry weight of shoots, the assessed yield parameters in 2021 growing season than in 2020 growing season. Compost which consists of cow manure and plant residue the best treatment, where plant residue is the least treatmet in compared with control treatment.
13. Adding the organic matter at the rate of 12 kg/ m2 to the soil of tomato seedlings treatments in changes may be occurred in fruit quality “Total soluble solid (TSS), Vitamin C, protein and total carbohydrate. All treatment show the efficacy on the fruit quality compared with control treatment during the two seasons 2020 and 2021. The extensive compost which consists of plant residue and cow manure was the highest effective treatment . On contrary, plant residue is least effect compared with control treatments.
14. Applying any organic matter treatments at the rate of 12 kg/ m2 to the soil of tomato seedlings were affected positively the activities of flavonoid, total phenol, Peroxidase (PO), Polyphenoleoxidase (PPO) chitinase and β-1,3 glucanase enzymes in leaves of tomato plants comparing with control treatment. The extensive compost which consists of plant residue and cow manure was the highest effective treatment . On contrary, plant residue is least effect compared with control treatments.
15. The highest records on PO, PPO, chitinase and and β-1,3 glucanase enzymes when the soil treated with compost, as