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The Relationship between Work Design and Staff Nurses’ Creativity =
Abd Elghafar, Walaa Tokal Mohammed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ولاء تكال محمد عبد الغفار
مشرف / زينب محمد نبوى
مشرف / محمد سعد صالح
مناقش / عزه حسن محمد
مناقش / ريم مبروك عبد الرحمن
Nursing Administration.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
152 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Nursing Administration
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Work design is concerned with how jobs are designed and organized, as well as the roles, duties, and obligations that go into them. Consequently, when work is designed well, staff nurses are more engaged and driven to devise novel ideas and approaches to assist the healthcare organization in accomplishing its objectives. This will result in better health care practice and policies, the growth of health organization and higher-quality patient care. On the other hand, poor work design leads to wide range of negative outcomes like burnout, increase absenteeism, turnover and role ambiguity.
Aim of the study
The present study aims to identify the relationship between work design and staff nurses’ creativity.
This study was conducted at Alexandria Main University Hospital in all inpatient medical care units(N=24) and surgical care units (N=16).
Out of 315 staff nurses of total population, 300 staff nurses were the target population using convenience sampling and based on the inclusion criteria of having 6 months experience and more, being available when the data was being collected, providing direct and indirect care to patients and working in the previously stated units, distributed as follows: (140) in medical units and (160) in surgical units.

Three tools were utilized for data gathering as follows:
Tool Ⅰ: Personal and work-related data Questionnaire:
Demographic data sheet was developed by the investigator; it involved questions related to: age,gender,work status, level of education, years of experience in working unit and years of experience in the hospital.
Tool Ⅱ: The Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ):
This tool was developed by Morgeson and Humphrey (2006) and validated by Morgeson (2015) to assess job design factors and the work nature. It consisted of four main dimensions with (77 items) namely:
A: Task characteristics (24 items) which divided into five sub dimensions namely: task variety (4 items), autonomy (9 items), task identity
(4 items), task significance (4 items), and feedback from job (3 items).
B: Knowledge characteristics (20 items) which divided into five sub dimensions namely: information processing (4 items), job complexity (4 items), skill variety (4 items),specialization (4 items), and problem solving (4 items).
C: Social characteristics (19 items) which divided into four sub dimensions namely: interdependence (6 items), social support (6 items), interaction outside organization (4 items) and feedback from others (3 items).
D: Work context (14 items) which divided into four sub dimensions namely: physical demands (3 items), ergonomics (3 items), work conditions (5 items) and equipment use (3 items).

It was adopted by the researcher and responses were measured on a five-point Likert scale ranged from (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree. Reverse score was done for negative statements. The overall score ranged from (77-385), low scoring ranged from (77-179), indicated low staff nurses’perception regarding job design and work nature, moderate scoring ranged from (180-282), revealed moderate staff nurses’perception regarding job design and work nature and high scoring ranged from (283-385), indicated high staff nurses’perception regarding job design and work nature. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for internal consistency reliability of the tool was (0.927).
Tool Ⅲ: Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment Scale (RDCA):
This tool was developed by (Reisman et al., 2016) to measure staff nurses’ self-perception on the creativity factors. It consisted of eleven main dimensions with (40 items) namely: fluency (3 items) ; originality (6 items) ; flexibility
(3 items) ; tolerance of ambiguity (3 items) ;elaboration (4 items) ;resistance to premature closure (4 items);convergent thinking (3 items); divergent thinking
(3 items); intrinsic motivation (4 items); extrinsic motivation (3 items) and risk taking (4 items). It was adopted by the researcher and for purpose of ease responses. It was adapted from six to three-point Likert scale ranged from (1) disagree to (3) agree. The overall score ranged from (40-120), low scoring of creativity ranged from (40-66), indicated that staff nurses had low creativity level, moderate scoring of creativity ranged from (67-93), indicated that staff nurses had moderate creativity level and high scoring of creativity ranged from (94-120), indicated that staff nurses had high creativity level.Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for internal consistency reliability of the tool was (0.760).

1. An approval for carrying out the study was acquired from the Research Ethics Committee (REC), Faculty of Nursing, AlexandriaUniversity.
2. An official permission was received from the Dean of Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University to conduct the study.
3. A written approval was obtained from hospital administrative authorities of Alexandria Main university Hospital after describing objective of the research to gather data.
4. Studyinstrumentsweretranslated into Arabic, back-to-back translation (Arabic to English and vice versa) was done.
5. A jury of five experts in the research field examined the study tools to determine their content validity. They were: one professor and two assistant professors from nursing administration department and two professors from medical-surgical department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University. Content validity of the tool was assessed. The results of the two tools revealed that total CVI of work design tool (0.913) and total CVI of creativity tool (0.933). Accordingly, some statements were reworded, and the tools were put in the final form.
6. Reliability analysis:The Cronbach’s alpha co-efficient test was used to evaluate the study instruments’ internal consistency. The two tools’ results showed that they were reliable.Work design tool (tool I) was highly reliable with value r=0.927, creativity tool (tool II) was reliable with value r=0.760.
7. A pilot study was conducted on 10 % of nurses (N=30),to verify that the instruments were clear, applicable, and feasible. As well as to identify potential obstacles and issues during the data collection process and no modification wasdone in the tools.
Data collection
Data were gathered from the study subjects using self -administered questionnaire. After outlining the purpose of the research. It was personally given to the study participants at the workplace. The needed instructions were given by the researcher.The questionnaire was filled out in front of the researcher to guarantee their objectivity, prevent bias in their opinions, and make sure every question was answered completely and accurately.For completion of the questionnaire, each study subject consumed approximately from 20- 25 minutes. Gathering data took about two months starting from 19/11/2023 to 19/1/2024.
The following were the most important results of the present study:
• The mean score percentage of overall work design as perceived by staff nurses was high (68.18%)
• The mean score percentage of overall creativity as perceived by staff nurses was high (82.49%).
• Moreover, there was statistically significant difference between staff nurses’ perception of work design and their demographic characteristics in term of gender.
• Furthermore, there was a statistically significant difference between level of staff nurses’ creativity and their demographic characteristics in terms of level of education and years of experience in the unit.
• In addition, there was statistically significant positive weak relation between overall mean score of work design and the overall mean score of creativity.

Recommendations were given focused on the results of the present study to address work design and improve staff nurses’ creativity through increasing the availability of training programs and workshops and enhancing a positive work environment for nurses to improve work design-related knowledge and skills as well as abilities and motivation to enhance staff nurses’ creativity and create problem solving. Provide more autonomy for staff nurses, allowing them to make decisions about work structure and scheduling. Encourage an open exchange of creative ideas and solutions. Implementation of an effective style for rewarding creative nurses.