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Metacognition and it’s Relation to Nurse Educators’ Core Competencies/
Maha Mohie Abd El Salam
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Maha Mohie Abd El Salam
مشرف / Dalia Atef Khalaaf
مشرف / Dalia Atef Khalaaf
مشرف / Rabab Mahmoud Hassan
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
224 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - Nursing Administration Department.
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Metacognition is a very important skill through which nurse educators monitor decision uncertainty and consequently adjust and revise the decision, even in situations in which external feedback is not immediately available. Nurse educators who can accurately assess their knowledge base, monitor, regulate, evaluate, and implement changes to cognitive strategies are able to make right and effective decisions based on their competences that meet their` working targeted outcomes and contribute to work growth and enchantment. Also, metacognition can help nurse educators develop better confidence by improving their core competences and increasing the ability to skilfully plan and implement activities in their working (El-Guindy et al., 2022).
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between metacognition and core competencies among nurse educators through: assessing metacognition awareness of nurse educators, measuring core competencies among nurse educators and finding out the relationship between metacognition and core competencies among nurse educators. And the research question was: What is the relationship between metacognition and core competencies among nurse educator.?
This study was conducted at nursing technical institute which affiliated to faculty of nursing Ain shams university. A descriptive correlational design was used to conduct this study. A convenient sample of all available nurse educators who working in the above-mentioned setting at the time of study and accepted to participate in the study. Their total number is (50) nurse educators. Two main tools were used to collect data namely: Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, An Observation check list of nurse educators core competence.
The main study findings were as follows:
• Reveals that the majority of the studied nurse educators (81.50%) had high awareness level regarding total metacognition.
• Shows that (94%) majority of nurse educators had acceptance level regarding total core competencies.
 There was highly statistically significant correlation between total of metacognition awareness level and core competencies among nurse educators.
Conclusion according to the study findings there was:
Majority of nurse educators had high total metacognition awareness level. Also, majority of nurse educators had core competancies need for preform their job. There was highly statistical significanct correlation between metacognition awareness level and core competancies among nurse educators.
Based on the current study finding the following recommendations are suggested:
 Support nurse educators in taking decision for new idea and provide the resources required to implement the decision- making and problem solving.
 Involve metacognition into nursing curricula and focus on its importance in different aspect of nursing profession.
 Study the relation between metacognitionand decision making abilities among nurse educators.