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Seismic Data Interpretation for Building 3D Structural Model at Ferdaus Oil Field, Western Desert, Egypt \
Ismail, Rasha Mohamed Abd El Hameed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رشا محمد عبد الحميد اسماعيل
مشرف / عبد الخالق محمود محمد الور
مشرف / أحمد محمد صبحى هلالى
مشرف / ممدوح حسين السيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
218 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية العلوم - الجيوفيزياء
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Ferdaus Oil Field is the area under study in this work, which is about 27 km2, which is located southeast of Abu Gharadig Basin in the Western Desert, about 150 km west of Cairo city. Ferdaus Oil Field is located between longitudes 29o 20’ & 29o 30’ E and latitudes 29o 35’ & 29o 40’ N. It has been developed since 1979 and has reached the stage of secondary recovery.
Reservoir modeling typically falls into two main categories: geological modeling (static model) and reservoir simulation modeling (dynamic model). The objectives of the integrated reservoir modeling are to create a reliable evaluation of the bulk and net reservoir volumes, and the original hydrocarbons in place - which are of utmost importance in assessing the economics of a reservoir development project. Static model is created by geophysicists and geologists to provide a static description of the reservoir, prior to production whereas dynamic model is created by reservoir engineers to simulate the flow of fluids within the reservoir, over its production lifetime.
In the present study, seismic interpretation yields Ferdaus oil field structure which is a northwest-southeast oriented highly faulted tilted block. Most faults are trending northwest-southeast or east-west, while a few trend north-south.
Fault modeling, pillar gridding, make horizons and make zones processes were created and added together to build the final 3D structural model. The obtained final 3D structural model confirms the interpreted structure yielded from the seismic interpretation.
The five wells drilled in the Ferdaus oil field tested and identified the regional setting of this part of the Western Desert by having northwest-southeast structure trend at Middle and Lower Abu Roash “G” and Bahariya Formation target levels as a big horst block which is divided into smaller three-way dip closure tilted fault blocks by different fault trends.
Fault seal can arise from reservoir/non-reservoir juxtaposition. Allan diagram method was used to determine the juxtaposed reservoirs for evaluating the flow potential across a fault strike and mapping the fault plane with the hanging wall and footwall intersections superimposed on the modeled fault surface.
The Middle Abu Roash “G”, Lower Abu Roash “G” and Upper Bahariya reservoirs in the footwall upthrown are juxtaposed by Abu Roash “E” silt and shale, Abu Roash “F” Limestone and Upper Abu Roash “G” shale seal Members in the hanging wall downthrown side.
The main objectives of the present study are the following points:
Identify regional subsurface structural features influencing the study area.
Delineate tectonic trends and petrophysical properties of the main reservoir to assess potential zones for oil exploration.
Evaluate the hydrocarbon potential within the Upper Bahariya reservoir.
Locate promising areas for hydrocarbon accumulations.
To achieve these objectives the following geophysical techniques were used such as - potential field data, (i.e. gravity), - seismic interpretation and – fault seal analysis.
(a) Interpretation of the Bouguer gravity anomaly map has been done to delineate the tectonic regime and consequently the new locations of the prospects in the study area for oil occurrences.
(b) Interpret thirty (30) seismic sections by identifying geological formation tops of the reflection horizons at the locations of the available wells, then, picking up and tying their real reflections and correlating these real reflections on the given seismic sections along all seismic lines by using software computer program (Petrel, 2017) developed by Schlumberger Services Company.
(c) Allan Diagram is used to Fault seal can arise from reservoir/non-reservoir juxtaposition. Allan diagram method was used to determine the juxtaposed reservoirs for evaluating the flow potential across a fault strike and mapping the fault plane with the hanging wall and footwall intersections superimposed on the modeled fault surface.
It can be concluded that the Ferdaus Oil Field is characterized by having NW-SE structure trend at A/R “G” and Bahariya formation target levels as a big horst block which is divided into smaller three-way dip closure tilted fault blocks by different fault trends.
• Ferdaus structure is a NW-SE oriented highly faulted tilted block. Most faults are trending NW-SE, E-W and N-S.
• Integration between gravity and seismic data interpretation support the existence of major structure elements within the study area.
• The structural framework on the tops of the main reservoirs is provided by three seismically interpreted horizons, Middle A/R “G”, Lower A/R “G” and Upper Bahariya by construction of depth structure maps.
• Fault elements were detected from these depth structure maps. F-1 is a major normal fault element trending nearly E-W to NW-SE selected to study the fault seal analysis. Fault seal can arise from reservoir/non-reservoir juxtaposition.
• Allan diagram method was used to determine the juxtaposed reservoirs for evaluating the flow potential across a fault strike and mapping the fault plane with the hanging wall and footwall intersections superimposed on the modeled fault surface.
• The Middle Abu Roash “G”, Lower Abu Roash “G” and Upper Bahariya reservoirs in the footwall upthrown are juxtaposed by Abu Roash “E” silt and shale, Abu Roash “F” Limestone and Upper Abu Roash “G” shale seal Members in the hanging wall downthrown side.
• Hydrocarbon potential evaluation in the study area using the available five wells clarifies that four of them are producing wells while the fifth one is a water injector well.
The results of interpretation from the integrated geophysical methods propose new potential locations as prospects for future exploration. Three promising structure traps are determined in this area namely (Prospect-1, Prospect-2 and Prospect-3).